Sunday, April 10, 2016

My Week

I didn't know the words to a song that we used during our Zumba Light class but I found it on YouTube.  All I could hear was the beat and the word "Fireball" but nothing more and this video is captioned.  It explains why I didn't understand the babble words.

I gave my dog a bath with my Herbal Essence shampoo instead of dog shampoo and she smells and feels better.  Since she doesn't have fleas, I guess I don't need a special dog shampoo since my shampoo leaves her coat soft and silky for petting.  BTW, our picture made the nursing home's newsletter for April.

It seems that the spring ants have returned in my kitchen.  At least I didn't get any mice over winter.

Wed I went to the unaccompanied burial at Camp Butler.  It was rainy and chilly.  Afterwards I had lunch with Michael and caught up on a few shopping stops at the thrift stores.  I got a lovely shawl/cape for like eighty cents.
Thursday was Yoga day and Therapy Dog time.  Here is Sophie prior to going on laps.

I've been still trying to prove parentage of George W. Connolly (1804-1878) but with difficulty.
Since Fold3 has free access to Civil War Records through April 15th, I found a puzzle about George W. Connolly on both North and South if these are the same person. He lived in Calhoun County VA. ~ a split state. He may have been what is referred as a "galvanized confederate".
This is a record of appointment to 1st Sgt  3/22/1862.  Promoted to 2Lt Oct 9, 1862 vice C. C. Buckley killed in action Sep 17, 1862 at Antietam.  Commission 2d Lt Dec 22, 1862 with rank Oct 19, 1862.
 Census - US Federal 1860.jpg

Friday i went to a funeral for a fellow member of our Lincoln Monument Association, Marc Fuchs,  who passed away last Monday.  It is so sad that he went to church on Sunday and passed within 24 hours of receiving Communion (per the pastor).  Later I mowed the lawn in my winter parka.  This picture sums up the past week or two.

Cold night ahead. Fireplace logs are on sale at Walmart. I got some Java Logs. The logs smell like coffee. However, the fire in the fireplace doesn't smell like the house does when coffee pot is brewing.

Saturday morning I left early for the Quincy Veterans Home for the advisory council.  We gave a brief visit to Bob Wolf (Korean War Veteran and Catholic War Veteran), a resident at the veterans home.  Here I am with my carpool buddies, Rex Berry (new commander of the Korean War Veterans chapter in Springfield) and George Pempek.  I wore my WIMSA vest even though I was there to represent WOSL.

When I got home I only had a short time to get ready for the Dixon Ball (Sons of the Confederacy) in Belleville.
I wore this dress in December and had a little more tacking on the bodice collar and I added some hooks from an old bra to the back to take the pressure off the lacing.  The changes seemed to center the bertha much better.  Much improved.

Sharon Red told me that this would be the last year the ball would be held because her and Gale are stepping down. Unless someone else picks up the arrangements for the future, this will be the last.
Sunday morning we had our monthly Memorial Mass with the Catholic War veterans.  It just so happened to be the parish's monthly social afterward.  I couldn't help but recall that the April Memorial Mass had better weather in the past because I remember motorcycling to church.  It rained and had that damp chill-to-the bone.   So...that's my week.  How's your week?

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