I can't believe that after sharing my last weekly report that I got a response from cousin, Ron Dusky the snowbird, who was present at the Civil War Retreat Ceremony at Lincoln's Tomb when I was dressed in my widow's weeds. He is from so far away and we were in the same crowd. Especially since the retreat ceremony is every Tuesday evening during the summer and and I do not go all the time.
Thursday I took a half day off of work to attend a funeral for marine Lance Corporal Kevin Davallis who died in Texas. I went to the funeral which was somewhat in three parts: The respects paid at the funeral home just before escort to the church, church service, escort to Camp Butler. My coworker attended the first part and then peeled off to go to back to work. He later told me how moved he told me "Standing in the flag line really gets to me because of the family coming in. Its really hard to be stoic..." It was was a Catholic funeral so I attended Mass with my Catholic War Veterans service cap. It was nice to see Chris again who came all the way from Quincy on his motorcycle for this Patriot Guard escort.
Springfield is building a homeless shelter for veterans and it is starting to come along. It’s almost ready to be opened up.
I attended a meeting of the Catholic War Veterans and the homeless shelter came up so I had my computer and showed them the picture of the shelter. It was scheduled to open June 23d. There was a discussion about membership of getting younger veterans into our organization as well as all veterans organizations. Even the VFW where we held our meeting had been painted for the so-called "lightening up" attraction toward the younger generation of veterans. Cole brought up something totally off the wall about younger veterans no longer meeting and getting all their news from Hanity. He said that he asks them "Do you know who owns FOX News?". Seems to be a "catch you with your pants down" type of question that has nothing to do with membership. I didn't know so I looked it up and was surprised to learn that the owner was Rupert Murdock.
Springfield is building a homeless shelter for veterans and it is starting to come along. It’s almost ready to be opened up.
The neighbor gave me 2 bottles of wine and a case of beer for my son. Oh, and we are dog sitting thier active Jack Russell named Dottie. Friday morning I walked three dogs before going to work. That was like walking your pet octopus.
Friday I rode to work so I could ride in a parde afterwork for the American Legion State Convention. There was also an evening street party. The parade was nice. I had some snacks on the 29th floor of the Hilton. Few looked down out the slanted window. I scared one with a slight push. PANIC! We took a group photo of the American Legion Riders. Short ones in front. I stayed until a wind gust picked up. There were scattered but severe showers spread around so I panicked and came home early. It was nothing by the time I got home. In fact, it was nicer outside than in my air conditioned house which is where I am typing this paragraph from on my laptop. I did fill up the tank and calculated 55.4 MPG.
There was a Mother-Daughter in a tu tu at the convention as well.
Early Saturday I rode the Wheezer for a bike show held by the Legion Riders. I put it in a bike show with a $10 entry fee. I had a nice narrative on the 89 Yamaha Route 66 Special Edition but didn't win. Dave told me that his friend, Lee Elder, got mugged after I had left the night before of $25 by two blacks. He ran after them but they got away. While the convention and bike show was going on, I got into my costume and helped at the Old State Capitol. I went over to the convention center in my historical costume and Legion Cap. I figure if the Looking For Lincoln push can have historically dressed reenactors using a new app for Lincoln on their cell phones that I can wear my FARBY cap to draw convention visitors to our historical site. Later, Edwards Place which was holding an ice cream social and historical dance. Gene met up with me for the dance. After all the vandalism, I knew that after the dance I should change and get my motorcycle away from the convention center so I changed into slacks and brought it over to the Old State capital for a special after work event by Chris Vallilo and the Lincoln Troubadours.
Sunday I went to 8AM Mass with the Catholic War Veterans. Since we church hop between different parishes each month, this month we were at the church and same service that Justin's family goes to. Justin is the site manager at the Old State Capitol and I got to see his 18 month old daughter. Afterward we had breakfast at Amber Jacks.
After that my son and I went to Morton, IL to Maxine's on Main for a fund raiser for a cancer victim. Not only had my son been there before and knew the way there, I sure needed him to drive me home. There was a lot of wine and I got tipsy. It's a good thing I was not driving. We did drive through an isolated shower through Springfield but not a drop where I live.
Monday was the 4th anniversary of loosing my husband. My son had posted a photo of his grave with a coin. I understand that it was not the only coin there later in the day. Thanks all! Frank I'm doing fine and when I'm not, your sons are there for me.
Later I went to a VFW meeting. Dave Crouch thanked all that had participated in the honor guard during the past few months and that was very nice. I told him that my calendar was a busy one but don't let a few turn downs deter him from asking for help with the honor guard. I just realize how sad any ceremony would be without the posting of our nation's colors. It just wouldn't be the same without this important part of ANY EVENT. The post welcomed a new member by the name of Marie. While at the meeting I had my laptop and with the help of the post's WIFI I was able to make a post to the group's site: http://my.vfwwebcom.org/group/post755
It looks like I will finally sell my Piaggio. I have a deposit check and a secondary supplemental check. Pickup is tentative for Wednesday. My son made me promise not to make an impulse purchase like that again.
The State of Illinois is in a financial crisis and is negotiating with the union to have every employee go down two grades ( a 10% cut). This is not good for me.
It's so hot that...
- birds are using potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
- the trees are whistling for dogs.
- hot water now comes out of both taps in the sink.
- you can make sun tea instantly.
- you break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
- you realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
- you actually burn your hand opening the car door.
- you learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
- you discover that it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
- the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
- the temperature drops below 95°F and you feel a little chilly.
- farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.
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