I also took a picture of my corn. Well the neighbors enjoy their squirrel feeder. The squirrels probably think they will be moving next season because they planted one in my yard.
In the evening I went to the retreat ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb. The cannon didn't go off again. They had to clear it after the ceremony. I walked my dog as it was nice and nearly dark. Marley stops for potential evening critters like rabbits or squirrels. She stopped at one particular house and I couldn't help but notice a sign on the garage door. It didn't look like anyone was home so I moved closer to read it. It said, "clean up your yard and garage we're tired of looking at it".
Ya know, this evening, I was waiting for a school bus that had traffic stopped in both directions. There were many cars. Well, once we got the "all clear" and the bus departed and traffic commenced, then the teens walked back 1/4 of the block and crossed the street in traffic. Duh! Why didn't they cross under the safety of the bus?
Thursday morning, Bill fixed my electrical problem and I no longer need the extension cord going into my garage. He also fixed the connector on the air compressor. I blew out all the grass and debris from the garage. I would not recommend blowing dust out of the house as it will blow off the pilot on the water heater.
Thursday evening I went to Edwardsville for the annual Rocky Horror Picture Show at SIUE. I recruited a cast from the audience and they were pretty good. I have to say that close to 95% of that audience had to wear the infamous lipstick "V" for virgin on their forehead. For such a large crowd to initiate with the virgin ritual, I passed out those candy sour cherry balls and then "bonned" them with my plastic bone -- a Halloween prop. Then a quick lesson on the "Time Warp" and I declared them initiated. I really like the Power Point presentation with the Rocky Rules of order and the script for the students to follow. I told the curator of the event that the Power Point could be used in case I couldn't make it. I had an interview with a reporter from the Alestel, the school paper. She said she was from Springfield too. We Hi-5'd. Maybe it will be online later. http://www.alestlelive.com/ . My glasses fogged up real bad coming out of the building air conditioning ant out to the humid heat.
Friday I helped at the Old State Capitol for our last of the season History Comes Alive. I know have to look forward to my presentation of Belle Reynolds as part of Spirits of the Civil War at the Lincoln Tomb on September 6.
I cleaned my back porch. I bleached the ceiling with a sponge mop. That ceiling was blackened with mildew stains. Then I mopped the floor. Then I hosed it down and I was real wet from that for sure. Then I took a nice cold shower. It took awhile to dry in this humidity.
I had been short of sewing needles can couldn't find them. Ha, I found three of them in the bottom of my sock drawer. I think they got there when I was moving furniture for the flooring last May.
Sunday I went to Mass with the Catholic War Veterans at Blessed Sacrament. Afterward we had breakfast at D & J diner. I got home just in time to change and hop on my motorcycle for a ride to Jacksonville for a Patriot Guard Memorial. It was the anniversary of the death of Sgt Andrew Tobin, KIA.
I am the short one in the flag line in the middle hiding behind the flag. Actually shielding myself from the hot sun.
Here is Katie starting the jar of sand. Everyone was invited to take turns alternating "red white and blue" sand into a vase in his memory.
There were about 14 motorcycles there. It was a hot one too - 95 degrees. You can imagine with this high humidity the the heat-index.
So I took my dog for a walk Sunday evening and found a quarter on the sidewalk. I looked around for more and sure enough, I found 2 more quarters. Then I walked around the block and there was a house that had free stuff on the curb. I got some garden hand tools. Great walk.
As hot as it is now, they say it will be a cold winter. Well, I did get the energy to finish a few neck coolers.
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