Monday, March 8, 2021

My week

 I was dusting things off and rediscovered my Air Force Mr Potato head.  Mr Potato Head has been in the news regarding the Biden administration's gender neutrality executive order.

Here is Green Amber. I made the scarf last year. This year I tried the green sunglasses. She held them for about 30 seconds because it pleased me...ONLY. 

I had also made a scarf for Sophie who's scarf gets in the way of her walking so she can't wear hers. 
I put together an "Alphabet Challenge" by Do More With Your Dog. (our name will be added to the list of title holders and some of the other videos by others) It took me all week.  I'm kinda glad I didn't watch the other's videos before doing mine.  A little more creative that way.  Besides, one of the videos that I watched after the submission seemed to use letters that were different synonyms of just barking such as counting, bark, etc.  I'm learning to use a new camera that I got for Christmas. 
Q for Quick was an accidental setting on time lapse so I kept it her time lapse weave clip and saved the W in weave for the W in Wave. Also, a bad setting on LEAVE IT clip changed my black pants to mauve color.  A few clips were recycled from last year.

Here's the video

A few of these tricks with the black boarder on the side like on yoga mat were incorporated from last year so I didn't have to do them over. Some of the older clips she has improved since. Some of these we are really green at doing recently like the hike, chess and Zorro. I needed to re-do the PVC frame on that pony. You see, I cut it narrower so the pony wouldn't wobble. Then I added air and it didn't quite fit either and the pipe popped open because it was fatter. She used the wall to help balance.  Amber hated doing Zorro but she did it because she loves me.  Her balance is pretty good overall because she rides in the car freestyle and sticks her head out the window. She has to learn sporadic movements and braking. 

Then I come home from ring ready obedience after 8 and dark with back pack and keys and Amber on a drag leash and she sees a rabbit.  I got worried there but all is well.

So Friday evening I took her to the Capitol Canine Training Club for open obedience practice group. When I got home, she saw a rabbit in the front yard and took off between the 8 feet from the car to the door and I got worried. She was sitting in the dark and I had to go to her.

Wednesday I had a new faucet installed in my quarter-bath that didn't have a direct shut off valve.  I had to have a plumber help.  In the evening was my last night as an assistant to the obedience class.  There were 5 graduates out of about 8 that started out. This group should have graduated December 20th. I picked up being an assistant after a long break because the governor closed everything down again in December and then there were 2 snow days.   On graduation night, the students were introduced to light rally, agility and I brought Amber to demonstrate some tricks.  I let the dogs try the bell, the light, and piano.  Most of all, these younger dogs reminded me how far I've come with Amber's wild ways.  She still hasn't earned all my trust but we do have an understanding of each other which is beyond words.

Thursday was open practice, I skipped the group going to lunch afterwards to help a neighbor.  In the afternoon, I went with my neighbor, Donna, to show her where to go at the fairgrounds for her COVID shot next week.  This was sort of a dry run. She really doesn't know her way around too much because when she went places, she was usually a passenger.  On Saturday, she called before attempting the dry run on her own.  I had confidence in the easy route to the fairgrounds.  She later called from the side of the road that she made a successful dry run.

I got the oil changed and tires rotated this week.  I almost missed that tire rotation appointment that I scheduled to have done while in exercise class on Friday.  After exercise we go to breakfast and then I looked at my phone and got the reminder on my calendar app.  One of the ladies was able to follow me and give me a ride between Checkpoint service and the cafe so I could still enjoy breakfast with the group.

Saturday morning I went to my yoga class.  Afterward I attended a Zoom meeting for the Capt William Penny chapter of DAR.  The registrar announced that I was officially a verified as a descendant of a Revolutionary War Patriot as of Friday.  I should be voted upon at the next meeting.

The meeting had a guest speaker on the local women's suffrage movement.  I liked that.  Afterward was the business meeting.  After 2 hours, I left the zoom meeting.  

I swear the dogs want me to take them to the dog park.  I'm tugged toward the car.  So I obliged.  We went in the small dog fence.  Few others there also.  One tried to mount Sophie. Amber seemed to hide behind me when more active dogs came around.  Other times, Amber would go in front of the dog and entice them to chase them.   Then if the chase got too close, she'd turn and snarl.  Is that still play?

Sunday was the first time during the pandemic that the kneelers in church were not tied in the upright position. Father said we had a choice of kneeling or sitting.  I fixed chicken noodle baked casserole and creamy jello.  We watched "The Dig" on Netflix.

Monday I got some printing done at the library, dropped some goods off at the Goodwill, had a webex meeting with the ALPLM, and in the evening I went to the VFW meeting.


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