Tuesday, Sophie went to the veterinarian. You wouldn't believe she sat still on senior's laps so peacefully by the way the tech and I held her down. She put on 4/10ths of a pound since last year. But she's good to go. The sad part is that while waiting, a woman brought her dog (pointer type) in on a pad and blanket with tears in her eyes and left with her blanket. I teared too. Maybe...just maybe...it's not what it appears.
The TDI Winter 2016 Newsletter is now available for viewing from the following link
Wednesday's Zumba was cancelled because our instructor had a bad back. That's ok because my back isn't that great either. Well I took a warm bath to sooth my back. As a result, my submerged head created a lot of ear wax and got into my right hearing aid and was not functioning. Grrr! My senior strength class (before Zumba) was full so my motivation was already low between my aching back and my bad hearing aid. I did 15 minutes on the bicycle and left. I went to Audibel but they were busy so I left and went to the nearby Krispy Kreme for a doughnut to temporarily help my mood. Then I went to the DAV for the Pearl Harbor ceremony. (click to enlarge)
I got my opera hood in the mail just before heading out for the Holiday walks. As I left my car, I was approached for some "spare change". Reenactors travel light in that department because there's so much else to weigh you down. I carry a small reticule for keys and phone.
I danced in the window with the Springfield International Folk Dancers. The window was decorated Victorian style for passer-bys to view. Oh my nose was dripping. In fact, the following day I felt worse. I made a washer load of hankies (almost). Thursday I went to the gym but the instructor didn't show so I went to Mass for the feast of Mary. I had a meeting with the Lincoln Monument Association but didn't go. I took a lot of naps because that's when I felt best. When I got up, the drip began. It was soooo cold too. I loaded the fireplace. Sophie didn't really understand why she couldn't go for a long walk. I made her use the back yard. Between the cold and my cold I got little accomplished.
I tried to change my email from Yahoo.com to Hotmail.com. I would like to delete my Yahoo email but recently got a question through yahoo on a DNA match. When I attempt to change the email from yahoo to hotmail, it says "We're sorry, we were unable to update your email address because the email address you entered is already in use." I called support and the support person told me to create another account with different email. Then I would have 3 emails floating out there. I asked to speak to a database person and he wouldn't help saying I should fix it myself. I retired as a Database administrator so I know they can be merged. I already have least 10 accounts and he asked me to start over with a gmail account. These are the IDs:
RoseConnolly500 (Rose Connolly)
roconnolly (Rosemary Connolly)
I sold an engine stand, hoist and a parts washer that was in the garage. I'll give the money to Alan. He will never change an engine. The garage is really crowded and I really need to downsize. I've even left a little space for the construction workers for storage.
Friday evening I served refreshments at the Elijah Iles House for the first night of candlelight tours. Since I saw that my assignment was in the basement kitchen, I told them I'd would not to wear my period dress. I did say why but they later figured it out. The newspaper, ran this boo boo
Correction: February should read December
Saturday I danced from 11 - 2PM with the Springfield International Folk Dancers in the window. Then I went to see the decor at Edwards Place and the Elijah Iles House.
I came home and did some grocery shopping and filled my gas tank in preparation for the chill. Then I realized I missed the American Legion Christmas Party after seeing pictures posted on facebook. I was napping on the couch and watching Mary Popping. Cold weather does that.
Sunday morning I was a substitute for the second reading at Mass. In the evening I watched "Frozen" on TV.
Well it's a cold week ahead of us. We didn't get an inch of snow as predicted but up north they sure got hit. We had rain about 6PM. I was afraid of ice but the streets are dry and the sun is out but cold. I had Sean bring in a big log for an over night fire.
Monday I had a therapy dog visit at Regency Care and the soon to close St John's Hospice. Between I went to lunch at Popeyes and had popcorn shrimp for lunch. There were 5 in hospice an hour before I arrived. Sophie does more comfort for families than patients but there were 2 patients who were awake and enjoyed our visit with smiles.
I close this with a full moon rising.
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