This week I edged around my steps by the sun room. I transplanted some of the hen and chicks. They should be easy to maintain as I get older. Next the edging bricks in the back by the asparagus. I also need to remove the rotted floor in the shed. Some of this will have to wait till the heat advisory lifts.
Tuesday I had lunch with the Women's Overseas Service League. I got a check to pass on for Wreaths Across America. Afterward I asked Joan to help me hook the back of my dress for tours/flag ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb.
Wednesday I went to the Illinois State Collections for a topic on "underpinnings"
Here are some of the photos that I took of the originals.
corded petticoat.
chemise with the date of 1870-1880 by G W Smith
In the evening we had our AMVETS meeting. Commander Sean presented Anne with the AMVET of the year plaque.
I spent a
lot of time Thursday with Polly in the morning and then again at 4pm at the library with Connie (registrar) on my DAR application. I expected it to be finalized, write a membership check but not so. 
I think I'm spinning your wheels for nothing. This has been going on a long long time.
Friday morning I cut the grass before it got hot out. I usually break up the task by doing the front and back separately but completed the whole job without turning off the mower. Boy did I break a sweat. I got a few odd errands done that would fill the time before I went to the Old State Capitol for History Comes Alive. I volunteered at our Soldiers Aid Society display with Mary and Marguerite. I asked them if any of the visitors asked if they were Mary Lincoln because I get asked often. They both denied it. I told them that I usually have two replies "I'm just a friend of the family" or a little more first person "I would not be so impertinent to impersonate such a fine lady as Miss Mary {sinker}" . They thought it was because of my height and hair that looks more like Mary Lincoln than they do. Well no sooner than 10 minutes later, that question was asked of me right in front of Mary and Marguerite from another volunteer guide (Sally Chapin ~ not in period dress). We laughed to her puzzlement of the recency of the topic.
Friday morning I cut the grass before it got hot out. I usually break up the task by doing the front and back separately but completed the whole job without turning off the mower. Boy did I break a sweat. I got a few odd errands done that would fill the time before I went to the Old State Capitol for History Comes Alive. I volunteered at our Soldiers Aid Society display with Mary and Marguerite. I asked them if any of the visitors asked if they were Mary Lincoln because I get asked often. They both denied it. I told them that I usually have two replies "I'm just a friend of the family" or a little more first person "I would not be so impertinent to impersonate such a fine lady as Miss Mary {sinker}" . They thought it was because of my height and hair that looks more like Mary Lincoln than they do. Well no sooner than 10 minutes later, that question was asked of me right in front of Mary and Marguerite from another volunteer guide (Sally Chapin ~ not in period dress). We laughed to her puzzlement of the recency of the topic.
Saturday I went to a wedding shower for Allison DeRousse, former neighbor in Edwardsville. I was her Confirmation spon,sor. Before I left I felt my dress needed some jewelry. I noticed that I still had the bead necklace made for me by Allison and Linda when she was little. I decided that was the perfect touch.
Allison didn't remember this but Linda did and was surprised I still had this. 👌
Here is Allison and Linda who shared our double driveway in Edwardsville
Linda was hot so I gave her the fan that was in my purse. It was a day of heat advisory warning.
Here is a link to their wedding registry:
Allison and Stefan are both Air Force veterans now. They met through the tinder app.
On the way home I picked up a windshield shade and Goody Instant volume kit at Walmart. Locally this only came in black and blond and I needed brunette.
It's so hot I filled up my kiddie pool. Don't think I'll finish sinking the brick edging along the back of the house for awhile until it cools off a bit.
Sunday morning after church I went to observe the obedience trials at the Capital Canine Training Club. Since I'm still looking through documents and photos for DAR, I found these photos.
Well I have a lot to do this week with the Chatham American Legion Homecoming coming up. Later.
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