Monday, August 3, 2020

My Week

The library had a pets with books photo theme on Saturday on Facebook so this is what I submitted.  Sophie is a little angel so she has her nose in the Bible.

Amber is reading about dog training and learning tricks.
Here is a photo of Amber at the club's Ring Ready obedience practice.  There was green tape throughout to mark off six feet.

I found a new and easier pattern to making masks here.
I like the fact that it has a pocket for a nose wire and filter and all in one piece.   The only drawback is the fact that the user could be confused about the inside/outside use which side is contaminated. 

Thursday evening I went to a meeting of the Interveterans Council of Sangamon County.

Friday morning I went to breakfast with some of the friends in my Powerworks Masters class.

I went to church on Sunday and took a picture of our cardboard cutout of Pope Francis with a mask.
I was about to mow my lawn after the break in the rain.  Just as I was getting the yard ready and policed for removal of the hose and clearing of dog debris, that's when my Lawn Doctor weed control truck pulled up.  Saturday I finally got my lawn mowed.
Sean came for laundry as every Sunday.  I clipped Mo's dew claw.  Mo chewed up the plush doughnut I was using as part of Amber's Christmas Story.  As I get closer to Christmas, I think I can find a replacement for her to use as part about her leaving a cookie for Santa. I noticed some small gingerbread men in felt at Hobby Lobby that she could bake and put out for Santa.  I was going to walk after Sean left but Sophie insists on the car ride. The last couple weeks I took her with Amber to the club but class canceled. So I came up with a little drive to the lake where there's a landing for fishing and walked there. 

Mo had chewed on the plush doughnut that I had used as a practice Christmas cookie for Amber's Christmas Story.  I got some little gingerbread men at Hobby Lobby and then I thought I could make a bigger one with felt after those that I bought.

All I need is a baking pan.  I had requested some tabletop Christmas trees on the nextdoor app.  A woman responded with 2 for the Christmas program.  I am so pumped. 
Monday evening, I went to the VFW board meeting and now I'm tired.  Must pick up next week where this week left off.   Later ~

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