Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Week

I still haven't seen my cat, Dave, as mentioned in my last post.  I fear the worst may have happened to him.  His freedom may have done him in.

I rode to work on Thursday so that I could ride to the Quaker Steak and Lube’s “Biker Night” in which we had a booth for the American Legion Riders.  Me with Bozo the Great Dane owned by Ron and Katja from the post.  I need to get me a dog like this.  Oh, and I am standing up. 

I picked up some chocolate flavored red wine. Sweet!  I love both.

I clipped a picture from facebook of me on the memorial bench dedicated to Chad Young that was taken on Memorial Day.  I felt close to the hero here.

Here's a picture of me in my Vivandière costume at the historical medical encampment.  I believe my haversack should be shortened because is weighs down the flare in my skirt.  This was taken on Sunday so with all the costume changes, I had forgotten my felt hat.  I wore a snood instead but that's ok since I mostly worked inside the Old State Capitol.
Here is a video that I took of Sue's presentation on Belle Boyd, Confederate Spy
I was flattered that Sue introduced Rose as being historically correct in stature for the time frame as I took my seat.

Presentation on Belle Boyd, Confederate Spy from Rose Connolly on Vimeo.

Next weekend, Jacksonville, IL: 
General Grierson Days

Taking a break from Civil War Medical encampment at the Old State Capitol to watch some Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball.  The Patriot Guard Riders are in the infield.  Had it not been for the reenactment, I probably would be with the PGR.  At least I bought a ticket and helped spread history of the Civil War on the same day.  This is the outfit that I wore on Saturday as Mrs Major Belle Reynolds of the 17th Illinois Infantry.  Monday, as I went to pick up some snaps for my outfit, at Joanne Fabric store, I found some trim for my vivandiere outfit on sale at .25/yard.  Whoo hoo!

I found another Soldiers Angel that lives in my town.  Hope to meet her soon. Possibly at the Chatham American Legion Homecoming festival.

A funny thing happened Monday morning while walking the dogs. The new neighbor on the corner mentioned that her gnomes were stolen while away this weekend. I told her it was probably a popular prank/gimmick like the flat Stanley craze. Now this....

I've been enjoying Red Chocolate wine.  I bought 4 bottles.  That's like two favorites in one.

My dogs have been stubborn about going for a walk lately.  I'll put the leashes on and we walk a short distance and they turn to go home.  Marley is worse, she plops down.  Well, there are kids out there with poppers and stuff as we get closer to the 4th of July.

I participate in a lot of veterans organizations but I've never asked these organizations for financial support. I have dropped hints such as flyers/news on podiums and such for many worthwhile needs but I have never asked for a vote/motion for funds. Then I witness funds going to non-veteran related sponsorships like HS prom, baseball, etc. I have recently been receiving assistance for postage on packages sent to soldiers but I was offered reimbursement by the Womens Overseas Service League (WOSL). Thank you ladies for supporting our SHEROS.  On the down side, Tuesday’s meeting of the WOSL left a bad taste in my mouth.  Service at the legion was late so I had my salad to go.  Of the 5 ladies in attendance, 2 of them dominated the meeting with their side conversation.  It was like Joy Behar and members of “The View”.

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