Monday, March 21, 2022

my week

 Monday evening I went to a VFW meeting.  Tuesday was  pretty  busy not even counting morning exercise class.  I had a lunch meeting with the  Women's Overseas Service League followed taking Sophie on a Therapy Dog visit.  Then I learn that 2 of the facilities in Chatham were somehow dropped from the database of places that acknowledge therapy dogs.  When  I sent the email to national, their reply was a copy of the instructions and didn't answer why they were dropped.  I have another handler that knows those places were there before.  So I had  to run around and get it done again.  Then Tuesday evening practice at the club. 

 Wednesday I finished up my taxes at the library through AARP so the processedidn't cost me  like in the past.  Still hurt.  I had lunch with Liz at  a  new restaurant called "Beef O'Brady's".  Afterwards we  stopped by the mall and got a chair massage.  Best use of my time.  Actually I hadn't been inside the  mall in years.  It's been pretty bare but there were some new places that were  interesting. 

Thursday I went out to Camp Butler and  took photos for  In the  evening I went to our Catholic War Veterans meeting.  I brought Sophie along and she was loose to wander around during the meeting.  I got the feeling that there was a greater understanding of what the dogs go through.

Friday I closed out my trust and other documents at the law office.  In the evening I helped with the coffee/tea at our American Legion Fish Fry.   It's been canceled the last 2 years so many of the Friday nights that we hold this I've already scheduled dog events.

Saturday morning, Peggy and I carried the Temperance Movement banner in the postponed St Patrick's Day parade.  The weather was in t he 20's the week before but the rescheduled date had some early morning rain.  By step off, the weather was more like 48.  I wasn't cold except for my fingertips even with gloves.

A man that was security thought my banner had something that was in Mary Poppins.  There's a difference between temperance and suffrage.  I look at this as educational for some people.  For those that knew about temperance, we got cheers, jeers and smiles.   If we hadn't been walking behind soldiers, we might have met up with a rough crowd.

Beware of the demon rum.

My keg screws on the straps didn't hold up.   I guess that's a wardrobe malfunction to fix.

I remembered that Ina had made sauerkraut balls so I had to make some myself.  The breading and frying was labor intensive.

I tell ya, I'm not a good cook.

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