Tuesday, July 7, 2020

My Week

Tuesday I got to take advantage of my membership at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum.  There was a pre-opening day for members only.  On of the displays was this Andrew Jackson Smith's Medal of Honor.

I have this fan that was made of cheap mesh and recovered it.  I wasn't sure it would be possible because of the folds. It's an OK job.  Here is the before photo of the fan:
Here is the after photo of the fan:
I have been working with Amber for the next level of trick dog and that is AKC Elite Trick Performer which is usually done before an audience but lately videos can be approvals.   Then I learned that AKC is have a contest so that makes me want to speed things up.  I have been working on "Amber's First Christmas" with tricks.

I was part of the color guard for the Chatham reading of the Declaration of Independence.
Afterward I stopped at the VFW for a historian's talk called "Pints and Parchments".  Topic expanded from the Declaration and all history afterward to today.  I fixed a dog shirt from baby outfit that I found at the Goodwill. I'm not sure I got the cut just right.  Besides, it's too hot to dress up a dog 

They found a safe place on the Fourth of July

I tried to fix a baby's outfit to my dog.

I was faced with the difficult choice of riding my bike down closer to the park to see fireworks or stay with my scared pups.  I went.  The McCoy's drive is where I go every year.  He's a former marine.  While there, some asked to sit on his lawn.  Of course he obliged.  Then before the show, the girls got up and sang the Star Spangled Banner in the dark.  We got up and sang along.  I saw a man with a back pack and a big flag hike by as if in a ruck march.

A few posts earlier I complained about a polyester dress. This vintage cotton dress arrived today (on a Sunday through the Post Office) and fits wonderfully. Good old Hollywood classiness. Oh and pockets!

Sheltering in place you don't need shoes. Besides, hair is damp since I got out of the pool and figured it was good time to try it on after taking off my swim suit. So there!

Early Monday morning there was a power outage on my block. I believe it was between 3 and 4 AM but not totally sure without power to my bedroom clock. A truck came out to fix it but I couldn't sleep.  I tried to go back to sleep but by 5 AM the sky was getting lighter. I tried to take the dogs for a walk since we didn't get one the night before due to residual use of firecrackers in the evening.

I'd been working hard on writing poetry to go along with an AKC Elite Trick Performance.  It's titled "Amber's Christmas Story".

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