On the plus side of things, this has been a cool July so far allowing for windows open and less air conditioning. Down side of the bill will be an increase in our water rates due to poor decisions by the village board.
SIUE CAB is showing Rocky Horror Picture Show on August 27. Let's do the Time Warp Again.
After the retreat ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb, I located Lafore Lock's tombstone at Oak Ridge. He died in WW1 and is the namesake for my VFW Post.
I'm trying to organize a pilgrimage to the tomb on his death day, Oct 18. Not sure what we'll do but I thought we'd park near the memorials about 2 blocks away and those that can't walk can drive there but there's limited parking. We could then place a flower or penny.
Wednesday I got up late and missed my exercise group. So I did a little shopping and lunch at County Market.
Thursday I had back to back meetings. I went to the meeting of the Lincoln Monument Association and we listened to a "go-to-meeting" with "Client Focused Media". They will help market our not-for-profit.
Then I went to a meeting of our Catholic War Veterans. Not too many showed up and Mary and Jerry were a little late due to the Legion Convention.
Friday I helped out at the Old State Capitol for our History Comes Alive program. I had dropped off my dress the day before so I could ride my motorcycle and change. We had a short parade-like ride for the American Legion convention at 5PM. Then we went to the Firefighters Club for "bike night" and guess who showed up....Governor Rauner. He's a pretty tall guy.
Bike nights are always great for "people watching". I came home at "deer-thirty" cautiously but it was close to home. There's no way to get home without passing through a deer crossing area.
Well it looked a bit nice out when I got up at 6:30 so I made coffee and sat on the front porch with my laptop. I heard the rumble of thunder and looked around the garage and sure enough, storm. Quickly got dressed and took Sophie for a short walk down before feeling the rain drops. Lady came out for a jog and I told her she wasn't going to make it because I felt the drops of rain already. Oh there goes our plans. But wait....I went for a quick ride with the Legion Riders for lunch in Athens at the Boar's Nest. We left about 2:30 with rumbling clouds but the worst was not in the direction we were heading. But not for long. I got home just in time to let the dog out and mow the grass in the front and felt a few drops mowing the last small patch of grass. Mind...it was a neat job...just a rush job.
Sunday morning I rode to Christ the King parish for our Catholic War Veterans memorial Mass. I read a statement of who were were and what we were about. Afterward we had breakfast at the Knights of Columbus. Sophie barks at the strangest things. My neighbor has elevated his yard waste for the upcoming storm and it wasn't there before so Sophie barked at it.
I watched a movie on Hallmark called The River Runs Wide. Then I realize it's on YouTube:
I cleaned out my garage for the upcoming storm so I can fit my car in.
Packed the garage for the upcoming tornado watch. Packed the garage pretty tight. But if I want to mow or ride or drive everything will need to be removed to get to stuff in the front or sides. It's so hot and humid that my glasses fog up when I go out. LOL. You don't want to know what's in front of those headlights. Actually, I think I can reach things on the shelf better than reaching for a ticket at the parking garage.
The Dr needs to renew my prescription on Friday during my annual physical. No worries, I have 2 mo supply and they usually send 3 more months thru TRICARE. I'm a little overstocked.
Next Thursday I go on a trip to Naperville.
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