Monday I was a volunteer at the Abraham Presidential Museum and stationed at the entrance to the White House.
Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass |
In the evening I went to a meeting at the VFW.
Tuesday afternoon, Sophie had a trip to the nursing home. In the evening I got all dressed up for the flag lowering ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb only to back out of the dress because I wasn't feeling well. I think the heat is getting to me. I slept a lot.
Wednesday morning I took Amber to agility practice in Mechanicsburg. We are trying to beat the heat by getting and early practice in. As it was, she hid in the shade of the A frame.
Sean and I watched "The Patriot" for Independence Day. As a result, I found the original Disney version of Francis Marion whom my husband was named after. Video of the week is:
Swamp Fox - The Birth of the Swamp Fox pt 1
Here is a video that Sean took while Amber and I ran a CPE standard level 3 course.
here is the course map.
Sean exclaimed that seeing the event really added a new dimension of why we worked so hard practicing. He seemed impressed and I'm glad I could share it with him.
Here are the weekend's trial results for Amber. Friday 7/9/2021:
Snooker L2 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
No Time
Wildcard L2 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Distance: 83 yards SCT: 47 seconds
No Time
Jackpot L3 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Score: 36 (NQ) Time: 64.53 seconds 1st Place
Saturday 7/10/2021:
FullHouse L2 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Standard L2 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Distance: 144 yards SCT: 77 seconds
Score: 0 (Q) Time: 40.00 seconds 1st Place
Colors L3 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Distance: 97 yards SCT: 49 seconds
Score: 5 (NQ) Time: 32.30 seconds 1st Place
Snooker L2 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Score: 44 (Q) Time: 38.64 seconds 1st Place
Jumpers L2 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Distance: 92 yards SCT: 42 seconds
Score: 5 (Q) Time: 24.93 seconds 1st Place
Sunday 7/11/2021:
Jackpot L3 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Score: 65 (Q) Time: 39.45 seconds 1st Place
Standard L3 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Score: 0 (Q) Time: 38.40 seconds 1st Place
FullHouse L2 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Score: 24 (NQ) Time: 21.68 seconds 1st Place
Wildcard L2 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Distance: 84 yards SCT: 47 seconds
Jumpers L2 - 8 Inch - Judge: Steven Klein
Distance: 105 yards SCT: 47 seconds
It was a tough call to leave early Sunday knowing how much this trial meant. I left the fairgrounds early so I could go to bed. It was air conditioned in the livestock center and then going out to humidity gave me hot and cold spells of weakness. It was probably a good decision but not an easy one. In fact I left in such a hurry that I left my sweater there but my fellow club members saved it for me and I can pick it up at the club.
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