Monday, February 11, 2013

My Week

Monday evening I went to the American Legion meeting.  I brought information about Honor Flight and a baseball game between the Cards and the August that benefits veterans organizations.  My son had hinted that he had a craving for a doughnut.  I decided to pull a box of mix from the shelf for gluten free chocolate chip cookies and was baking them around 10PM.

Tuesday evening I went to a meeting of our Civil War Soldiers Aid Society.

I went to an American Legion Riders meeting at the VFW instead of the American Legion post since the room was spoken for.   We have canceled all events and fund raisers for the entire year until fiscal matters are worked out. Our next meeting will be at the Chatham American Legion Post as opposed to the Springfield Post on March 6.  Chatham's Post Commander is member of the riders and is glad to take us. So, the riders, auxiliary and the Sons of legion are moving to post 759.   I guess it wasn't nice for the post commander of 32 to write checks that we earned.

I'm putting the wheels into motion to nominate Linda Crites for the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs, Veteran of the Month.  I recall when she attended my ceremony for this proclamation how I looked her in the eyes and knowing all the hell she'd been through on the Global War on Terror.  I hope she will not be too humble to turn over her required DD 214 for the application.   She is very deserving.

I have left a Halloween skeleton up because it has a broken arm.  It's now seasonal like those people that decorate their goose.  So far he's worn "Baby's First Thanksgiving" and "Baby's First Christmas".  Now a pink heart shirt for Valentine's Day.

Saturday I got groceries and stopped briefly at the Goodwill store across the street.  I found a German jumper dress that will come in handy later.  I cooked a pot roast and went to the Lincoln Tomb at 2:30 for the VFW Lincoln Pilgrimage.  I hear Gene was on TV in his Civil War uniform with students from the Voice of Democracy that visited the Lincoln Tomb.  That will probably be in the state VFW newspaper.  Then in the evening I went to the ball at the Moose Lodge in Vandalia.  Next week to Jacksonville for the Greirson Gala Ball.  Although some of our fellow Civil War dancers (Shirley and Larry and Nancy and Rich) will be headed for Quincy Ball on the same night. 
The Photographer was taking donations for the Wounded Warrior Project. 
That's the organizer in the middle in the green dress: Connie Bolyard. That photographer has a real authentic tattoo.  Just kidding.

They were taking photos and sent them to me via email.

Sunday morning it rained. I heard a loud thunder clap in church. I'm glad I walked the dogs before that. I had nothing on my calendar for Sunday but when I got to work on Monday, I had a reminder that I was supposed to go to Mass with the Catholic War Veterans. Darn...missed it. Too many different calendars going on.

I've been given the task of calling members of the VFW to make their renewal payment.

I got these American Flag mittens/gloves from the Veteran Site that helps feed veterans

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