Monday, February 12, 2018

My Week

What do dog breeders think when they raise pit bull puppies?  That there's a demand for pit bull puppies?  Take a look at the so called kill shelters.  There's no demand for these dogs.  Now I'm not saying they're all bad but just that there's no demand for the breed and they still breed them like rabbits.  Cute when they're little but they are destined to a bleak future.

Four therapy dog visits this week with winter static shock.   I make small talk with the residents and cant help but share Sophie's latest nick name that Sean gave her because she insists that I take her for a walk in the  cold:  Little Miss Fluffy Butt.  Now some seniors call her Fluffy Butt.  Thursday morning I wanted to further my horizons by observing the therapy horses from Heartland Mini Hoofs at St John's Hospital.  Oh, I was deeply moved from the trailer to the ward.

Everyone had smiles to see the Winnie, Jasper and Bailey.  Here I am with the horses as they entered but sad that this picture is a little dark. 
 This is the vest worn by Bailey, a pinto.
 Of the three miniature horses, "Whinny the Minnie" was not shaved of her winter coat.
 So many delays in the lobby before getting to the 10th floor.  I understand Jasper (on the left) is a favorite of the owner.  She's a buckskin miniature.  They live to about 40 years old so she has willed them to her daughter who got her started in the business.

 All of the resident doctors were smiling and that impressed me. 
 I told the owner my interest as therapy dog handler and wanted to know about their exam.  There are only 4 examiners nationwide for this program and she is one of them.  Unlike Sophie's exam, the exam seems to have less on the checklist but those items can be evaluated via video too because of the distance.  Here's a link to their facebook page:

Thursday was a busy day afterward too.  I had another TDI visit in the afternoon, a 5PM meeting of the Lincoln Monument Association and a 7PM meeting of the Catholic War  Veterans. When I got home, my garage door wouldn't open.  Earlier the light on the garage door opener went out so I think that popped a circuit breaker.  Later I got the ladder out for and fixed the bulbs.  I had some interesting bugs in the cover:  a dead dragon fly and some other biggie.

The local scarecrow was updated for Valentines Day.

I think I'm the only one focusing on Mardi Gras.

I cleaned the bottom of my refrigerator.  I'm too ashamed to take a "before photo".  I guess I avoided cleaning this because I feared breaking the glass.  It still had shipping tape on the drawer lid.  Getting it back together was difficult.

Saturday I went to the Old State Capitol New dress debut for Civil War Saturday
 The candidates for the VFW Voice of Democracy were touring the Old State Capitol after visiting the Lincoln Presidential Museum.
 The students made some valentines.
 Clipped a few of the photos that Peggy had taken and then I got a good shot of her with all that beautiful red.
 Stephanie looked great with her red sontag.

Few shots trying to rid the glare and get the smile just right.
Sunday morning I went to Mass and didn't leave any track in the snow in my driveway because it was ice.

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