Monday, August 15, 2016

My Week

Tuesday after exercise, I mowed the yard, took my dog to the nursing home, and then went to the retreat ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb.  During the ceremony, I mingle with the crowd.  A lady next to me changed her instinctive military salute to a hand over heart.  I noticed she's a veteran.  I said "me too but not like this".  :)

About the second week of Oct,  Suttons will start on my sun room.  The construction should take about 3 weeks.  They have been surveying the site.

Thursday I helped with beer sales at the state fair on opening evening.  I usually volunteer at the booth in Ethnic Village portion of the fair because there's no loud bands like there is in the other beer tents.  There are 2 beer huts there and of course I went to the wrong one at first.  We are supposed to pour the beer into cups but the cups were not available for the first 1/2 hour so we served in bottles and cans to the thirsty crowd in the hot weather.  There were even joggers thirsty from an opening day marathon. 

Friday morning Alan dropped his dog, Hank, off at my house to sit while he caught a plane to California to visit a marine buddy.  I took a walk to see if I could handle a bigger dog on a leash with my Son walking Sophie in tow.  That went OK.  I went to the last of our Friday afternoon Soldiers Aid Society presentations at the Old State Capitol.  While there, Alan texted that his flight was cancelled and they couldn't get him out until Sunday.  Heck he was planning on returning Monday so that was called off and he picked up his dog on Saturday.  I tied Sophie to the front as usual because she likes to watch Travis. Hank got out but his recall was excellent. Better than Sophie. I left the back yard door open to him.  He likes to stare down rabbits. Oh, and Hank likes butter on the counter too. He is in need of the "leave it" command.

Sean worked the new Brew Garden Friday night and there was a record rainfall.  This is just terrible. It was nice to cool off from the high heat index but I sure didn't pray for this. 
It's just insane.  Sean was working the new Brew Garden and that location didn't get the word that the it closed.  He walked home from the fair with a trash bag over his head.
 Photos of the flood at the state fair on the newspaper SJ-R: 
Now I watch videos of the flooding in Louisiana and I am in total shock.

Here is the display I made for the Catholic War Veterans. I'm really proud of it and the creativity I came up with. The lace doily on the bottom is for our flyers.  It's a self standing plant trellis which I made a slip cover.  I have a lace table cloth and a battery candle.
Here is our post commander, Pat Noel, and our adjutant, Joan Garvert.
 Although I like the photo above, here's one with me in it too.

Sunday morning was a rush.  I drove to the fairgrounds to put up our table for veterans day at the fair about 7AM.  Then I came to 8AM Mass and was the first reader.
Then back to the fair.
Sunday was pretty well attended at the fair.  I had Jamaican jerk chicken from Ethnic Village.  It was spicier than the last vendor.  I figure that would be better than the free meal offered for veterans.  I got to see the newborn pigs.  I had my cup of honey ice cream.  The veterans parade was at 5pm that I've participated in the past was 5 min in length. Then I came home exhausted.
I was curious about the flooded area from Friday and the water was receded but the camping trailers still in place.  The weather was nice with enough cloud cover to keep the sun away but thin enough for a great trip to the fair.  By the end of the day though, my cell phone gave me a flash flood warning for Monday.  Monday is senior day at the fair but I passed.

Sophie on a Therapy Dog visit. (shared by their facebook site and obviously I didn't take it if I'm in the photo just to cover HIPPA authorization on their side)

 I had written a report for the Illinois State AMVETS commander as his Women's Veterans Affairs Chairman.  However, the book report for the upcoming School of Instruction was cancelled.   A little disappointing since I wrote a good report and had other She-Vets proof it.

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