Update on the new dog:
Regarding potty training: I think it was concept of a matter of "if not in the house, then where?" so i put her poo in the yard. Thursday, while at yoga, I didn't kennel her since she had a long early walk and I would only be gone an hour. She was out in yard when I returned. 💩 was at least in sun room. Now to watch for consistency.
She seems to understand "sit" and "down" but not properly at the side like a trainer. Many manners are still missing. Like stay off the coffee table and sewing machine. Get out of the dishwasher. She is smart and whinny when I leave. She's
I was fortunate to get her enrolled in obedience class on Monday night for 8 weeks. I'll have a busy time ahead of me.
On the 4th of July, I went to Mass with the Catholic War Veterans at Oak Ridge Cemetery sponsored by Staab Funeral Home and the Catholic War Veterans Post 1916.
Here's the news media link
Fr Steve Thompson was a marine during the Cold War era. and seminarian Austin Quick is also a veteran.

Afterward I went to the Chatham Square for the 4th annual reading of the Declaration of Independence. I was a member of the color guard.
I'm good at "present arms" and "dismiss"
Let me tell you, it was hot.
I took a little nap and then went to the Elijah Iles House for the Clara Irwin's Strawberry Party. I helped serve strawberry shortcake.
Friday was busy. Took Amber to get her spay appointment early. Then I went to Ron Otken's funeral at Camp Butler. I came for a quick walk with Sophie and change to go to the Old State Capitol for History Comes Alive with Sharon.
Mary made a new banner for our group. I absolutely love it.
I picked up Amber afterward and somewhere out there is an adoption photo in period dress.
Saturday I helped out at the Lincoln Tomb to cover the lunch hour and break. Then went to a program at the Military Museum.
Sunday I went to our CWV Memorial Mass at Christ The King parish. Afterward we had breakfast at Amber Jacks.
Looks like my neighbors are moving out and soon the new will move in. So I'll have new neighbors on both sides and directly across in less than 9 months. Feels weird.
I called my sister in California. At least it's good to hear her voice. She sounds good but......continued prayers needed.
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