Seems like disappointment after disappointment. Last week it was my exercise class. Three out of five were canceled. A postponement in Amber's nose work class. Instructor broke her leg in July postponing the class till August. Then resumed and she postponed it due to a complication with her ankle and had to go to the clinic. Back again this coming Monday. Sometimes this box search game is not that much different than the "Muffin Tin Game". I'm getting bored with it.
I got an updated DNA map from my ancestry.
Sean got the notice also. So I told my sons "Feel free to marry anyone since the Connolly name is watered down" This is my son's chart.
Tuesday I had my annual wellness exam and flu shot. BLOOD PRESSURE 118/60 BODY MASS INDEX 24.6 kg/m2 but now that I view online my medical record vitals, they have me an inch taller than what I measured. Maybe I'm fat.
Thursday my virtual yoga class at 8AM was canceled for lack of sign ups so I had just enough notice to get into a cycle class at 8:15.
In the evening we took our AKC Elite Trick Dog Performer title. Here's the video and the narrative is in the comments. I will share it on Facebook once the certificate is in hand.
I sold a couple of Frank's tools after the performance to another mechanic. I don't know what most of his tools are or what they are worth. This man came over hauling a BMW sports car on a trailer that he picked up in in Lincoln IL with a big truck so I know he was into mechanical repairs. I was asking $10 for this crank tool but learned it was worth more and he was fair and gave me $25. He found a few 2 things and gave me $35. He went so fast identifying tools that I wish I recorded the names of each so I could record and ID them to fund over to Alan.
I watched a cartoon called "Tangled" on Friday. They lived happily ever after.
Saturday afternoon I stood with the Patriot Guard for a chicken dinner fund raiser for the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight. All meals were prearranged and I had missed the deadline. However, by closing I was able to get a meal.

Sunday I was a reader and Mass and watched "Enola Holmes" on Netflix. I was curious to watch it after a friend on Facebook criticized the bustle dress for a 20-22 year old that was born in 1884. Ok, who cares. It was good and I'd like to watch it again. I fixed baked rigatoni for Sean and myself.
Some people just don't like the new Facebook but as an admin for a
page, I hate it even more. Can't get a complete list of members in my
group. Name search doesn't work in members tab. I can't sort on my
daily scheduled posts by date anymore. So I got the plugin for the
Half of my bathroom is out of power. Fortunately it is not on the washer and dryer side. The outlet by the sink for my hair dryer and lights above are not working. I've reset CFI and every circuit breaker in the house. Looks like it's time to call my electrician. So I stopped by Lowes to see if this would be a good time to upgrade the vanity lights and discussed it with a store representative. He told me the pros and cons of LED and I think I'll stick with what I got. I do like taking the dogs to Lowes. Staff seems to like them also and the girls enjoy being petted in the shopping cart.
There's a sticker on my mail in ballot that I can peel off that says "I voted by mail"
Well it looks like they are predicting a frost this coming weekend and the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a bad winter.