Monday, November 29, 2021

My Thanksgiving Week


So, as we celebrate with hearts filled with APPRECIATION, let us reflect on---
T— THANKS, Lord, for being so abundant with your blessings to us.
H— HAPPY that we have another day of life and breath.
A— APPRECIATIVE of Your Presence in our daily lives.
N— NEVER taking anything for granted.
K— KINDLY acting towards all we meet.
S— SACRIFICING our own needs to those whose needs are not met.
G— GENEROUS in all we do.
I— ILLUMINATING the world with Your glory, Lord.
V— VERY blessed to be a Catholic.
I— IN step with Jesus as He journey with us.
N—NEVER stop being grateful.
G—GOING the extra mile for others. 

Tuesday evening I went to the American Legion for a brief discussion by Matthew Tungett, First Class Midshipman, on his experiences at the Naval Academy. 

Wednesday I took Amber to Mechanicsburg for agility practice.  It was pretty windy despite temperatures about 50.  The wind chill made it feel pretty cold.  Lisa recorded virtual runs to send to a judge but mine won't be forwarded because they were bad.  

I went to Mass for Thanksgiving and brought some items for the food pantry.  I was able to bring home the November memorial candle with Nancy's name on it from our November Remembrance Chapel.  I made a low calorie pumpkin pie without the crust.  I also bought a homemade mince pie from Humphry's Market that was pretty good. 

Alan brought the turkey this time.  I often complained about leftovers being wasted long afterward and my sons did not take some home.  I wanted something small to avoid that.  In addition, we were also worried about food shortages and my freezer was full so I asked Alan to bring the turkey.

A little prayer before our meal and a round of something that we are thankful for during the past year.

Amber was intimidated by the visiting dogs especially Cosmo. He's a little bit rough.  Amber played at first but then when Cosmo got too rough, she hid by me and was shivering.   During our meal I put her in the kennel.  Still Amber shivered.  I'd been trying to teach Cosmo some manners which I think Sean should be doing.  That dog is 6 months old now and I warned him that events start allowing dogs to title at 1.  It doesn't just happen on their birthday.  Then I put on my fox fur hat to give my dogs a walk and that big hat scared Cosmo.   I thought it was funny having the shoe on the other foot.  I do regret that the 28 degrees with 18 MPH was too cold for a traditional family dog walk that I look forward to.

Sunday I participated in the 28th annual Sid Wood Toy Run


I went through my friends list on Facebook and unfriended some that are gone and those that had a COVID or mask related profile photo.


 Now can I listen to Christmas music

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