Monday, February 4, 2019

My Week

Temperature ups and downs like -14 degrees on Wednesday and 50 degrees on Sunday.  Many witnesses to the freeze quake rumbles.  I did not hear any but then I wear hearing aids.

Then Sean said his heat when out when he got home from work and his dog was shivering.  He quickly packed up and stayed the night with me.  I sealed the windows.
Thursday the heat was restored.  The serviceman replaced the thermal coupler but told him that next time it would be a full replacement.

Friday evening I went to a ribbon cutting and open house for the newly remodeled Prairie View Reception Center

Saturday we warmed up and ice started melting.  I went to Petsmart for sample Saturday and used a coupon for dog food. Oh, and I went to the car wash so that Nissan and I look presentable.  Lowes delivered the dishwasher that I ordered and should be installed when the kitchen gets remodeled.

Before Mass on Sunday, Fr John greeted people as they came through the door.  I had my throat blessed.

Details regarding the miraculous healing of the boy vary. One account relates that the miracle occurred during the journey to take Blaise to prison when he placed his hand on the boy's head and prayed; another that the miracle happened while Blaise was in prison when he picked up two candles provided to him and formed a cross around the boy's throat. The use of candles for the blessing of throats stems from the candles that Blaise used while in prison. When an old woman's pig had been miraculously rescued from a wolf by Saint Blaise, she would visit him in prison, bringing him food and candles to bring him light in his dark cell.

Afterward I went to a visitation for the funeral of Mary Palazollo.  Her husband was a member of our Legion.

Monday I went to the gym, Therapy Dog Visit, Lisa's dog training, then American Legion.  I caught a hawk eating a squirrel in the neighbor's yard.  One less squirrel digging up my yard.  At times I'd see a dozen squirrels frolicking (and..more)until the predator moved in.
I watched a movie on Lifetime called "The Help".  The reviews of the book didn't seem good but I liked the movie. Academy Award Winner Octavia Spencer won Best Supporting Actress!  Oh, and I'm addicted to Masterpiece theather's "Victoria"

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