sWell as we emerge from last week's ice storm, I'm surprised at the comments that the Village of Chatham should have done more to clear the side streets. Facebook was full of comments about the Village not salting the side streets but complaints came in despite the the text alert regarding the effectiveness of salt in low temperatures:
At Powerworks on Tuesday morning, a woman wanted to know if County Market had any liability for the ice in the parking lot. Impatience grew as another facebook post complained of waiting in the prescription line at Waltreens for 10 minutes saying "your prescription isn't ready". Later someone posted "doesn't anyone say anything nice on the page?" followed by nice things.
For Christmas I received a gift card for Olive Garden, and Amazon. I got a case of fireplace logs, 2 bottles of wine. I got a thermos shaped like a bullet. Set of queen bed sheets. Rechargeable flashlight. Voice activated speaker by Google. lottery ticket (not a winner), Neutrogena hand cream, Burt's Bees essentials kit. Portable sewing machine. A sewing buddy arm rest. A jar of Sweet hot Mr Mustard. Hillshire Farm cheese and sausage box from my brother. I got a leash dispenser for pick bags that's light weight. I got a Greenworks electric pressure washer. flashligt
Sophie got 2 dog sweaters from the activity director at the nursing home and my sister sent some too. She really goes through squeaky toys. Some toys that fit her mouth are hard to find.
I see that there's a dog named Munchkin with the same outfit in the Therapy Dog International newsletter here:
Tuesday I went to an Advent lunch and learn at church and I invited Marilyn to come along on Sophie's visit since we discussed visiting the sick.
Thursday I went to a funeral Mass for the husband of one our members of the Soldiers Aid Society. Jim Hoffman had been ill for quite some time and his wife held up most remarkably well.
Later, I cleaned Sophie for a visit but when I checked in at the nursing home,
someone noticed a red spot on her head (looking like an injury under the
fur). I looked and realized she wasn't hurt but I remembered I kissed
her as I placed her in her booster seat in the car and closed the door.
I usually don't wear lipstick that smudges like that but was cleaning
up my cosmetics earlier and decided to use some old stuff up. I think
it's humorous now.
Friday I felt the rush of Christmas as we exercised to Christmas music and our group instructor brought her 5 year old daughter to exercise with us. She lifted her legs and curled those weights along with us but was still shy. I picked up a few last minute things at ALDI for our Christmas dinner. As I returned the shopping cart, a woman was frustrated looking for a quarter to release a locked shopping cart. I said "here ... take this. Merry Christmas". It's only a quarter and I've lost worse. She was so grateful.
In the afternoon I stopped by briefly at Reflections for their staff party.
Sophie is not a fan of her elf outfit. I put it on and she did a stubborn lay down. Eventually she moved.
Christmas eve was special. I went to 10PM Mass with my sons and and the decor was lovely. The choir and string quartet was wonderful. I saw my neighbor across the street leave the same time and when I saw her and her daughter (?) looking for a pew. I invited her so sit with us. It was nice to see her there at church especially since she was recently divorced. When we got home from church, there was a wrapper on the floor from a cheese ball. Hank only got half of it off the counter because it was at room temperature and half gone. I thought he was over the counter stealing habit.
We went to the 2:20PM showing of Rouge One in 3D. The volume was so loud I didn't need my hearing aids at times. It was a little difficult to follow at first but then I realized that it was a collateral battle going on simultaneous to the first Star Wars and we was Princess Lia at the end. I think the whole cast with the exception of the the Red and Gold Squadron leaders, had British accents. The theater was crowded too.
After seeing Rouge One with my sons, I went to the VFW's Ugly Christmas Sweater event.
Hi tech lighted sweaters always win such a contest (second on the right) with Christmas leggings.
Monday morning I took Sophie on a visit. Then we went to Petsmart. I got dog food, a toy, and freeze dried chicken treats. It wan unseasonably warm at 56 degrees. I started up both motorcycles. Wheezer needs motion for the juices to flow since it's air cooled engine needs more than just 10 minutes of running in the garage so I rode it around the neighborhood.
I watched Secretariat on Lifetime. Never saw it before.
The 12 Days of Christmas begin where ADVENT left off. While the verses are what most of us associate with the "Twelve Days of Christmas," the phrase refers to an actual 12-day period. The 12 days of Christmas, in fact, are the days from Dec. 25, celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ, to the Epiphany, celebrated on Jan. 6 as the day when the manifestation of Christ's glory was realized. 12 Days of Christmas begin where ADVENT left off. While the verses are what most of us associate with the "Twelve Days of Christmas," the phrase refers to an actual 12-day period. The 12 days of Christmas, in fact, are the days from Dec. 25, celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ, to the Epiphany, celebrated on Jan. 6 as the day when the manifestation of Christ's glory was realized. http://people.howstuffworks.com/culture-traditions/holidays-christmas/twelve-days-christmas.htm
Monday, December 26, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
My Week
Tuesday I had my one hour massage. Oh how wonderful. I gave Carrie a hug.
Wednesday morning I got up cold and had to call the furnace guys. I felt bad because I just had them over on Dec 6. It happened to be a different problem but they always come right away. You know that if feels like a long time when you're cold. They were here 3 times in December so I decided to replace this 5 year old system installed by the yahoos.
After repeated calls for help from Bob Bergen and son Calvin, I a getting a new furnace on Monday-Tuesday. It was a bit of an unexpected home improvement for this year since I've already had numerous things done this year. The heater was installed in 2011 by Steve and Chris Gwinn has been leaving me cold. It's the worst! Every year I try to do a little construction on the house, This year I replaced a side door on my garage and well, started a sunroom but too late for the winter weather and I doubt the workers will be back for a while. I had the bedroom, hall and living room painted in Aug. For my birthday I got a new adjustable bed. The bed I had was not new when we got it in OK so many years ago.
This is the business card for the yahoos that went out of business. Yeah, don't bother trying to call. Card is dated now.
As I publish this blog, workers are installing a Goodman furnace. I didn't even ask how much it will cost. I don't even want to bet that this cold December will alleviate our debt for a cold January and February.
I got a cute little lighted nativity at Goodwill. The light didn't work because it was black inside but I hoped it would work because it was beautifully detailed and dusty.
Friday evening we had an ice storm. Well everyone was talking about it but it looked fine to me until I walked the dog.
Saturday I scrapped the care and salted the drive to go to Camp Butler for Wreaths Across America. It sure was cold. After the formal ceremony, I warmed my toes in the car before laying a few wreaths.
Dean Bartling laid the Air force wreath and his wife, Peggy took this picture. Don't we look cold?
Camp Butler usually has to share the crowd for Wreaths Across America participants with a simultaneous ceremony that's supposed to be conducted nationwide with a cemetery at Oak Ridge but they postponed their ceremony till Wednesday. I just think it was held to late this year. It's usually the second Saturday and this year on Dec 17.
I got a card from Harlan "Pop" Bottles whom I was guardian for on the Honor Flight in 2009. He's still going strong with the American Legion, bluegrass at church and burial detail.
I wanted to wear my bustle dress for the first time since alterations but Friday and Saturday's candle light tours at the Elijah Iles House but that had to be cancelled. Therefore I only have a photo on my dress form.
It's so cold that the salt trucks will not even be out because the temperature will be harsher than the ice can melt. I fixed dirty rice and put a log on the fireplace. Mail was not delivered Saturday because of the weather as evidenced by the outgoing Christmas Card is still there in the mail box to pick up.
Still, Sean came over with his dog on Sunday and did laundry.
Merry Christmas.
Wednesday morning I got up cold and had to call the furnace guys. I felt bad because I just had them over on Dec 6. It happened to be a different problem but they always come right away. You know that if feels like a long time when you're cold. They were here 3 times in December so I decided to replace this 5 year old system installed by the yahoos.
After repeated calls for help from Bob Bergen and son Calvin, I a getting a new furnace on Monday-Tuesday. It was a bit of an unexpected home improvement for this year since I've already had numerous things done this year. The heater was installed in 2011 by Steve and Chris Gwinn has been leaving me cold. It's the worst! Every year I try to do a little construction on the house, This year I replaced a side door on my garage and well, started a sunroom but too late for the winter weather and I doubt the workers will be back for a while. I had the bedroom, hall and living room painted in Aug. For my birthday I got a new adjustable bed. The bed I had was not new when we got it in OK so many years ago.
This is the business card for the yahoos that went out of business. Yeah, don't bother trying to call. Card is dated now.
As I publish this blog, workers are installing a Goodman furnace. I didn't even ask how much it will cost. I don't even want to bet that this cold December will alleviate our debt for a cold January and February.
I got a cute little lighted nativity at Goodwill. The light didn't work because it was black inside but I hoped it would work because it was beautifully detailed and dusty.
Friday evening we had an ice storm. Well everyone was talking about it but it looked fine to me until I walked the dog.
Saturday I scrapped the care and salted the drive to go to Camp Butler for Wreaths Across America. It sure was cold. After the formal ceremony, I warmed my toes in the car before laying a few wreaths.
Dean Bartling laid the Air force wreath and his wife, Peggy took this picture. Don't we look cold?
Camp Butler usually has to share the crowd for Wreaths Across America participants with a simultaneous ceremony that's supposed to be conducted nationwide with a cemetery at Oak Ridge but they postponed their ceremony till Wednesday. I just think it was held to late this year. It's usually the second Saturday and this year on Dec 17.
I got a card from Harlan "Pop" Bottles whom I was guardian for on the Honor Flight in 2009. He's still going strong with the American Legion, bluegrass at church and burial detail.
I wanted to wear my bustle dress for the first time since alterations but Friday and Saturday's candle light tours at the Elijah Iles House but that had to be cancelled. Therefore I only have a photo on my dress form.
It's so cold that the salt trucks will not even be out because the temperature will be harsher than the ice can melt. I fixed dirty rice and put a log on the fireplace. Mail was not delivered Saturday because of the weather as evidenced by the outgoing Christmas Card is still there in the mail box to pick up.
Still, Sean came over with his dog on Sunday and did laundry.
Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 12, 2016
My Week
It looks like the completion of my sun room is on hold during this cold snap.
Tuesday, Sophie went to the veterinarian. You wouldn't believe she sat still on senior's laps so peacefully by the way the tech and I held her down. She put on 4/10ths of a pound since last year. But she's good to go. The sad part is that while waiting, a woman brought her dog (pointer type) in on a pad and blanket with tears in her eyes and left with her blanket. I teared too. Maybe...just maybe...it's not what it appears.
Well, one of the residents kept Sophie's squeaky Santa toy. Same person tried to keep my white, battery operated Sophie-looking dog that I just took back. I let her keep the Santa toy because it matched her candy cane head band. Oh well.
The TDI Winter 2016 Newsletter is now available for viewing from the following link
http://tdi-dog.org/images/ Winter_2016.pdf
Wednesday's Zumba was cancelled because our instructor had a bad back. That's ok because my back isn't that great either. Well I took a warm bath to sooth my back. As a result, my submerged head created a lot of ear wax and got into my right hearing aid and was not functioning. Grrr! My senior strength class (before Zumba) was full so my motivation was already low between my aching back and my bad hearing aid. I did 15 minutes on the bicycle and left. I went to Audibel but they were busy so I left and went to the nearby Krispy Kreme for a doughnut to temporarily help my mood. Then I went to the DAV for the Pearl Harbor ceremony. (click to enlarge)
I got my opera hood in the mail just before heading out for the Holiday walks. As I left my car, I was approached for some "spare change". Reenactors travel light in that department because there's so much else to weigh you down. I carry a small reticule for keys and phone.
I danced in the window with the Springfield International Folk Dancers. The window was decorated Victorian style for passer-bys to view. Oh my nose was dripping. In fact, the following day I felt worse. I made a washer load of hankies (almost). Thursday I went to the gym but the instructor didn't show so I went to Mass for the feast of Mary. I had a meeting with the Lincoln Monument Association but didn't go. I took a lot of naps because that's when I felt best. When I got up, the drip began. It was soooo cold too. I loaded the fireplace. Sophie didn't really understand why she couldn't go for a long walk. I made her use the back yard. Between the cold and my cold I got little accomplished.
I tried to change my email from Yahoo.com to Hotmail.com. I would like to delete my Yahoo email but recently got a question through yahoo on a DNA match. When I attempt to change the email from yahoo to hotmail, it says "We're sorry, we were unable to update your email address because the email address you entered is already in use." I called support and the support person told me to create another account with different email. Then I would have 3 emails floating out there. I asked to speak to a database person and he wouldn't help saying I should fix it myself. I retired as a Database administrator so I know they can be merged. I already have least 10 accounts and he asked me to start over with a gmail account. These are the IDs:
RoseConnolly500 (Rose Connolly)
roconnolly (Rosemary Connolly)
I sold an engine stand, hoist and a parts washer that was in the garage. I'll give the money to Alan. He will never change an engine. The garage is really crowded and I really need to downsize. I've even left a little space for the construction workers for storage.
Friday evening I served refreshments at the Elijah Iles House for the first night of candlelight tours. Since I saw that my assignment was in the basement kitchen, I told them I'd would not to wear my period dress. I did say why but they later figured it out. The newspaper, ran this boo boo
Correction: February should read December
Saturday I danced from 11 - 2PM with the Springfield International Folk Dancers in the window. Then I went to see the decor at Edwards Place and the Elijah Iles House.
I came home and did some grocery shopping and filled my gas tank in preparation for the chill. Then I realized I missed the American Legion Christmas Party after seeing pictures posted on facebook. I was napping on the couch and watching Mary Popping. Cold weather does that.
Sunday morning I was a substitute for the second reading at Mass. In the evening I watched "Frozen" on TV.
Well it's a cold week ahead of us. We didn't get an inch of snow as predicted but up north they sure got hit. We had rain about 6PM. I was afraid of ice but the streets are dry and the sun is out but cold. I had Sean bring in a big log for an over night fire.
Monday I had a therapy dog visit at Regency Care and the soon to close St John's Hospice. Between I went to lunch at Popeyes and had popcorn shrimp for lunch. There were 5 in hospice an hour before I arrived. Sophie does more comfort for families than patients but there were 2 patients who were awake and enjoyed our visit with smiles.
I close this with a full moon rising.
Tuesday, Sophie went to the veterinarian. You wouldn't believe she sat still on senior's laps so peacefully by the way the tech and I held her down. She put on 4/10ths of a pound since last year. But she's good to go. The sad part is that while waiting, a woman brought her dog (pointer type) in on a pad and blanket with tears in her eyes and left with her blanket. I teared too. Maybe...just maybe...it's not what it appears.
The TDI Winter 2016 Newsletter is now available for viewing from the following link
Wednesday's Zumba was cancelled because our instructor had a bad back. That's ok because my back isn't that great either. Well I took a warm bath to sooth my back. As a result, my submerged head created a lot of ear wax and got into my right hearing aid and was not functioning. Grrr! My senior strength class (before Zumba) was full so my motivation was already low between my aching back and my bad hearing aid. I did 15 minutes on the bicycle and left. I went to Audibel but they were busy so I left and went to the nearby Krispy Kreme for a doughnut to temporarily help my mood. Then I went to the DAV for the Pearl Harbor ceremony. (click to enlarge)
I got my opera hood in the mail just before heading out for the Holiday walks. As I left my car, I was approached for some "spare change". Reenactors travel light in that department because there's so much else to weigh you down. I carry a small reticule for keys and phone.
I danced in the window with the Springfield International Folk Dancers. The window was decorated Victorian style for passer-bys to view. Oh my nose was dripping. In fact, the following day I felt worse. I made a washer load of hankies (almost). Thursday I went to the gym but the instructor didn't show so I went to Mass for the feast of Mary. I had a meeting with the Lincoln Monument Association but didn't go. I took a lot of naps because that's when I felt best. When I got up, the drip began. It was soooo cold too. I loaded the fireplace. Sophie didn't really understand why she couldn't go for a long walk. I made her use the back yard. Between the cold and my cold I got little accomplished.
I tried to change my email from Yahoo.com to Hotmail.com. I would like to delete my Yahoo email but recently got a question through yahoo on a DNA match. When I attempt to change the email from yahoo to hotmail, it says "We're sorry, we were unable to update your email address because the email address you entered is already in use." I called support and the support person told me to create another account with different email. Then I would have 3 emails floating out there. I asked to speak to a database person and he wouldn't help saying I should fix it myself. I retired as a Database administrator so I know they can be merged. I already have least 10 accounts and he asked me to start over with a gmail account. These are the IDs:
RoseConnolly500 (Rose Connolly)
roconnolly (Rosemary Connolly)
I sold an engine stand, hoist and a parts washer that was in the garage. I'll give the money to Alan. He will never change an engine. The garage is really crowded and I really need to downsize. I've even left a little space for the construction workers for storage.
Friday evening I served refreshments at the Elijah Iles House for the first night of candlelight tours. Since I saw that my assignment was in the basement kitchen, I told them I'd would not to wear my period dress. I did say why but they later figured it out. The newspaper, ran this boo boo
Correction: February should read December
Saturday I danced from 11 - 2PM with the Springfield International Folk Dancers in the window. Then I went to see the decor at Edwards Place and the Elijah Iles House.
I came home and did some grocery shopping and filled my gas tank in preparation for the chill. Then I realized I missed the American Legion Christmas Party after seeing pictures posted on facebook. I was napping on the couch and watching Mary Popping. Cold weather does that.
Sunday morning I was a substitute for the second reading at Mass. In the evening I watched "Frozen" on TV.
Well it's a cold week ahead of us. We didn't get an inch of snow as predicted but up north they sure got hit. We had rain about 6PM. I was afraid of ice but the streets are dry and the sun is out but cold. I had Sean bring in a big log for an over night fire.
Monday I had a therapy dog visit at Regency Care and the soon to close St John's Hospice. Between I went to lunch at Popeyes and had popcorn shrimp for lunch. There were 5 in hospice an hour before I arrived. Sophie does more comfort for families than patients but there were 2 patients who were awake and enjoyed our visit with smiles.
I close this with a full moon rising.
Monday, December 5, 2016
My Week
Well we've had our first snow of the season and I'm having lower back pain this weekend.
The past few days I have had pain in my lower back (Sacroiliac). It hurts getting up and down and bending over. I exercise but it's not helping. It makes sleeping difficult. Sunday morning I took a pain pill. I remember dad complaining of the same thing but I don't think this is hereditary. Is it?
Tuesday morning I went to the capitol for the Nativity dedication and laying of the statehouse wreath for Wreaths Across America. I had put together a temporary wreath till the live wreath comes in. I used the flags from the first statehouse wreath. Somehow there was a flag missing when I got to the rotunda. I couldn't find the Navy flag. I rechecked the security area and told the guard I was looking for the Navy flag that was missing. The female guard was in the Navy. I retraced my steps back to the car. Nothing. That meant I had to go through the metal detector twice. My belt buckle set it off. I had to get the wand. Well the security guard said it buzzed in the right place where my buckle was. Then I found the Navy flag buried in the branches and went back to tell the security. Funny thing, the guard that was in the Navy was relieved but the other guard...well...he was in the Army. This was a temporary that I made. The Nativity was a week earlier than usual and WAA is a week later so I had to improvise for the ceremony with an artificial wreath.
Well the Navy flag was buried. I saw the gold tip at the bottom but the Army flag at the top did not make it to the capitol. I just hate having an incomplete set of flags even after the live wreath arrives to replace this artificial wreath I put together for the ceremony.
To the left is the first Fallen Heroes Tree. I placed the wreath by the flags on the right along with others that joined me from the audience having family members who served. Here is the program:
Note the comments on the back of the program regarding 12 states with Nativities. If I recall, the first time I attended, the program only mentioned 3 other states.
I got a patch that I ordered from Wreaths Across America and made a sash for the above wreath to identify it's purpose. The patch didn't arrive in time for the ceremony so I will make another trip to the capitol. I got the red and blue ribbons that were edged in gold from the give-aways at the Old State Capitol and sewed them together over a white ribbon. I put the patch in the middle.

When I got home I had a brief break before the 2PM Therapy Dog visit.
HIPPA doesn't allow handlers to take pictures of residents but look at those hands.
Wednesday I just stopped in at the local Goodwill after exercise. I walked out empty handed and that's OK. In the evening I danced with the Springfield International Folk dancers as part of the Downtown Holiday Walks. When I arrived, there was a reporter waiting for a live broadcast and he even got in on the dance and when he went on with his report, I stepped in to take his place.
Thursday I had my eye exam. I was asked (and puzzeled) to have a Macular test that was not covered by insurance at an additional cost of $15. I had to learn more before committing. Well there's no cure but there are preventative steps for those prone to it such as light blue eyes. I had it done and was on the boarder but not in the green zone. I was informed to use Systane Balance and to eat green foods like kale, paprika, and orange peppers. I told her I had grown red peppers but that's the wrong kind.
Friday I volunteered at the Chiara Center to help with the Nativity Festival. I wasn't sure what my assignment would be but I helped with refreshments at the end of the tour. Last year I had an entry in the display.
Saturday I went to the Holiday Vietnam Memorial Remembrance. I put one of the ornaments on the tree as the name of an MIA was called.
Then I put my tree up that I got at an end of year discount last year at ACE Hardware. It's a pop up poinsettia tree.
Last year I had a pop up tinsel tree but I prefer a little more green that this one had in their display model. I gave all my blue ornament balls to the Goodwill.
Sunday I went to our monthly memorial Mass with the Catholic War Veterans. Commander Noel and I took up the gifts (I can walk but getting up and down is slow and painful). It was raining but after church the rain turned to snow. This was the heavy with big snowflakes. Last year, Sophie didn't mind going for a walk in all sorts of weather. This year is different. I usually walk Moe to the car when Sean leaves carrying his laundry but I had to have him make two trips because of my back and the slippery conditions.
I found someone interested in my Honda Aero for sale. He is a former co-worker and has ridden in the past but currently not licensed. I referred him to watch the classes posted here. Well the bike isn't going anywhere till spring so he will save up and enroll in the safety course when classes are opened in February.
Ohh the pain.
The past few days I have had pain in my lower back (Sacroiliac). It hurts getting up and down and bending over. I exercise but it's not helping. It makes sleeping difficult. Sunday morning I took a pain pill. I remember dad complaining of the same thing but I don't think this is hereditary. Is it?
Tuesday morning I went to the capitol for the Nativity dedication and laying of the statehouse wreath for Wreaths Across America. I had put together a temporary wreath till the live wreath comes in. I used the flags from the first statehouse wreath. Somehow there was a flag missing when I got to the rotunda. I couldn't find the Navy flag. I rechecked the security area and told the guard I was looking for the Navy flag that was missing. The female guard was in the Navy. I retraced my steps back to the car. Nothing. That meant I had to go through the metal detector twice. My belt buckle set it off. I had to get the wand. Well the security guard said it buzzed in the right place where my buckle was. Then I found the Navy flag buried in the branches and went back to tell the security. Funny thing, the guard that was in the Navy was relieved but the other guard...well...he was in the Army. This was a temporary that I made. The Nativity was a week earlier than usual and WAA is a week later so I had to improvise for the ceremony with an artificial wreath.
To the left is the first Fallen Heroes Tree. I placed the wreath by the flags on the right along with others that joined me from the audience having family members who served. Here is the program:
Note the comments on the back of the program regarding 12 states with Nativities. If I recall, the first time I attended, the program only mentioned 3 other states.
I got a patch that I ordered from Wreaths Across America and made a sash for the above wreath to identify it's purpose. The patch didn't arrive in time for the ceremony so I will make another trip to the capitol. I got the red and blue ribbons that were edged in gold from the give-aways at the Old State Capitol and sewed them together over a white ribbon. I put the patch in the middle.

When I got home I had a brief break before the 2PM Therapy Dog visit.
I arrived at the nursing home just the activity director was
staging the residents around the lobby Christmas Tree. I had time to
put Sophie in her elf outfit for the photos. The director's name is
Holly. She took center when we sung, "deck the halls with boughs of Holly"
HIPPA doesn't allow handlers to take pictures of residents but look at those hands.
Wednesday I just stopped in at the local Goodwill after exercise. I walked out empty handed and that's OK. In the evening I danced with the Springfield International Folk dancers as part of the Downtown Holiday Walks. When I arrived, there was a reporter waiting for a live broadcast and he even got in on the dance and when he went on with his report, I stepped in to take his place.
Thursday I had my eye exam. I was asked (and puzzeled) to have a Macular test that was not covered by insurance at an additional cost of $15. I had to learn more before committing. Well there's no cure but there are preventative steps for those prone to it such as light blue eyes. I had it done and was on the boarder but not in the green zone. I was informed to use Systane Balance and to eat green foods like kale, paprika, and orange peppers. I told her I had grown red peppers but that's the wrong kind.
Friday I volunteered at the Chiara Center to help with the Nativity Festival. I wasn't sure what my assignment would be but I helped with refreshments at the end of the tour. Last year I had an entry in the display.
Saturday I went to the Holiday Vietnam Memorial Remembrance. I put one of the ornaments on the tree as the name of an MIA was called.
we left and the chairs and the podium moved, these little heart
ornaments for our Illinois MIAs throughout the month of December.
I put plastic window seal on my window. The cheap plastic didn't fit so I ran back to Ace Hardware for the pre-taped Duck sealer.Then I put my tree up that I got at an end of year discount last year at ACE Hardware. It's a pop up poinsettia tree.
Last year I had a pop up tinsel tree but I prefer a little more green that this one had in their display model. I gave all my blue ornament balls to the Goodwill.
Sunday I went to our monthly memorial Mass with the Catholic War Veterans. Commander Noel and I took up the gifts (I can walk but getting up and down is slow and painful). It was raining but after church the rain turned to snow. This was the heavy with big snowflakes. Last year, Sophie didn't mind going for a walk in all sorts of weather. This year is different. I usually walk Moe to the car when Sean leaves carrying his laundry but I had to have him make two trips because of my back and the slippery conditions.
I found someone interested in my Honda Aero for sale. He is a former co-worker and has ridden in the past but currently not licensed. I referred him to watch the classes posted here. Well the bike isn't going anywhere till spring so he will save up and enroll in the safety course when classes are opened in February.
Ohh the pain.
Monday, November 28, 2016
My Week
Wednesday I took Sophie to her appointment at Bubbles of Fun. Not that it was fun but she likes playing with the other dogs loose. She smells so nice. Too bad it was a rainy day. While she was being worked on, I went to our senior strength followed by our Zumba light. There was a man using the empty room for stretches so instead of chasing him out, we invited him to join us since so few showed up for this pre-holiday class. Zumba is hard on the first try much less subsequent attempts but he got a sweat going. On the pick up, I stopped at a few thrift stores for senior discount day. I found a Korean War Veterans light blue wind breaker jacket that had the logo on it. I knew that Rex told me he was having a hard time finding a jacket the right type for their uniform look. I got it for him for less than $5 with the senior discount. It was unworn but had been stamped for the Decatur chapter. He was elated to have it
Chaplain Steve told me that he got an email from Wreaths Across America about the delivery for the statehouse wreath which is usually presented with the Nativity dedication at the capitol.
statehouse Nativity dedication on 11/ 29/16 at 11AM. We will be
presenting the "Statehouse" wreath for Wreaths Across America during
this ceremony.
The ceremony is a bit earlier and the national WAA is a week later this year so the delivery of the wreath will be a bit later than the ceremony. I had to make a temporary wreath for the presentation. It's very similar except smaller and artificial. When the green larger statehouse wreath comes in we'll swap.
Well I kept the dirty dishes down to a minimum on Thanksgiving by a combination of dish washing both by hand and by the dishwasher. The meal was good. The three dogs played. We had a family walk with the dogs after we ate. Moe made Hank bleed a little with their rough housing around in the yard. I gave my sons each a bag of leftovers so I don't have to throw it all out .... a condition I made in order to make a traditional meal. I would have been satisfied with a small turkey breast but Alan likes the look of a full turkey on Thanksgiving. I gave them an early gift that I was saving for Christmas, our group photo in resin block. After they left, I watched Anne of Green Gables and Pollyanna on PBS. Tryptophan
Friday I went to Peoria for a Civil War Holiday Dance at the GAR hall.
I've done a few repairs to this troublesome dress. I've added a second ruffle which makes it more period correct. One ruffle makes the dress look like it was lengthened and poorly planned. I added a puff to the sleeves and ran a stitch across the bertha's pleated collar to keep things in place.
Here's the before picture with the bertha crooked and the sleeves droop to the elbows.
The dress was more difficult to put on and take off with the narrower shoulder.
Afterward, I got to see the East Peoria Festival Of Lights drive through. That was something that I've wanted to do years before but the fact that I had a newspaper coupon for $5 off ($10 admission) and being in the area made it finally happen. It was a little tricky finding the directions that were given to me by a local while dancing at the GAR but it was so worth it.
Saturday I was a little under the weather and didn't leave the house except to run to Ace Hardware for window film.
Sunday morning I saw our church's Advent decor.
It was a little too cool from me to go on the Sid Wood "Oldest and Coldest" toy run. I think this is the last year too. Last year I was in the paper with Santa in my Mrs Claus dress. I just played it safe with this cough and didn't want to get worse.
Instead, I went to Erin’s Pavilion for the Staab Funeral Home's
Chaplain Steve told me that he got an email from Wreaths Across America about the delivery for the statehouse wreath which is usually presented with the Nativity dedication at the capitol.
The ceremony is a bit earlier and the national WAA is a week later this year so the delivery of the wreath will be a bit later than the ceremony. I had to make a temporary wreath for the presentation. It's very similar except smaller and artificial. When the green larger statehouse wreath comes in we'll swap.
Well I kept the dirty dishes down to a minimum on Thanksgiving by a combination of dish washing both by hand and by the dishwasher. The meal was good. The three dogs played. We had a family walk with the dogs after we ate. Moe made Hank bleed a little with their rough housing around in the yard. I gave my sons each a bag of leftovers so I don't have to throw it all out .... a condition I made in order to make a traditional meal. I would have been satisfied with a small turkey breast but Alan likes the look of a full turkey on Thanksgiving. I gave them an early gift that I was saving for Christmas, our group photo in resin block. After they left, I watched Anne of Green Gables and Pollyanna on PBS. Tryptophan
Friday I went to Peoria for a Civil War Holiday Dance at the GAR hall.
Here's the before picture with the bertha crooked and the sleeves droop to the elbows.
The dress was more difficult to put on and take off with the narrower shoulder.
Afterward, I got to see the East Peoria Festival Of Lights drive through. That was something that I've wanted to do years before but the fact that I had a newspaper coupon for $5 off ($10 admission) and being in the area made it finally happen. It was a little tricky finding the directions that were given to me by a local while dancing at the GAR but it was so worth it.
Saturday I was a little under the weather and didn't leave the house except to run to Ace Hardware for window film.
Sunday morning I saw our church's Advent decor.
Big Advent candles at church this morning. Happy new (liturgical) year.
of the four candles were at the entrance and the other two above the
alter. Let's just put it this way, we knew there should be 4 and when
we saw 2 at the entrance, it drew you in to look for the others.It was a little too cool from me to go on the Sid Wood "Oldest and Coldest" toy run. I think this is the last year too. Last year I was in the paper with Santa in my Mrs Claus dress. I just played it safe with this cough and didn't want to get worse.
Instead, I went to Erin’s Pavilion for the Staab Funeral Home's
Light a Candle of Love, A Service of Remembrance at Holiday Time
Monday evening I went to Metamora to dance with our group for the seniors at Snyder Village. I think we did great considering those that were not too well.
Monday evening I went to Metamora to dance with our group for the seniors at Snyder Village. I think we did great considering those that were not too well.
Monday, November 21, 2016
My Week
Monday evening I went to Metamora for dance practice. The old courthouse was so cold inside. After it was over, it seemed warmer outside. I clipped this photo from the bathroom door.
Before the Revolutionary War, men's privies had a star or sunburst cut into the door and the women's had a crescent moon. Over the years though, one might expect, men's outhouses were not as well cared for as women's and they fell into disrepair. So men took advantage of the better cared for women's johns and eventually most of the little stinkers had the crescent moon. The cutouts in the doors were to let a little air in. But more importantly they let a little light in. Taking a lit candle in could have explosive consequences for the occupant! Most two-holers were not for double occupancy as much as they were for adults and a smaller one for children.
I stopped transcribing at that point.
Thursday I made chili and cornbread and shared it with the workers. I had enough left over so I brought it to the ABATE meeting. On the way home, I hit a racoon crossing on Woodside Road on the way home from the meeting. Glad it wasn't a deer.
Saturday I helped organize a shopping tour with our Soldiers Aid Society. I created an itinerary of favorite stops for bargain hunting that I've showed off some finds used for reenacting in the past. It was fun seeing what the others purchased. We had lunch at Cracker Barrel. I love the pecan encrusted catfish. I found this head covering at one of the antique shops with little pushells. I sent this photo to Kathy Kelly Hunt of Three Sisters Millinery and she said, "Yes! Wear it with the front across the crown of your head - not up near the forehead." However, sharing this on facebook with the beginners Civil War Closet said it was much later ~ 1920.
Sunday I went to Mass at the Cathedral at 10AM. It was the feast of Christ the King. The sermon was about the 17 new cardinals (3 are American) that were elevated the day before. One in particular was Fr Simoni who was a survivor of the Albanian Communist purge and testified that he witnessed priests that shouted, 'Long live Christ the King,' as they were shot. So fitting that this new cardinal see this on the feast of Christ the King.
Story here:
Afterward, I helped out at the kitchen for the ABATE Thanksgiving Dinner for the poor and homeless held in the school's kitchen.
Monday I volunteered at the Lincoln Tomb from 1-5. I relieved another volunteer who was running solo. When my shift ended, a man named Larry came to lock up. There were no busses but a very diverse group of families passing through for the holidays from all over. I actually enjoyed talking to them. In the evening I went to our VFW meeting. I shared the audio of our winner of our local Voice of Democracy from my laptop. Wishing Tori luck as she goes to the next level.
I watched a movie called "The Love Letter". You can see it here too.
Before the Revolutionary War, men's privies had a star or sunburst cut into the door and the women's had a crescent moon. Over the years though, one might expect, men's outhouses were not as well cared for as women's and they fell into disrepair. So men took advantage of the better cared for women's johns and eventually most of the little stinkers had the crescent moon. The cutouts in the doors were to let a little air in. But more importantly they let a little light in. Taking a lit candle in could have explosive consequences for the occupant! Most two-holers were not for double occupancy as much as they were for adults and a smaller one for children.
I stopped transcribing at that point.
Thursday I made chili and cornbread and shared it with the workers. I had enough left over so I brought it to the ABATE meeting. On the way home, I hit a racoon crossing on Woodside Road on the way home from the meeting. Glad it wasn't a deer.
Saturday I helped organize a shopping tour with our Soldiers Aid Society. I created an itinerary of favorite stops for bargain hunting that I've showed off some finds used for reenacting in the past. It was fun seeing what the others purchased. We had lunch at Cracker Barrel. I love the pecan encrusted catfish. I found this head covering at one of the antique shops with little pushells. I sent this photo to Kathy Kelly Hunt of Three Sisters Millinery and she said, "Yes! Wear it with the front across the crown of your head - not up near the forehead." However, sharing this on facebook with the beginners Civil War Closet said it was much later ~ 1920.
Sunday I went to Mass at the Cathedral at 10AM. It was the feast of Christ the King. The sermon was about the 17 new cardinals (3 are American) that were elevated the day before. One in particular was Fr Simoni who was a survivor of the Albanian Communist purge and testified that he witnessed priests that shouted, 'Long live Christ the King,' as they were shot. So fitting that this new cardinal see this on the feast of Christ the King.
Story here:
Afterward, I helped out at the kitchen for the ABATE Thanksgiving Dinner for the poor and homeless held in the school's kitchen.
Monday I volunteered at the Lincoln Tomb from 1-5. I relieved another volunteer who was running solo. When my shift ended, a man named Larry came to lock up. There were no busses but a very diverse group of families passing through for the holidays from all over. I actually enjoyed talking to them. In the evening I went to our VFW meeting. I shared the audio of our winner of our local Voice of Democracy from my laptop. Wishing Tori luck as she goes to the next level.
I watched a movie called "The Love Letter". You can see it here too.
Monday, November 14, 2016
My Week
Well the frost has hit and my cana plants were cut down early to make room for the new sun room that is in progress.
Wednesday evening I went to our AMVETS post meeting. I discussed the possibility of adding our post flag to the ceremony in the Chatham square for veterans day. I couldn't do this because of the conflicting time with the Springfield parade. No takers. I assembled this for nothing.
Thursday I had a table at our Veterans Resource Event.
I brought my Military Barbie collection display with our Women's Overseas Service League booth. I gave the material to Sue and she has the fancy sewing machine to do the work.
I was supposed to have a co-located table with the CWV but I only got one table
Veterans Day I put the flags on my car's tail gate and got dressed with long johns so that my Women's Overseas Service League uniform wouldn't need a jacket. I was pleased with our banner. I would like to put a bar in the bottom for the wind next time.
Joan and I can be seen at 7:30 on this video at the bottom of the article.
This parade is run by veterans and there are no politicians nor candy involved. Just flags.
I would love to add a bar to the the bottom of our WOSL banner to stabilize it in the wind.
Since I had not eaten, I got a little chili at the local VFW after walking Sophie and then went to Lincoln Land Community College for their ceremony.
Saturday morning I helped at the Old State Capitol for a Student Laureate Event. It was very crowded. This was such an honor for these students that even the governor and the first lady showed up to congratulate the students. The crowd and professors got to use the senate chamber with coat racks on wheels for their smocks. Well that one thing to let the chains down but I had to ask a couple of the professors not to sit on Lincoln's furniture from his presidential train that is usually roped off. I did help interpret the building for some of the visitors. I also did a lot of clean up picking up papers and drink containers left all over. I was in my camp dress because that was the day for my unit to conduct the new "Civil War Saturday" at the Old State Capitol. I got home about 4:30 and then later left around 6:15 to go to Edwards Place for their Literary Evening reenactment fundraiser. They are trying to match some funds to remodel the upper floor. One man read a poem that a stanza "Bells Bells Bells Bells" and it reminded me of Monty Pyton's Spam song.
Sunday I went to Mass and was saddened to see that the guest priest was Fr Chiola. I took my hearing aids out during Mass to insulate myself.
In the evening, I walked Sophie before going to a movie with Sean. I saw the Super Moon rise. We saw "Hacksaw Ridge" so I came home to to settle down with a cup of coffee followed by a glass of wine. I'm glad he had some gummy worms to chew on. The headset for the hearing impaired didn't work even though they said it did. Just because there's a green light doesn't mean it works so I just used my hearing aids. Let's just say the movie had a happy ending but the battle scenes made me hide under my jacket. Desmond Doss really deserved that Medal of Honor.
Monday morning, while walking, a hawk swooped within 10 feet and up to the big tree in my front.
Wednesday evening I went to our AMVETS post meeting. I discussed the possibility of adding our post flag to the ceremony in the Chatham square for veterans day. I couldn't do this because of the conflicting time with the Springfield parade. No takers. I assembled this for nothing.
Thursday I had a table at our Veterans Resource Event.
I brought my Military Barbie collection display with our Women's Overseas Service League booth. I gave the material to Sue and she has the fancy sewing machine to do the work.
I was supposed to have a co-located table with the CWV but I only got one table
Veterans Day I put the flags on my car's tail gate and got dressed with long johns so that my Women's Overseas Service League uniform wouldn't need a jacket. I was pleased with our banner. I would like to put a bar in the bottom for the wind next time.
You can see Joan and I walking with our new banner at 6:30 on this YouTube video of the Springfield Veterans Day parade.
This parade is run by veterans and there are no politicians nor candy involved. Just flags.
I would love to add a bar to the the bottom of our WOSL banner to stabilize it in the wind.
Since I had not eaten, I got a little chili at the local VFW after walking Sophie and then went to Lincoln Land Community College for their ceremony.
Saturday morning I helped at the Old State Capitol for a Student Laureate Event. It was very crowded. This was such an honor for these students that even the governor and the first lady showed up to congratulate the students. The crowd and professors got to use the senate chamber with coat racks on wheels for their smocks. Well that one thing to let the chains down but I had to ask a couple of the professors not to sit on Lincoln's furniture from his presidential train that is usually roped off. I did help interpret the building for some of the visitors. I also did a lot of clean up picking up papers and drink containers left all over. I was in my camp dress because that was the day for my unit to conduct the new "Civil War Saturday" at the Old State Capitol. I got home about 4:30 and then later left around 6:15 to go to Edwards Place for their Literary Evening reenactment fundraiser. They are trying to match some funds to remodel the upper floor. One man read a poem that a stanza "Bells Bells Bells Bells" and it reminded me of Monty Pyton's Spam song.
Sunday I went to Mass and was saddened to see that the guest priest was Fr Chiola. I took my hearing aids out during Mass to insulate myself.
In the evening, I walked Sophie before going to a movie with Sean. I saw the Super Moon rise. We saw "Hacksaw Ridge" so I came home to to settle down with a cup of coffee followed by a glass of wine. I'm glad he had some gummy worms to chew on. The headset for the hearing impaired didn't work even though they said it did. Just because there's a green light doesn't mean it works so I just used my hearing aids. Let's just say the movie had a happy ending but the battle scenes made me hide under my jacket. Desmond Doss really deserved that Medal of Honor.
Monday morning, while walking, a hawk swooped within 10 feet and up to the big tree in my front.
Monday, November 7, 2016
My Week
I finally got photos via email that were taken on Oct 12, just before our AMVETS meeting and Alan dropped off his dog at my house for his brief visit in California. It's so hard to get together for photos. This was taken at church for an upcoming directory. The photos were really expensive but I g0t one free 8 by 10. The last one is the photo we chose.
Tuesday I rode my motorcycle on an escort for the Hooah Deer Hunt sponsored by Scheels. I filled the bike up and added Seafoam.
Wednesday my old porch as torn down and I got a big dumpster in my driveway to start work on a sun room. That evening there was a nasty storm with tornadoes sighted in central Illinois. I peaked out my back door and Sophie had jumped out not knowing there was no porch there and plop onto the muddy ground.
In the afternoon I was part of a panel for volunteers as part of the "Looking For Lincoln" program.
Flashback to the Veterans History Project event on September since I just got emailed this photo with Secretary of State Jessie White. I forgot what we were laughing about but I think I jokingly asked, "So till me about this project".
In fact it's inspired me to tinker around and build our CWV post history section of our website:
Wednesday evening we had a pretty good storm. Tornado warnings to the east at around Decatur. I did a stupid thing and stare out at the storm in the back yard without the porch. Sophie jumped right out not knowing about the missing porch. I had to pull her back in. As a result of the storm, the workers were diverted to another project on a roof on Thursday and Friday. They returned on Monday and did the concrete base. There's a big dumpster in my driveway for a few weeks.
I re-watched the movie/min-series, "The Awakening Land". I figure this movie is similar to James McDade the patriot for my sons SAR ancestor. The Awakening Land. Takes place in OH in 1790 http://my.mail.ru/mail/vm_gluschenko/video/31519/90507.html
The credits on the video are all in IL. I didn't notice that before.
Saturday I went to yoga class but it was not the senior group that I usually attend. A bit advanced. At 1:30, I went to a reunion of the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight as part of the color guard rifle bearer. Then I went over to the VFW to head up the judging panel for the Voice of Democracy scholarship panel. There were 14 entries and I was assisted by 2 other members of the post to judge the winner.
Sunday morning was daylight savings time change and Mass with the Catholic War Veterans followed by a patriotic rosary with the Knights of Columbus. I am most impressed with the fact that there 5 decades of 10 Hail Marys and each prayed for the souls in a state.
Then I came home and got some carry out mostaccioli from church for my son and myself.
A lady there said she missed me at Mass at my home parish. I asked why. She said they honored the veterans and there were no women standing. Then I told her I went to our monthly memorial Mass with the Catholic War Veterans at St John Vianney in Sherman followed by a patriotic Rosary. She'd never heard of it so I told her. She liked it.
At 2PM, I went to the Chatham Square.
Chatham resident CPL Roy Sumpter was killed in the Meuse-Argonne offensive on 6 November 1918. This plaque has a riveting, very nearly one hundred year story. It was once placed prominently near the doorway of the Caldwell School which burned in 1964. Last year, Josh Treviño, a relative of Sumpter’s reached out to inquire if the plaque had survived. After a year or more of looking, it was uncovered by Les “Sarge” Morgan and restored to its original beauty. Mr. Treviño will be traveling all the way from Texas to share his great-great uncle’s story.
On the locating and reinstalling of the memorial, Mr. Treviño writes: “No one discards these things in small Midwestern towns. We have found it: and we will honor the Illinoisan fallen in the Great War with a reinstallation of his memorial in the Chatham town square on the 98th anniversary of his death this November. ‘Not without thy wondrous story,
Roy Sumpter's great nephew came from Texas for the plaque unveiling.
2:3-4 Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. 4 Search for them
as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.
Scattering of Ashes is non-Christian
Scattering of Ashes is non-Christian
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