Tuesday morning I got up early and missed senior exercises to help clean up the wreaths at Camp Butler. That was exhausting. I saw hoof prints from deer. Then I saw deer droppings on a grave which I brushed off with an evergreen branch. I found a cherished note to a loved one that read: "Merry Christmas Mom and Dad, Hard to believe it's already December. The holidays are never the same without the 2 of you. We talk about you often and share memories every chance we get. I think you would enjoy this picture of my grand kids. How you would have loved seeing them. I know you both watch over us - don't ever stop. Love & kisses to you mom & dad. Forever Missed!"
I got out to my car to unload and Sophie slips out the door. She runs
down to the end of the cul-de-sac and I thought I had her cornered when
she slipped between an unlocked gate. Nooooo! She found she could slip
out the back end bars too. I chase and chase. Finally hopped in the
car with the leash to the next block over. More chasing. I thought I
had her pinned down as she was admiring the smell of some other dog's
shit. Nooooo! Chased her again and she went into someone else's yard
that had the gate open. This time I got in it and closed the gate.
This yard's fence had less gaps. When I got home, I walked her in and
out the door on the leash about 5 times to show her the proper way. She
was pretty dirty. She deserved a bath. I gave her a blow dry. I'm
considering taking a curling iron to the Pekinese tail of hers.
feeling annoyed.
Wednesday morning, my senior sneakers group went to IHOP after exercise to celebrate a belated birthday. I brought coupons for IHOP and we used them all.
Before I went to my yoga class, I had a nice Skype video with my sister Patty. She told me that our sister's house is for sale. Gloria and her husband Dave built that cord wood house with environment in mind.
I put the used wreaths in the shed that were in my car and it felt rather nice out. Later I attended a Patriot Guard Riders mission at Camp Butler and my toes got real cold. The fire truck ladder hoisted a big American Flag at the entrance to the cemetery. The deceased was a Vietnam Veteran and Gold Star Father of Jonathan L. Gifford who was KIA on March 23 2003.
Friday, after my exercises session, I went to the Old State Capitol for Looking for Lincoln Workshop. That should be good for 2 hours of continuing education towards my CIG.
I've started steaming the wall paper off my kitchen walls. That's a good winter project a little at a time. However, if the weather is nice, I'll do some work in the garage as a priority.
There's a squeakie toy in Sophie's Micky Mouse that she got from the pound but she can't squeak it. She bites the nose and not the forehead of the stuffed animal. Boy does she like that little hedge hog from Meijer. She is so smart that she knows how to get my attention away from my laptop to play wither her by hopping up and pulling out that magnetically attached power supply. (the battery still powers but you know what she's trying to do).
Saturday I went to Yoga 101 at 9:45. Came home. I stopped by and paid my condolences to Betty Nichols at our American Legion Post for a celebration of life. Then briefly stopped in at the tail end of a meeting for the Catholic War Veterans of IL. Then the biggie! I was at the Old State Capitol from 2PM-8:15 assisting with the 7th Annual Slow Food Springfield Film Festival. I did get an organically prepared meal curtsey of Troy from the Bear Creek Farm and Ranch. I picked up a few items at Meijer on the way home and filled my gas tank. I was tired.
Sunday I made a nice oven baked pork and burned it. I put my nativity away in the attic and put out my Passion figures. Well, I'm in the process of pealing wall paper. I'll do a section at a time. I'd like to have the kitchen walls lightened up.

Wednesday morning, my senior sneakers group went to IHOP after exercise to celebrate a belated birthday. I brought coupons for IHOP and we used them all.
Had a nice meeting last night at the Veterans Assistance Commission (VAC).
I announced the Veterans Book Group on Feb 19 and the Feb 28 anniversary of the first Gulf War at the Military Museum.
I put the used wreaths in the shed that were in my car and it felt rather nice out. Later I attended a Patriot Guard Riders mission at Camp Butler and my toes got real cold. The fire truck ladder hoisted a big American Flag at the entrance to the cemetery. The deceased was a Vietnam Veteran and Gold Star Father of Jonathan L. Gifford who was KIA on March 23 2003.
Friday, after my exercises session, I went to the Old State Capitol for Looking for Lincoln Workshop. That should be good for 2 hours of continuing education towards my CIG.
I've started steaming the wall paper off my kitchen walls. That's a good winter project a little at a time. However, if the weather is nice, I'll do some work in the garage as a priority.
There's a squeakie toy in Sophie's Micky Mouse that she got from the pound but she can't squeak it. She bites the nose and not the forehead of the stuffed animal. Boy does she like that little hedge hog from Meijer. She is so smart that she knows how to get my attention away from my laptop to play wither her by hopping up and pulling out that magnetically attached power supply. (the battery still powers but you know what she's trying to do).
Saturday I went to Yoga 101 at 9:45. Came home. I stopped by and paid my condolences to Betty Nichols at our American Legion Post for a celebration of life. Then briefly stopped in at the tail end of a meeting for the Catholic War Veterans of IL. Then the biggie! I was at the Old State Capitol from 2PM-8:15 assisting with the 7th Annual Slow Food Springfield Film Festival. I did get an organically prepared meal curtsey of Troy from the Bear Creek Farm and Ranch. I picked up a few items at Meijer on the way home and filled my gas tank. I was tired.
Sunday I made a nice oven baked pork and burned it. I put my nativity away in the attic and put out my Passion figures. Well, I'm in the process of pealing wall paper. I'll do a section at a time. I'd like to have the kitchen walls lightened up.