Tuesday, June 26, 2018
My Week
Honor Flight took place this week. Monday night was the pre-flight banquet at our VFW Post. There were compliments on the chicken dinner and a nice hefty check awarded to Honor Flight by Subway. They have a small restaurant in the airport and have been donating 50% of the flight night proceeds to honor flight. I went to the homecoming at the airport after a quick change after giving tours at the Lincoln Tomb from 2:30 to 7PM. That made a long day. In fact the tomb is usually closed at 5pm except on the nights of the flag lowering ceremony. Well, during that shift, about 5:30, a heavy storm came through with strong winds and the power went out inside the tomb. There was an emergency light near the door but because of the pouring rain, I invited people in. I gave them a tour provided they could use the phone flashlight. Some thought it was kinda cool to tour a tomb of the president in the dark.
Before the Honor Flight, I was at the Lincoln Tomb for tours and the flag lowering ceremony so there was a change of clothes.
I love my black lace mits.
Here I am in a selfie at the airport with WW2 veteran, Bob Matteson.
Wednesday I went to the exercise class but the neighbor wanted my to share his electrician appointment and I missed him while at my exercise group session. I did stay the rest of the day for the chimney sweep in the afternoon.
Looks like my chimney may be cleaner than the neighbor's despite the fact that I burn more than they. However, you may recall from last week's blog, I had a home inspection. The top of my chimney had a write up. He can fix it for $500 plus he spotted another a gap in the mortar that needed fixed that wasn't on the home inspection for another $85.
Well, what I didn't say was that while I was waiting for the chimney guy, I decided to try to remove rotted flooring from the shed. I hurt my shin in the process. After a humid day, I decided to shower an go to the porch chat, Growing Up Springfield, at the Iles House. Afterward I stopped by Aldi for some wine for my wine rack that was slim. Ended up with much more as always. I did get a marked down plant stand for those plants that come inside in the winder.
We had a storm Wednesday evening. My project last year was a sun room. I really enjoy watching a storm in the safety of my sun room.
I had a fireplace specialist come to fix the top of my fireplace because of the write up on my home inspection. I was disappointed to pay $350 to a home inspector then $40 cash to have the fireplace inspected by a specialist after showing him the report. I complained about the $40 and was later told it would be taken off on the final bill.
There are gaps between the bricks and behind the largest gap there is wood visible
Looking down after the lid was removed. Notice the gap between the light gray pipe and the plywood /metal flat cover ( there should not be wood anyway). The pipe is supposed to extend up THROUGH the flat metal cover.
Thursday evening I went to a presentation on a medal of honor recipient from the Civil War at "Books on the Square"
Friday I helped out at the Old State Capitol for History Comes Alive for our Soldiers Aid Society. Members were scant because of the Naturalization Ceremony going on at the same time and the Illinois Humanities had also requested our Soldiers Aid Society to help with youth on a bicentennial program to recreate the Wide Awakes. On the other hand, I was able to interpret a lot of history to a busy Old State Capitol.
I came home for a quick change and then to the Chatham square for our American Legion Homecoming festival. I was to help recruit membership in the American Legion and Amvets along side members of our local VFW in Chatham (I belong to the Springfield post of VFW). I brought Sophie with me. Sometimes she can be a conversation starter. I was shocked to see that the festival was half the size as in the past. I realize that rain storms have put the event in the red the last 3 or so years. It's sad. Even the food sales that used to be by our Legion were done by the Jaycees. A fellow legionnaire brought his dog that was a pug/chihuahua mix and the owner claimed he was a miniature yellow lab (yep, a jarhead).
I'm fixing salmon Saturday since my son doesn't like fish when he comes on Sunday. It comes on a cedar board for grilling but I have an oven.
I made chicken Parmesan for Sean on Sunday since he doesn't like fish. Not a fan of the breaded parmesan chicken because it seemed to be mostly skin.
After walking Sophie I bumped into a neighbor, Donna, who lost her boxer some months ago and took her to a rescue, PAWS, in Jacksonville. Donna and I went to the visiting room with a boxer/pit mix. https://www.petfinder.com/dog/kathy-bates-41515123/il/jacksonville/protecting-animal-welfare-society-il677/
Monday night I went to Metamora and danced with the Central Illinois Civil War Dancers for the folks at Snyder Village. I had to make a few alterations the day before moving hooks around.
Not to get on with more home repairs. Have a nice week.
Monday, June 18, 2018
My Week
This week I edged around my steps by the sun room. I transplanted some of the hen and chicks. They should be easy to maintain as I get older. Next the edging bricks in the back by the asparagus. I also need to remove the rotted floor in the shed. Some of this will have to wait till the heat advisory lifts.
Tuesday I had lunch with the Women's Overseas Service League. I got a check to pass on for Wreaths Across America. Afterward I asked Joan to help me hook the back of my dress for tours/flag ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb.
Wednesday I went to the Illinois State Collections for a topic on "underpinnings"
Here are some of the photos that I took of the originals.
corded petticoat.
chemise with the date of 1870-1880 by G W Smith
In the evening we had our AMVETS meeting. Commander Sean presented Anne with the AMVET of the year plaque.
I spent a
lot of time Thursday with Polly in the morning and then again at 4pm at the library with Connie (registrar) on my DAR application. I expected it to be finalized, write a membership check but not so. 
I think I'm spinning your wheels for nothing. This has been going on a long long time.
Friday morning I cut the grass before it got hot out. I usually break up the task by doing the front and back separately but completed the whole job without turning off the mower. Boy did I break a sweat. I got a few odd errands done that would fill the time before I went to the Old State Capitol for History Comes Alive. I volunteered at our Soldiers Aid Society display with Mary and Marguerite. I asked them if any of the visitors asked if they were Mary Lincoln because I get asked often. They both denied it. I told them that I usually have two replies "I'm just a friend of the family" or a little more first person "I would not be so impertinent to impersonate such a fine lady as Miss Mary {sinker}" . They thought it was because of my height and hair that looks more like Mary Lincoln than they do. Well no sooner than 10 minutes later, that question was asked of me right in front of Mary and Marguerite from another volunteer guide (Sally Chapin ~ not in period dress). We laughed to her puzzlement of the recency of the topic.
Friday morning I cut the grass before it got hot out. I usually break up the task by doing the front and back separately but completed the whole job without turning off the mower. Boy did I break a sweat. I got a few odd errands done that would fill the time before I went to the Old State Capitol for History Comes Alive. I volunteered at our Soldiers Aid Society display with Mary and Marguerite. I asked them if any of the visitors asked if they were Mary Lincoln because I get asked often. They both denied it. I told them that I usually have two replies "I'm just a friend of the family" or a little more first person "I would not be so impertinent to impersonate such a fine lady as Miss Mary {sinker}" . They thought it was because of my height and hair that looks more like Mary Lincoln than they do. Well no sooner than 10 minutes later, that question was asked of me right in front of Mary and Marguerite from another volunteer guide (Sally Chapin ~ not in period dress). We laughed to her puzzlement of the recency of the topic.
Saturday I went to a wedding shower for Allison DeRousse, former neighbor in Edwardsville. I was her Confirmation spon,sor. Before I left I felt my dress needed some jewelry. I noticed that I still had the bead necklace made for me by Allison and Linda when she was little. I decided that was the perfect touch.
Allison didn't remember this but Linda did and was surprised I still had this. 👌
Here is Allison and Linda who shared our double driveway in Edwardsville
Linda was hot so I gave her the fan that was in my purse. It was a day of heat advisory warning.
Here is a link to their wedding registry:
Allison and Stefan are both Air Force veterans now. They met through the tinder app.
On the way home I picked up a windshield shade and Goody Instant volume kit at Walmart. Locally this only came in black and blond and I needed brunette.
It's so hot I filled up my kiddie pool. Don't think I'll finish sinking the brick edging along the back of the house for awhile until it cools off a bit.
Sunday morning after church I went to observe the obedience trials at the Capital Canine Training Club. Since I'm still looking through documents and photos for DAR, I found these photos.
Well I have a lot to do this week with the Chatham American Legion Homecoming coming up. Later.
Monday, June 11, 2018
My Week
Last Monday's video taken at the Korean War Memorial. Hannah Kim is making a nationwide trip to visit the Korean War memorials. I have a cameo shot in this video but I was leading her to a car where she could meet a Korean War veteran (and a general to boot).
Tuesday morning I took Sophie to St John's Hospital for a visit and received a letter of recommendation from Taylor since she is leaving. I told her that her letter may not be read for a year as I'm still in training. Right now I'm not sure if I'll be invited back to St John's Hospital with her gone.
This week begins our summer of History Comes Alive. Tuesday I wore my new dress to the Lincoln Tomb to give tours before the flag lowering ceremony. This was a moderate temperature day and I thought it might be OK for the wool. Then on Friday our display at the Old State Capitol for our Soldiers Aid Society.
Wednesday I went to the Goodwill for senior day and found a lovely dress and some matching (by coincidence) exercise clothes. I got some groceries then I went to the Methodist church for a visitation of one of our American Legion members. We rotated 15 minute shifts standing at both ends of the casket. I informed the funeral director that the layout was all wrong for a changing of the guard. You see, the guest lined up coming through photo boards, then the casket and then the family which meant that when we changed guards, we had to break the line up. It was very awkward. Other funeral homes have a sequence of photos, family then lastly the casket. There was no bottle neck that way. Who wants to spend a long time staring at a casket?
In the evening I went to the Legion Riders meeting and took notes. We are working on a Hog Roast for Honor Flight. The man who bought my bike joined the "Sons of the American Legion" and the Legion Riders.
I watched "Land Girls" on Netflix.
I really need to find a windshield sun screen. Can't find the one that I used to have but it was very faded.
Thursday my plumbing write up on my home inspection was fixed. In the evening I went to a presentation on Camp Butler. Apparently where my husband is buried used to be the location of Civil War barracks. Also blew the myth that the point on the confederate tombstones design so that union soldiers wouldn't sit on them. That's because they were marked with a wooden board until 1906. There is a myth that the Confederate stones had a peak so that the Union soldiers wouldn't sit on them but that doesn't make sense that late after the war.
I fixed the flower spray in my bonnet. Seems awkward so far forward.
I'd like to add some excess ribbon bow on top like this.
Friday evening I went to the Theater in the Park with 3 other veteran women went to see "The Last of Mrs Lincoln". We represented the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force together!
Saturday I returned Nick to St Louis withing 12 days. I didn't want to get too attached to the cute little guy knowing that he'd never pass as a therapy dog. He can't walk on a leash without taking frequent breaks. Weather was nice when I left but coming home there was a torrential rain. The visibility was so poor on I 270 that there was a pile up and emergency vehicles in the opposite direction. I got off at the next exit and hid under a bridge near Jefferson Barracks. It let up enough for me to go over to the clinic and use the bathroom. Then I got back on the freeway toward IL. That storm caught up and followed me and I had to pull over again in Collinsville. I did make it home safely. In the evening I used a gift card for Texas Roadhouse.
I continue my quest to get qualified as a dog trainer to be able to register as a Therapy Dog evaluator. I plan to assist with the agility next weekend now that I'm a member of the Capital Canine Kennel Club.
Sunday morning, I went to Mass with the Catholic War Veterans for our Monthly Memorial Mass at St Agnes. I noticed Chuck Murphy from the Civil War Roundtable as an acolyte. Garden is looking good.
I know, it's small, but just for me.
Trying to sell my tent cot for $70.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
My Week
Prayers needed!!!! My sister will be starting chemo treatment on Thursday June 7th 8:45 am.It will be a 4 hour treatment. This will be a painful and boring time but she needs to fight this.
I'm disappointed in this year's harvest of asparagus. I don't know what happened. Maybe I trimmed it back too much when it dried out.
Tuesday Morning I had a home inspector check out my home to see if there was any priority that needs to be taken care of. Otherwise I would love to have my kitchen remodeled.
Then in the afternoon, I went to Fenton, MO to bring home a new family member, Nick. He's recovering from neuter. Have 2 antibiotic pills for some pulled teeth. Tried to walk him around the block but had to carry him 1/2 way. He's got that thick show dog fur and he's hot. He came with a pad because he's a leg lifter but then there were 12 dogs in the home. I got home and introduced him to the yard and praised him when he peed outside so that went well. I'll kennel him over night in my bed room. This is his before and after photos so you can see his grooming standard. I'm told he was a show dog and missed champion by a few points. My sons joke that neutering is what happens when you come in second.
It was hot so he breaths heavy because he's wearing a parka. He's learned the doggie door to the back yard. Only caught him lifting a leg once since neutering.
I was really worried about his ability to go for a walk since he could only make it about 10 feet max without taking a rest. Twice I had to carry him half way around the block but on his behalf, it was hot. Saturday he made it all around the block .... slowly. It was a little cooler. Sunday he got to pass the test with "Moe". Sean seems to approve so we are moving forward with training. My other concern is that Sophie eats when she's hungry with free-feeding and sometimes even skips a day. I can't leave it out now that Nick is here. He'll eat and get fat.
Thursday I sat in and observed the agility practice at the Capital Cannine Kennel Club which I joined the beginning of May.
Friday evening I was part of a joint color guard with the Legion and VFW for a flag and pole dedication at Danenberger Wineries in New Berlin. We raised a US Flag, an Illinois flag, and our bicentennial flag. The
Saturday I went to Pittsfield for Lincoln Days. I gave my shorter presentation called "Love Letters and Onions". In the past, I had difficulty with longer programs either being pinched short (5 min last year for a group of kids rushing from presentation to presentation) to a program that ran over into my slot and the one after starting in my place. Then another time there was hardly an audience. This short program seemed better. I passed out sweet onions to their health. I wore my semi-sheer dress because I thought it would be cooler with all the hot weather. Well on the way there, it rained soiling my dress. Here I am observing the ladies fashion show after my dress was modeled.
I also couldn't find my buckle so I used a fancy pin. Then the fancy metal came off the pin but I did find it in the grass to repair later with solder perhaps.
I washed the dress with blueing and it's no longer pale yellow but a pale blue. I think it's ruined. Unless I like pale blue.
Sunday afternoon I went to a simple little hole in the wall playhouse in Jacksonville. It's the same place that I presented my Victorian mourning presentation.
It was a script read play in which the author plans to turn into a musical. The plot reminded me of Sarah Emma Edmonds. This is how simple it was.
I'm disappointed in this year's harvest of asparagus. I don't know what happened. Maybe I trimmed it back too much when it dried out.
Tuesday Morning I had a home inspector check out my home to see if there was any priority that needs to be taken care of. Otherwise I would love to have my kitchen remodeled.
Then in the afternoon, I went to Fenton, MO to bring home a new family member, Nick. He's recovering from neuter. Have 2 antibiotic pills for some pulled teeth. Tried to walk him around the block but had to carry him 1/2 way. He's got that thick show dog fur and he's hot. He came with a pad because he's a leg lifter but then there were 12 dogs in the home. I got home and introduced him to the yard and praised him when he peed outside so that went well. I'll kennel him over night in my bed room. This is his before and after photos so you can see his grooming standard. I'm told he was a show dog and missed champion by a few points. My sons joke that neutering is what happens when you come in second.

It was hot so he breaths heavy because he's wearing a parka. He's learned the doggie door to the back yard. Only caught him lifting a leg once since neutering.
I was really worried about his ability to go for a walk since he could only make it about 10 feet max without taking a rest. Twice I had to carry him half way around the block but on his behalf, it was hot. Saturday he made it all around the block .... slowly. It was a little cooler. Sunday he got to pass the test with "Moe". Sean seems to approve so we are moving forward with training. My other concern is that Sophie eats when she's hungry with free-feeding and sometimes even skips a day. I can't leave it out now that Nick is here. He'll eat and get fat.
Thursday I sat in and observed the agility practice at the Capital Cannine Kennel Club which I joined the beginning of May.
Friday evening I was part of a joint color guard with the Legion and VFW for a flag and pole dedication at Danenberger Wineries in New Berlin. We raised a US Flag, an Illinois flag, and our bicentennial flag. The
This was a joint color guard between the American Legion and VFW posts in Chatham.
Here you can see the governor going down the line shaking everybody's hand.

Saturday I went to Pittsfield for Lincoln Days. I gave my shorter presentation called "Love Letters and Onions". In the past, I had difficulty with longer programs either being pinched short (5 min last year for a group of kids rushing from presentation to presentation) to a program that ran over into my slot and the one after starting in my place. Then another time there was hardly an audience. This short program seemed better. I passed out sweet onions to their health. I wore my semi-sheer dress because I thought it would be cooler with all the hot weather. Well on the way there, it rained soiling my dress. Here I am observing the ladies fashion show after my dress was modeled.
I also couldn't find my buckle so I used a fancy pin. Then the fancy metal came off the pin but I did find it in the grass to repair later with solder perhaps.
I washed the dress with blueing and it's no longer pale yellow but a pale blue. I think it's ruined. Unless I like pale blue.
Sunday afternoon I went to a simple little hole in the wall playhouse in Jacksonville. It's the same place that I presented my Victorian mourning presentation.
It was a script read play in which the author plans to turn into a musical. The plot reminded me of Sarah Emma Edmonds. This is how simple it was.
Hottest May on record for several central Illinois locations. Springfield was near 11° above average on the month!
Monday, I went to our Korean memorial for a ceremony.
She called them all "Grandfathers"
I'm sorry that this photo of Hanna greeting the Korean War veterans came out fuzzy but she did so on her knees.
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