I went to an SAR dinner on Wednesday evening where they presented awards and welcomed prospective members in the works. It's amazing that I knew people there through some of my historic reenacting. Same type of people who respect their heritage to the Revolutionary War. They really want to meet my sons who are the real members and direct descendants of George Connolly the Patriot. I also met Bill Lear (sp) who mention good things about a chaplain from Peoria named Justin Antweiler. I said I knew him. Justin is the team leader at the Peoria Veterans Center where my son works. I'll vouch for that.
I've got most of the relation tied to Patriot George Connolly except for one brick wall: George W. Connolly b 1804. Each document relating to the patriot has been scanned and linked to keep organized:
According to Ancestry.com, the references for 1804 George problem are here and cannot be checked out:
History of Harrison County, WV
F864 431 442h ~ At the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Roane County History, WV
F864 R62 B622h ~ At the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
WV Heritage Encyclopedia
Henry C. Adams Memorial Library (Prophetstown) St Louis County.
Wednesday I did my Goodwill shopping trip and had lunch at the salad bar at County Market.
Thursday I took my props over to the Illinois Military Museum for a station presentation on battle field conditions from a woman's perspective. I had asked if I could give the presentation as a practice of an upcoming presentation of Belle Reynolds at the Lincoln Home on May 17th and it was granted provided I keep it shortened.
Friday my riding mower was picked up for repair so I can give it to Alan for his new house. It's a little big for me anyway.
Saturday I went to Keokuk, IA for a Civil War Reenactment.
I modeled my brown dress in the Ladies Tea and Fashion Show.
Below I am standing at the base of the statue in Rand Park dedicated to Chief Keokuk.
This dress was used but like new when I got it on ebay. Bonnet I decorated myself from a felt form. Ha! I did the finishing touches of lace and flowers on the drive over.
I even had my picture taken with someone in high places. Here's a picture that I took at the ball. During the battle, the narrator told us about the history of the mini ball. It was named after Claude-Etienne Minié not the fact that it was small.
Unlike some of the Civil War dances that I've been too, this is one of those occasions where some of those soldiers come in smelling of battle and campfire smoke.
Since I got up late on Sunday, I went to the later Mass after securing a substitute reader in my place earlier. The weather was nice the day before and my reenacting was distracted by the sound of motorcycles which I urged the need for wind in my face. The weather was still nice when I went to church so I rode Wheezer but after church it was not so nice. I noticed I had the following Kudos in the church bulletin:
OWLS Potluck attendees enjoyed our April potluck with our food entrée and all of the delicious side dishes. Thanks to Rosemary Connolly for sharing her Germany travelogue with us accompanied by pictures taken by herself, Dan Bedell, and Cliff Shehorn. We were able to enjoy the beauty of Germany and surrounding area through the presentation. Our committee deserves thanks for stepping in to oversee the evening: Ron; JoAnn Hefer, Mike Sharon Crowley, Jim Pam Friel and Ken Gail Cardoni.
The rest of the church bulletin is here:
My son came over with his dog for laundry day. I fixed Teriyaki chicken from Aldi, broccoli, and some asparagus from my garden.
Monday morning I did the presentation of Belle Reynolds at the Illinois Military Museum for high school literature students that are reading a novel about the Civil War. I will had a station from the women's perspective and there were civil war soldiers having stations as well. They became my test audience for a presentation at the Lincoln Home on May 17.
I used an online stopwatch to time myself. Program seems to run about 11 minutes.
This is the video of my presentation which I use for self improvement.
My written script was shared with the Lincoln Tomb. Now I have an offer to present Belle Reynolds first person at the Lincoln Tomb on my birthday.
After this presentation I covered the lunch hours at the Old State Capitol on their first day of the 7-day summer schedule. Because I was busy performing as Belle Reynolds in the morning and dance practice in the evening I could only volunteer a short while to cover for their lunch hours. There were storm clouds on the way to Metamora but I headed in the opposite direction for the most part.
Tuesday was the day I planned to give tours in addition the the request for additional help. I went to find clips for my Welcome Home banner at Joanne fabric store. Clipped them to the banner and put heavy duty string around letters/clock on the overhanging baggage claim sign. Worked like a charm.
Here is a link to photos taken at the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight on April 29.
April Land of Lincoln Honor Flight
Have a nice week.