Wednesday I went to exercise but as I put my coat in the locker, I bent forward in pain and nausea. I went home. I didn't sleep well and that could have been part of the problem. Later I took Sophie to the hospice. I slept a lot that evening. I think it helped but I get nothing done. I'm also thinking that coffee made me nauseous on an empty stomach.
Thursday I had my MRI. I gowned up and put my hearing aids in a locker. It took about 20 minutes. She put a headset on me and laid on the table. She asked if I wanted music in the headset to cover the noise and I said it won't matter without hearing aids. But boy I could still hear the noise without the hearing aids and through the headset so I can imagine what it would really be like to the hearing-abled.
New gutters were installed. I was to have gutters put on my sun room but realized the whole house needed them and they had to have a leaf guard. I used to climb on the roof and clean the gutters but now with a gabled sun room vs the old flat top, I won't be able to climb up and do that anymore. And safer too.
In the evening I went to an ABATE meeting.
Friday I met with nephew/niece Tom and Prazel and their baby in Champaign, IL. We met at the Cracker Barrel. What a pleasure. Carlea is sweet and social.

In the evening I helped sell tickets to our American Legion fish fry. I like fish but I haven't had much fried food in awhile and I think it gave me the tummy trouble later. Roy saved me some plain coleslaw. I don't like the vinegar and sugar mixture they make and brought some home for my creamy style. I added onion and caraway seeds too.
Saturday I went to the AMVETS SEC meeting at the Crown Plaza. I am the womens veterans advisor to the Illinois AMVETS State Commander and had to attend for my report which was published in the SEC booklet. It started at 9AM and we had a break between 10:30 and 1PM. That's when I went to a concurrent meeting of our Soldiers Aid Society Workshop at the Old State Capitol. They were making travel bags and I had brought mine that I had bought years ago to show for examination. Then we had our buisiness meeting and when we got close to 12:30 I asked to move up to one of the adgenda items that pertained to me and our website so that I could go back to the Crown Plaza meeting. The afternoon session lasted until about till about 3PM. I went home to get ready for the banquet which is held that evening. The guest speaker(s) were from HOOAH Deer Hunt for Heroes.
The military brass band played patriotic music
We stood and held hands for "God Bless America". See the little veteran on the right?
Sunday I was a Eucharistic Minister. When I got home from church, Sean was already there. He had come to do laundry early so he could attend music practice.
4-IN-A-ROW! 4th straight day of record highs in Springfield!
Monday I had a double therapy dog visit at Regency and St John's Hospital. I was told that Regency just came off a 2 week lock down after a flu epidemic and that would have been right after my last 2 week visit. I also got a little squeaky toy that we left there last time. Boy, Sophie leaves her toys all over the place. Half of the joy going to the hospital is meeting people on the way to the destination. The parking garage, hall and elevator are people who enjoy a good petting and distraction from health woes. In the evening I went to a VFW meeting.
Have a nice week.
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