Monday, February 18, 2019

My week

My last blog ended with the start of a sinus cold.  I had a lot of rest since then.  In fact I hated skipping gym class but I did attend the Lincoln's Birthday dance for 4 hours on Tuesday.  Then back to rest.  I frequently had to attend to my nose.  Friday morning, that brick of sinus congestion left.  Oh not the runny nose but the pain in the head was lifted.  Sunday, at Mass, I told Father I should get a refund on that blessing from St Blaise.

Here's the group photo.  I had already put my paletote on since it was over.Ya know I was eager to go home to bed again.

Wednesday I went to our AMVETS meeting. We didn't have a quorum.  Thursday evening I went to the Catholic War Veterans meeting.

Friday morning I did my good deed. There was a loose husky running around and I got my coat on and leash. She came right to me and I looped a lead around. I put her in garage (dare not introduce her to my dogs) and called police. They said they had a caller looking for this dog. Dispatch matched the frantic owners with my location. Happy ending.

Friday afternoon I went to the Lincoln Tomb to volunteer.  The scheduled bus tours didn't show in the afternoon.

Saturday morning I brought Sophie briefly to a visitation for Edith at church. Sophie sat on Edith's lap when she first became a therapy dog.   I think her daughter was glad I brought her.
Then I went to a meeting for the Soldiers Aid Society and then to Illinois State Military Museum for a program called "Getting Started as a Reenactor" for various eras of war.

I do have an update on a WW1 nurse outfit being custom made.  Not satisfied with this costume.

I watched a 1950s movie on Comet ~ Destination Moon
My Comcast bill payment was $111.61.  My next bill is $157.   This isn't looking good.  I tried to get it lowered through the "chat" feature.  All they did was point me to their plans.  I tried the "contact" and they called me back.  Same.  The person on the line tried to match me with an even more expensive plan.  I finally got a hold of someone on their twitter @comcastcares and got my old plan back.Whew!  I thought I was gonna cut the tv and internet there for a moment.

Sunday evening I took Amber to Capitol Canine for member only practice.  I got frustrated with her. Seems other dogs did better and I got a little mad.  Most of the other dogs had a trial title and we are new. I should have broken up the stations into smaller tasks for her.  I feel bad that I yelled at her and she crouched like when she's guilty of an accident in the house. Afterward I gave her a bath.  She smells better.

Monday I took Sophie to the nursing home and then went to dog training as an observer.   Then I watched the 2019 American Dog Rescue Show.  Too cute for words.

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