Monday, August 8, 2016

My Week

The heat wave continues but now I see Surprise Lilies popping up in many yards including my own.  Oh and the milkweed is coming back that I tried to remove.  Oh but my friends on facebook think it's wonderful for the butterflies but I see a weed that is toxic.

There is talk about changes to our senior exercise schedule.  Our Tuesday morning core TRX session will be on Thursday after senior yoga.

Thursday I took Sophie on a double visit day:  morning to St John's Hospital and in the afternoon to Reflections.  I liked being in the air conditioned building but some of the residents said they were cold.  They were.  I held a couple hands and even felt a cold nose.  Of course, one of the couches was under a vent too.  Between these two visits I checked my email to see  our TDI newsletter that was really motivating.

The cell phone cover for my iPhone arrived.  It will be better concealed for reenacting.

Friday morning was exciting for my trap.  We had a light rain so this was a muddy trap clean up.  It took longer than the squirrel.
My neighbor later told me it was illegal to transport wildlife nor dispose this way.  Heck around to work and enforce it I figure.

I went to the Old State Capitol to help with tours and our Soldiers Aid Society's portion of History Comes Alive.  We did our little still tableau
  vivant about letters home.  I was the mother who received the letter with the bad news.  Aug 12th ends our Friday afternoon display.
In the evening I went to Lincoln's New Salem State Park to see "Cats" at the the Theater in the Park.

Here's the news article with better photos than mine.

Saturday morning was so nice that my walk with Sophie turned into a long walk ... over an hour...along the bicycle path.  I cleaned my interior of my car.  I do need to get a repair on the seat that won't fold down and it would look better if I cleaned it up before making an appointment.  It seems like the cable is detached.
I also trimmed the trees growing from my neighbor's fence that was part of her vegetable garden.  Those trees were making my mowing difficult and I would have to duck to avoid them.  I gained a cucumber in the process.
Afterward I helped with our Land of Lincoln Honor Flight Hog Roast Fund raiser from 12-7pm.  You could say I was exhausted.  I wished more would have come to that.  We did raise about $4,000.  We have leftovers.

Picture of me with the 5th grade Vacation Bible School was in our Sunday bulletin (pg 3):
Looks like I have the first reading next Sunday too.  Here's an upcoming audio:
It was nice so I rode the little Yamaha to church and I was a Eucaristic Minister. 
Sunday I rode my motorcycle to the dedication of the Purple Heart memorial.
Here's a bit of TV news media:

and newspaper with VFW 755 posting colors (I sat under the blue awning)

I went to the VFW post for pizza afterwards and helped unload a few chairs that were loaned for the ceremony.

Monday morning I was the new mat flooring promised in our exercise room at Powerworks.  The exercise schedule is due to change in September and I wonder if I'll be working with the Silver Sneakers 5 days a week because Wed and Thur will be double classes.  Sophie and I had a double TDI visit day at Regency Care and St John's Hospital with lunch in between.  Afterward I stopped by Petsmart for more dog food.  Then I took her to Lowes for some hardware.  She laid down on the cool floor while I made a selection then followed with her leash dragging to the cash register where she was a hit and some one too a picture.

Folks in our town are pleased to see Ryan Held represent Springfield, he and his teammates are bringing home the gold for the United States!

My son, Alan, made the Peoria news.  My son's name is mentioned in this humble article.

With the upcoming remake of the Rocky Horror Picture Show in October on Fox, and the upcoming show at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, I updated my website.
I think I found a hand off of being the MC for this event.  Now to update the PowerPoint slides that accompany the film.

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