Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Week

Last week, the tree pollen was making me sneeze and run.  I picked up some Zirteck which I took before bed and that seemed to help.  However, now all that nose blowing has left the underside of my nostrils rough and raw. A week later, my son is experiencing the same problem.  He seemed apologetic for not sympathizing with me earlier when I had allergies.
Thursday I got an IM before I left for work from a coworker already at work.  He told me about a fatal accident that had occurred about 1AM and a car flew into the building at a high rate of speed.  The driver must have been going 70MPH Northbound and flew up along the iron fence into the corner of our building’s utility pole.  He died on impact.  News 20 was here but it was mostly cleaned up. 
A coworker had surgery on her shoulder on Wednesday and we went to visit her while on lunch hour on Thursday.  She’ll be just fine but she was groggy from pain medications.
Thursday evening I took Marley to her obedience training.  Problem was that there was scattered thunder but no rain.  I put on her Thunder Shirt.  She just wants to hide in the bathroom.  Well, I dragged her to the class.  In the beginning she did alright.  We were just walking in circles and practicing the COME command.  COME is a difficult command because she looks left and right out of fear to see if she should back off.  As the lesson progressed, she refused her treats and just wanted to go to the exit or the bathroom to hide.  She refused to walk in a circle with the other students and I was pulling her.  She became stressed. 
I look out my window at work and there are folks moving into the rental across the street.  AHHHHHHHHH.  I see butt crack.
The ants have returned to my kitchen like every spring.
Saturday morning I took Alan with me to drop off Marley and Bentley at the groomers.  Then we went to Spaulding to see champion Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Rhanda and Sassy.  Alan really likes this breed and wanted to see them while my friend happens to be dog sitting this weekend.   Sassy was in heat so she couldn’t get out except in a confined area.    They are real active dogs.
I would have liked to go to see the St Patrick’s Day parade but since Alan didn’t want to go we had to come home.  He talked about the dogs on the way home. I made corned beef in the crock pot.  I made cabbage and vegetables on the side.  Alan made a Rueben and I had mine with vegetables.  I just ate some asparagus from my garden.  I just threw the stalks in with the corned beef to cook.
I went to church talent show (not a contest). There were singers and musicians but I was the only person that did something different. I did my first person reenactment of Major Belle Reynolds, Civil War nurse. They seemed to like my presentation and I was invited to present for the seniors.  I did notice that I need to re-sew the trim on my bonnet because the stitching is loose and I took my water keg over to Dan Bedell to help me repair it since the barrel’s rings were loose.
Sunday morning I rode my little motorcycle to church and afterward I went to a pancake breakfast at the Knights of Columbus that helps to support the troops.  The mobile Vet Center and WW2 reenacters were there too.
Sunday evening I cut the grass with my electric mower in the back yard for the first time.  Of course that yard grows fast because of the dogs.  I asked a neighbor who fixes mowers to do routine maintenance on my riding mower.  It hasn’t been serviced in 2 years since the repair shop in Chatham closed.
Monday evening I went to a VFW meeting.  I brought up that the Vet Center was running out of the bus tokens that are passed out to poor veterans.  These are paid alternately between the Military Order of the Purple Heart and VFW 755.  So I was given a check for $150 for bus tokens which I turned over to the Vet Center.  Elections will be held at the next meeting and so the slate of officers was nominated.  They wanted me to be a trustee but I have a commitment on the nights they meet ~ first Mondays.
On the way to work, I saw a man riding his motorcycle in a mighty fine dress suit and tie at a stop light. I stuck my head out my car window to wave at him and he waved back and smiled. 
A friend at the post has finally gotten approval after years of struggling with the VA for 100% disability for Agent Orange.  Because he was in the Navy and on a ship instead of boots on the ground it was hard to prove but now they’ve listed his ship in place and date.  Explains the skin discoloration and diabetes associated with Agent Orange.  Good for him. I voted on Tuesday’s primary.  I had lunch at the Boulevard and had a prime rib sandwich.  Yum!   I had prepaid discount where I spend $10 and get a $20 value or more.  Spent I got a new chair at work.  After work I had my hair cut for Locks of Love. I picked up some of that fine chicken dinner at the VFW for Alan since I was still full from lunch.  Then I went to a Why Catholic discussion group.  I wanted to take the dogs for a walk in the evening but lately Marley is just resisting. She’s gone from enthusiastic to a pull toy.  I think she wants a treat for any performance on her leash

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