The cold continues.....
Tuesday morning I went to core exercise and then went to Camp Butler National Cemetery for wreath clean up only to learn it was postponed a second time. Staff was low and wreaths were frozen to the ground.
Wednesday I went to exercise and seemed so exhausted afterward that I forgot my water bottle there. Britney had to text me. No biggie. I felt weak and needed to eat so I was forgetful. I had lunch with Michael at County Market. Then a meeting with the Veterans Assistance Commission in the evening. I was re-elected in as secretary. No takers I guess.
Friday's exercise class was scant because of the cold. Got a little silly with the decor from Tropical Yoga. Britney attached one of the tropical flowers to my hair band. I think it made me look taller or something.
I think next they should have goat yoga.
I'm trying to fix this regency era dress. When I took the shoulders in, the bust line went over the top. I added an under-bust flap and a high waistline. I made a panel tuck in for front panel look so that it doesn't look so much like a maternity dress.
Before and after:

I'd still like to even out the tucks between the bodice and belt line. I have a purple spencer jacket to wear over it.
Saturday I was in the color guard with the American Legion for the Springfield Jr Blues Hockey. It was military night. We had to step out on the ice about 5 feet real slow during the National Anthem. Afterward we were leaving do wheel turn. That's when I had a wobble but didn't go down. I was on the outside of the wheel turn as a rifle bearer so the added weight is a factor. Afterward I went to a trivia game at church to fund raise for students on the Catholic Heart Work Camp.
Amber doesn't seem to understand that the behavior revolves around the command not the reward. Sitting on her bowl without being I have to reward her? I was later advised to reward her but pick up the bowel. She was training me!
Monday I stopped by Widex hearing aids and got new wires installed. I complained about them coming out of my ears with facial expressions. She asked if it was recent and I said no. When I complained before, I was told to stop smiling! The reception seemed to understand my displeasure with that explanation. I'll try it for a week. Next step would be molded to my ear. They were falling out especially during exercise class.