Monday, March 26, 2012

Ensuring no Troop goes unloved

CJ, an active duty NCO recently returned from a deployment to Afghanistan, reflects on the support he has received from Soldiers' Angels over the years:

Because we were the clearing house for all mail going to our Brigade, I saw all the boxes marked to outlying FOBs from Soldiers’ Angels. The sheer volume of mail coming through KAF from SA was remarkable. To be honest, I knew that they were a great and vast organization, but I never really grasped it until I saw it for myself on the receiving end. In fact, sometimes we got so many care packages, I would take them to nearby units with which I worked closely. I explained that the goodies were from SA and their faces would light up being well aware of the group. Everyone I spoke with was either supported by a Soldiers Angel or knew someone that was.
Read the whole thing.

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