Saturday, February 5, 2011

Soldiers' Angels recently received this note from a Staff Sergeant on a PRT (Provincial Reconstruction Team) in Afghanistan.

Dear Soldiers' Angels,

Thank you all very much for the package, especially the movies and MOOSE MUNCH (which was gone in less than a minute).

There are some times we get sad over here and think that people in the States don't really care about us, so when we get something like this it really boosts our morale. So this package, it really means a lot. On behalf of PRT Panjshir, we'd like to say thank you and God bless.

Attached is a picture of us for the greatest organization ever--Soldiers' Angels. You guys are the BEST! Thank you.

--SSgt R., US Air Force

PRTs are military teams that work with local government officials, U.S. government civilians and local military/police personnel to assist people in rebuilding or improving their neighborhoods. They spend a great deal of time away from the main bases and out in the countryside among the locals. This PRT, which is very isolated, received a large package from Soldiers' Angels while waiting to be adopted by individual Angel volunteers.

As of this writing, there are 1106 Heroes waiting to be adopted. You can help.

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