Wednesday Morning I woke up with a headache. After a few aspirin, I vomited. Then I felt better. I attended a PGR Honor Mission for Francis Eugene "Dutch" Jennings, US Army, Carlinville/Springfield, IL, 23 October 2019
Thursday I took my refrigerator magnet nativity to the Chiara Center for the upcoming Nativity Festival. I told them that I couldn't bring the whole refrigerator so this stand would have to do.
After dropping it off, I took the girls for a walk and found a beautiful setting of the Franciscans since St Francis is the patron saint of animals.
In the evening I took Amber to her final lesson in agility 101. Mary is trying to recruit me into being an assistant in the upcoming classes. I feel I should have the full experience first.
Friday evening I went to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum with our Soldiers Aid Society and 114ath Regiment that posted colors for a banquet. We were greeting the guests as they came in.
Saturday morning I stopped by the Abraham Lincoln Museum to see the display for Rosie the Riveter. I stood next to size chart of the Lincoln's. I'm shorter than Mary.
Sophie's AKC Therapy Dog Excellent Title came in the mail on Saturday.
Trick or Treaters at the Old State Capitol; rain couldn't keep this washer and dryer home.
Sunday I took Amber with me to Lincoln's New Salem for the fall festival. The golden trees were at their peak for fall. This was a 2 day event but I volunteered on Sunday only from 11- 4. I wanted to keep Saturday clear on my calendar in case we wanted to do something for Alan's birthday. Turns out we decided to celebrate his birthday on Monday since we have an appointment for a family photo. That was a blessing in disguise because it rained pretty heavy on Saturday. Sunday was perfect. Usually when I have Amber and Sophie together, people go straight to cute little white fluffy. Amber had no competition here. Besides, Amber is more period correct for New Salem since Pekes were introduced to Queen Victoria in 1860 after this time. These photos were taken by my friend, Peggy Bartling.
Many of the others in their historic dresses wore caps but since I had long hair and could put it on top in period fashion, it was a shame to cover it up. Amber was pretty exhausted on the way home.
Here's the photos that I took. Since Amber's rescue name was Ember, I thought it funny she was checking out the fireplace.
Some wondered why I didn't have a fire in the fireplace. I was lazy.
I wanted to show off my willow basket on my back. It's on the floor behind the table in the above photo. This was a wonder fall day.
Might not be this nice for awhile. I met a
family named "Clary" Yep, 7th generation of the bad Clary Grove Boys of
New Salem. We had a nice chat about that incident.
Monday I took Sophie on a Therapy Dog visit. I know someone there caring for his mother in hospice. :(
Then we celebrated a late birthday for Alan with dinner at Sun Thai and had a family photo taken for the church directory. Rain is expected later this week with cooler temperatures and possibly snow mixed with rain.
Tuesday I went to PowerWorks for core class and then I went to the Capitol Canine Club for our foundations class. Amber impressed me as we went through hoops and a tunnel. We've come so far. My problem is I am too focused on our starter status (this little wild thing running around wild) and need to realize the progress. Yeah, I still don't trust this wild racoon.
The remnants of my torn down shed were picked up at the curb since Chatham has a large dumpster week. The village will pick up for seniors. I've downsized and whatever was in the shed will fit the garage. Maybe I can expand my vegetable garden to where the shed was if I can pick up all the rock that was under the shed. Not that my garden did well this year with that early rainfall.
Tuesday evening I went to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum for one of the 4 required volunteer training sessions. I missed last week because of Amber's trick dog class. We had an overview of the building's rental service, a representative, Lisa, from Downtown Springfield inc, and Dr Sam Wheeler. Then we had another volunteer give us a tour of the volunteer stations. Ya know, as many times as I've been in that museum, this guide, Dave Grimm, told me a few things didn't know. Dave liked the temporary WW2 exhibit the best of all the temporary exhibits. I learned that there was an artificial "snake root" at the side of the Lincoln cabin that caused the milk sickness Lincoln's mother died of. Many cabins were burned just to save and recover nails. The cabin is covered by trees but in reality they would be build in a clearing to avoid lighting strikes. The grave stone for Eddie Lincoln that had been in the attic area of the caretakers cottage at the Lincoln Tomb where I normally volunteer was now encased at the museum. Our volunteer guide was Dave Grimm and he was an enlightenment to me.
Wednesday was the Chatham HS homecoming. I was part of the color guard for the homecoming parade. I was sore from our exercise class and then carrying a 12 pound rifle for a mile was a strain on my muscles also.
There is a video on youtube where the color guard is in the front of the parade behind the police car.
Then I went to the Veterans Assistance Commission meeting.
Thursday morning I got mad at Amber. Found her on the kitchen table where the feed bowl was loaded with reward dust remnants intended for supplementing/flavor to dinner kibble. Yoga class was welcome because I was so sore. I took the dogs to the vet office for a weigh in. Amber was 19.4 lbs and Sophie 12.4.
In the evening I went to the Civil War Roundtable and there was a very interesting argument over the states rights to sessession in the constitution.
Friday evening I took Amber to trick dog training at the Pawsitive Training Zone. She looked so cute on this classroom desk that I sent it to our new station.
This photo was shared with News Channel 20 and they shared it on Instagram
She can jump table to table through a hoop. That was easy for her but not for me with a hoop in one hand and a lure in the other.
Amber can tunnel her way through chairs.
I think I got a clue on how to get her to pull her wagon or take a ball for basketball. She’s starting to pull on a scarf tied to a drawer handle with the “take it” command.
Saturday and Sunday I helped with the Agility Trials at the fairgrounds. It looks hard but it's the classes that we have been taking at the Capitol Canine Training Club. Here's one of the better examples of the the beginner class that Amber and I could be in by Spring. I sure have my doubts. This is Marge with her standard poodle, Charlie. Marge did rather well plus the fact that she maintained a schedule of all the volunteers involved. I haven't even been with Amber in the agility ring and there's mention already that I should be an assistant trainer.
On my way home, I stopped by my son's house since his car was in the driveway and I missed him doing laundry at my house. I noticed he had a tank in his house. I learned he adopted a corn snake he found on Craigslist. It eats mice (not necessarily alive so he says).
There was a photographer at the rally last week in Caseyville and he sent me a photo he got of Amber sniffing around when she should have been looking at me.
There is a titling for "nose work" but my feeling is she sniffs enough without the added class of sniffing and detecting a hit/alert. Then someone pointed out that there might be less sniffing when a dog is sniffing for certain scents like birch and anise.
In the evening I went to the Spooktackular at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum. I went to watch "Ghosts of the Library". I added a little steampunk look but it's a work in progress. I think I need a different skirt since lace gets hooked on the frog hooks of the boots.
I got a cool tattoo that I don't want to wash off.
Kids were in the cutest costumes and there were neat games and music.
Some local teens would hide in the corners and come out slowly with their dark make up.
Mummy bowling pins knocked over with a pumpkin.
Sunday morning I went to Mass and then took Amber on a therapy dog visit where she did some tricks for the residents. Then I quickly got ready for the second day of agility at the state fairgrounds.
Monday I took Sophie to the nursing home. Pumpkin man's lap was the first visit.
My lap was the last she sat on after the visit (selfie).
I had a nice shoulder and back massage Monday afternoon. Nice but short lived by evening because I seem to tense up in a little chilly walk for the dogs.
Church is getting ready to do a Jubilee directory and I have an appointment for for family photo.
Wednesday I scheduled 4 new windows for November. Funny thing...last night before my
AmVets meeting, I stopped by Capitol Canine and the minute I walked in,
JoLee asked if I was getting windows. I said "how did you know?" She
had talked to Matt after my appointment and said he saw a lady with a
dog that demonstrated tricks. She asked Matt what the dog's name was
and knew I'm Amber's mom. I was only there briefly because I went to the Amvets meeting. After the Amvets meeting I stopped by the Bedell's house to help them with a computer problem.
Thursday morning I got up early to volunteer for a fundraiser for the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight. I had the 6AM- 9AM shift.
After my shift from 6A-9A, I had a therapy dog visit with Sophie at 2p. Then in the evening I took the dogs to a pet blessing at St John's Hospital lawn. It was raining earlier but stopped for the pet blessing. However, the wind blew rain off the leaves. Father Freddy is the hospital's resident chaplain. I'm not so sure he's a fan of pets but seems to understand God's creatures and their importance. The blessing out of the book said it all.
After the pet blessing I went to the Catholic War Veterans meeting at 7pm. I left the girls in the car. I had to leave at 8p so I could get the dogs walked and resettled in because I had an
agility class at 9p.
Friday morning I got the morning routine done (including the trash) and then headed to Caseyville for the AKC trials. This is camp Capitol Canine Training Club with my crate and chair in back. I was feeling a little stressed after our morning non-qualify, and I had a long wait between the trials, I
snapped this photo to focus on doing better. "A little more kindness, a little less hurry a little more laughter a little less worry". We walked a lot and practiced. It paid off.
My number is 1402 at the bottom and then I got to leave. The 8 on the right is her jump height.
and I got a blue ribbon for our score of 92 from the same judge we got
Non-Qualify in the morning. I just had to show WE CAN. I know the NQ was partly
my poor gestures and partly Amber's lack of focus. Since we were first of 3 in our category "AKC Rally Advanced A" I must watch the others. Oh I felt confident. I knew we did better than the pug.
I got back home about 7:45 and knew that there was some practice going on till 8 so I stopped in to brag.
Now I must schedule her to pick up that missing trial (AKA leg) to finish titling as AKC Rally Advanced. I don't want to register for more than one trial because I won't be prepared to use a spare registration fee to bump up into excellent category. Or should I? Well looking around it doesn't seem like there's any trials around in the near future.
Before retiring, I brought some plants in for Saturday morning we had our first frost. Time to get the coats out of the dry cleaning bags. The place I get my cleaning has since went out of business so next year I'll need to find a new place.
The drapery didn't release until after the ceremony when Nate (in the background) pulled a rope and ta-da! It was windy so one of the members of the board hung on the drape. Notice the gold braid on her sleeves. I like it so I think our Catholic War Veterans Post Commander needs braiding on his sleeves.
Here's another link to the media:
These are some of the key players in the Shaft re-dedication.
Sunday morning I went to Mass with the Catholic War Veterans at St Francis Cabrini church. There was a nice display in the church about "birth right".
CWV is changing the uniform blazer from light blue to navy blue because of the variations in the color.
After Mass we went to breakfast at Parkway Cafe. I called my son to see if he was OK at my house and his laundry. I was hoping he could help tear down my shed. Since he was ok. I sought to pursue the "Ride in Honor". We went to various memorials: Camp Butler, Spaulding, Oak Ridge and New Berlin.
My brick at the New Berlin Memorial.
I finally turned the heat on Monday morning. I've been avoiding that since the days are really nice but getting out of bed is scary. Now to tear the shed down for the large trash pick up.