Monday, July 26, 2021

My Week

Seems like this has been an expensive week.  Air conditioning, long term care insurance due, tree removal, garage door got stuck, air conditioner service call,  and I chipped a tooth.  A lot of flies in the house from early morning use of the whole house fan and door open.

Monday was my day for volunteering.

   This is the quote on the plaque regarding the Lincoln Douglas  debate on Popular Sovereignty

Tuesday my tree came down.  No more raking, twerlly gigs, mating squirrels, or fallen storm branches.  

Tuesday afternoon I took Sophie to the nursing home for a much needed petting by all parties involved.  Here she meets a new resident.  One of Sophie's Therapy Dog International Inc's (TDI) visits (taken by staff that know whose photos are shareable). This is a sample of many that I usually cannot share. The visits are mutual for all involved. Sophie loves being petted and getting attention. She is so sweet with her "super power" and I'm blessed to be her driver.

 Then I changed into my period dress for the Flag Lowering ceremony at the Lincoln  Tomb.  It was toasty. 

Wednesday I went to our Veterans Assistance Commission meeting for which I am secretary.  We had a scheduling  conflict at the VFW post where we met  and the  parking lot was crowded.  

Thursday I had my hearing aid appointment. I told him about bluetooth problems and that there used to be a warning when the battery was low. Also intermittent on and off connections. Also problems with the phone app. He said that he could send them in to the factory but it would be about 2 weeks to get them back. Hmm. I’m trying my old hearing aids out today. Well I played a voice message in my car and it seemed clear. If I play it just from my phone, I can’t hear it. Sean called me to test and it worked if I switched to speaker phone. 

Friday I took Amber to perform tricks at the Villas of Southpark.  About 4 ladies and a staff member showed up.   I had them move from the hot sun room to the front where it's a little cooler and Amber won't shut down on me.  In the evening I went to open practice at the dog club.  Once again, it happened, Amber ignored me on the recall and  just sat there.

Saturday morning I met with some other DAR members to carpool to a luncheon in Bloomington.  It was a "white glove" event.  Here are the ladies from my  area and the 2 on the left were in my carpool.

At first I thought my hat would be too much but I got many compliments.  New members were asked to stand and only 2 of us stood up.


In the evening I went to the Old State Capitol for dancing with the 33rd Infantry Band.  It sure was hot so I did not put on my period dress.  The rest in my dance group were already there but they were in period attire. I did get 3 dances in wearing my simple smock dress because it was so hot.  Turned out there was a nice breeze.  I had washed my pink dress and hung it out to dry but thanks to a warning from my son, there was a storm coming and not to leave it outside to dry overnight.

Sunday I went  to a birthday party for Anne in my exercise group held at the legion  hall.  She turned 90.

Then we had a group photo of those from Powerworks. Two of our instructors are in this photo.  We sure look different from our work out clothes.

And another group taken separately.

Sean and I watched a movie called "Air Strike".  The reviews were not good but I thought it was okay. Here's the trailer.

In the evening I met up with Rose Hutches about Amber's obedience.  We are trying some more serious approach to fine tuning her performance like sniffing and sitting straight.  

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