Monday, July 13, 2020

My Week

I gave the girls their summer flea pill on Monday but when I took Sophie with me to a meeting at Capitol Canine Club, she seemed to be scratching.  I doubt the pill would take affect in 24 hours so she had a bath on Wednesday.  No fleas were found so it might be just regular itching.  It's easy to see fleas on a white dog.  I think that's why I don't care to have a black dog.    I entered this photo in a fundraiser
I got a new piano by Melissa & Doug that's the same same brand as my mail box. It was on sale at Marshals because there was no song book with it anymore. Amber doesn't need a song book. Some toy pianos will tip over so this is dog tested.
This will be good for her Christmas recital. 

Every morning we play “leave it “ and “get it “. They will remind me it’s time. The girls are not perfect at this game. Sophie jumps the gun more because she's slower than Amber and Amber might take both after I say "get it".  Sometimes I play this game standing with a foot nearby the treat before I say "get it".
They like this game.

My Star Lilly is in bloom but so heavy that it needed a stake to hold it up.  It is lovely however and there is a row of them along the garage and most are white.

Thursday evening I watched a Zoom meeting about the new display on historic women's dresses at the Illinois State Military Museum.

Friday night I took Amber and Sophie to the Capitol Canine Club for members-only training.  I usually just take Amber but Sophie was so insistent. When it was Amber's turn in the ring to do a recall, she ran right past me to the kennel where Sophie was.  Our guide for the evening suggested we try the recall with the kennel to her back.   I put Sophie in a kennel while I worked with Amber.  Eventually Sophie made a ruckus in the kennel and I gave her a chance at healing.  She didn't do too bad.

I saw a hummingbird in my front yard picking and swooping on a robin.  Later I saw this hummingbird picking on a squirrel.  There is a nest in my fir tree but I assumed the nest was for cardinals that frequent the tree in past years.  I haven't seen a pair of hummingbirds either unless I'm just seeing one at a time.

Saturday morning I watched virtual yoga.  My hummingbird was also there.  He's telling me to refill the feeder.

I don't like the tree pose.  Our instructor does hold it longer than I like and my tree tips over.
Sunday I made lunch for Sean and myself.  Afterward we walked the dogs around the block together and Amber got in Mo's pissing stream and needed a bath.   In the evening I took Amber to rally practice and it was good quality time because there were only 2 of us there. 
We wore masks and used gloves to pick up the cards and cones.

So now Amber and I will be in a Nosework class for 7 weeks.  Hopefully she'll be rewarded for sniffing out anise, clove and birch instead of sniffing out other dog's piss and drool at  the club.

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