Monday, February 14, 2022

My week

Last week I shared a photo of my 4 legged friends.  I left out my other pets, Blanche and Holly.  I got Blanche in May and they are social creatures so Holly joined her a few days before Christmas.

I was asked this week for a brief bio on Amber for the playbill in Annie.  I submitted the following knowing there's a lot of acronyms.  I suggested just this first paragraph but if they need them spelled out, the rest follows.

Amber is 4 1/2 year old border terrier mix making her stage debut as Sandy. After her third adoption at 9 months old, she has been chosen for the this role for her many titles through AKC, Therapy Dog International, Do More With Your Dog, NADAC, Teacup Agility, and Canine Performance Events.  In her spare time, she enjoys sniffing.

American Kennel Club: CGCA (Canine Good Citizen advanced), RE (AKC Rally excellent), CD (AKC Companion Dog), BCAT (Beginner Fast Coursing), AKC (Trick Dog elite performer for “Amber’s Christmas Story” seen on YouTube),

TDIA(Therapy Dog International),  

TDAA( Teacup Dogs Agility Association) titles earned: TSAD (Teacup Superior Agility Dog), TG3 (Teacup Games Superior),

NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council)  O-NJC (jumpers), O-TN-N (tunnelers)

Do More With Your Dog (DMWYD)  Trick Dog Expert, AtoZ (Do More With Your Dog Alphabet Challenge),  2K9 (2 kilometer walk)

CPE (Canine Performance Events) Agility

Saturday I attended the American Legion pilgrimage to Lincoln Tomb on his birthday.  Our 114th regiment paid the honors as well as Legion commanders across the country.


A Facebook group called "Everything Victorian & Edwardian" has a recurring assumption about photos there.   I have to laugh at some of the comments that recur about photos are either mourning or Postmortem and they are not.  For example:

This is not postmortem nor mourning nor even Civil War because her hair is covering the sides of her head like in the 1840's and 50's and the white collar embellishment.  People looked like that because they had to hold the pose for 15 minutes.  They've been freezing in that pose awhile.  The following morning, they were mocked in another Facebook group called "Post mortem nope".  I'm laughing.

All black does not mean black in the daguerreotype

Sunday morning I went to our Catholic War Veterans Memorial Mass.  Outside of the church, was a little library Catholic style at Blessed  Sacrament Parish in Springfield,  IL.
Little Catholic Library


A memorial Mass for the deceased Catholic War Veterans was attended by Pat Noel, Dale Smith and myself, with Father Jeffery Grant
Our special intention is in the previous week's bulletin found here:
I fixed a recipe for Sheet Pan Tacos but it didn't look like the picture in the recipe below.  I substituted flour tortillas with corn and that doesn't fold well. 
It doesn't look pretty but tasted great.

We watched "The Darkest Hour" on Netflix about Winston Churchill.  I might just re-watch this one.

 Sharing some wisdom from my father who used to say when I (or anyone) got a paycheck.  “Don’t let it burn a hole in your pocket”.  He grew up during the depression.  He was particular about frivolous spending.  Another saying that I must pass along "There will always be someone there ready to take your money, not always someone ready to give to you"

This is the fickle state of our country: mask our defenders and free the people.  <Grrrr> 

I was planning to help with a part time job at the onset of the pandemic and even had a back ground check to help with tour buses.  I was asked if I wanted to return but the qualifications have changed and I'm out.

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