Well my flowering dogwood tree was a week behind Easter this year. Last Monday I went to Mass right after my exercise class. Some of my classes go longer. I prayed form my sister's successful mastectomy. I'm told it was successful.
Tuesday I was getting ready to take Amber to visit Reflections but I got a text about a positive case there and decided not to risk it.
I took Amber to Tuesday evening obedience practice and again she disappointed me on the recall. Although she did better on the down recall than the others did. Near the end of the practice, I have to wait for all the dogs to use equipment like the broad jump because I have a smaller dog and we have to resize 2 of the obstacles.
Wednesday I shadowed Garret on tour buses from 9-5. I got home to walk the dogs. Then Interveterans council meeting at 7. Whew! That was a full day. I recorded Garrett's tour talks on my phone's voice memos to play back and learn.
Thursday I put 7 tomato plants in the garden donated to me from Dan and Anita. I wanted them to be in before the weekend's rain. In the evening, I finally got to see the photos of Amber's fastcat run on Easter weekend. Here is Amber's gallery!
The local paper came out on Thursday and I usally don't get that paper because it's got so much high school and kid stuff that don't pertain to me. This time I was on the front page.
Friday I was a local guide for a school tour through "Bright Star" AKA "https://springfieldwalkstours.com/". I get on the bus when they arrive and speak on the microphone and make sure they are not late for their tour. I then turn the kids over to the actual guides once inside. They have chaperones so I don't have to count. I don't really need the money but the agency needed me and it was mask free. Just last week the ALPLM dropped mask but this made it to my calendar first. They were a good group from St Cletus. I told them they were my best group. The group had dinner on their way home and normally the local guide eats with them but I was not going to follow a bus to the Pizza Ranch in Bloomington.
I got these 3 certificates in the mail on Saturday.
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AKC Agility Course Test 1 |
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AKC Agility Course Test Jumpers 1 (I didn't pass ACT 2J) |
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AKC Agility Course Test 2 |
Saturday and Sunday, Amber and I participated in agility through Canine Performance Events. (CPE) agility at the fairgrounds sponsored by Decatur Obedience Training Club
April 30th & May 1st, 2022 CPE Agility Trial
IL State Fairgrounds-Livestock Center, 801 E. Sangamon Ave, Springfield IL 62702 .
Art is from CPE and he dressed brilliantly wild both days.
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Art Mallot on Saturday wearing wild peace attire. |
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Art was wearing similar colors on Sunday. |
Saturday we qualified 4 out of 5 runs and it agreed with me. However, Sunday morning I was in tears after our first 3 runs. The first 2 I left the ring thinking it was good until I saw our scores. One I guess I missed the gamble but I thought that I did it and the second failure was when Amber flew off the tetter before the bank for a major flaw. The 3d run I thought we failed after dropping a bar on a jump but it was still a qualified run with a deduction in points. Someone had to come tell me we passed because I didn't want to look. Well there was an Non-Qualified run raffle for a limit of one entry only (NQ) and at the end of the trial, my name was drawn.
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Nothing to Wine About NQ raffle | . |
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This man's shirt captured my feelings. |
Jumpers L3 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Distance: 128 yards SCT: 47 seconds
Score: 5 (Q) Time: 35.21 seconds 2nd Place
Colors L4 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Distance: 98 yards SCT: 45 seconds
Score: 0 (Q) Time: 22.23 seconds 1st Place
FullHouse L3 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Score: 30 (Q) Time: 34.88 seconds 1st Place
Standard L4 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Distance: 159 yards SCT: 74 seconds
Score: 12 (NQ) Time: 76.68 seconds 1st Place
Standard 2 L4 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Distance: 159 yards SCT: 74 seconds
Score: 0 (Q) Time: 55.21 seconds 1st Place
Sunday 5/1/2022:
Jackpot L3 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Score: 42 (NQ) Time: 47.44 seconds 3rd Place (I sent her back into the gamble when she didn't go and she did it the second time but I should have just crossed the line and tried the second gamble option)
Standard L4 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Distance: 160 yards SCT: 74 seconds
Score: 15 (NQ) Time: 49.12 seconds 1st Place (major deduction for flying off the teeter before the bang)
Wildcard L3 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Distance: 75 yards SCT: 40 seconds
Score: 5 (Q) Time: 25.94 seconds 3rd Place (I thought I failed this because she dropped a bar but turned out it was just a deduction and still qualified. I was filled with tears of relief)
Snooker L3 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Score: 39 (Q) Time: 43.45 seconds 1st Place
Jumpers L4 - 8 Inch - Judge: Pam Clark
Distance: 138 yards SCT: 45 seconds
Score: 0 (Q) Time: 44.24 seconds 1st Place
I'm trying to mow my back yard with a corded mower while my Toro is backlogged at KUNZ MOWER SERVICE for 3 weeks. It reminds me of shoveling a dog path when it snows.
~+~ Be a saint. What else is there? ~+~
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