I've noticed a cyst or blood blister gradually growing on the underside of my pointing finger. I wish I could cut it out myself. If I was a little girl, my dad would have bled it. Well, Mary Kerby told me at the AmVets Convention that I should be concerned about infection if I did that. I even asked the nurse who was doing blood pressure checks at Mass and she shrugged. I made an appointment for Wednesday morning only to receive an appointment with a dermatologist on Thursday afternoon. I was really happy when she told me that the next available appointment would be middle of November. If I was a little girl, my dad would have cut it himself with a razor blade and taped it up. Now days we worry about infections. So I go to the dermatologist and sign in, get seen by the intern in training then when the doctor comes in, she backs off the surgery to remove the bump and refers me again to a plastic surgeon. Geez...I had to stop by the clinic for a doctor's referral because of the HMO.
I've been training a back up for some of my duties at work and setting some priorities for a cowroker.
He got new hearing aids and keeps telling me all the new things he hears. It's a little cute and child-like innocence learning what the sounds are and direction they come. The things we take for granted are renewed through his hearing aid re-experience. I must admit, his adoptive parents have raised him well in this hearing World and his speech (not perfect) is better than most with this hearing loss because of his parents' patience.
Thursday I went to an ABATE meeting. George brought up the new Charity laws. Howard mentioned there were only 2 African Chestnut trees in Springfield and the nuts are really spiny and hurt.
Friday evening I went to the Railspitters Civil War Ball in Lincoln. Yeah....I had a ball. This year the ball was preceded by a fashion show and dinner. It was far from authentic. I mean, really, a Japanese umbrella is no parasol. When I was asked to be part of the fashion show, I was given little information. I figured it would be more like a parade of ball gowns since the dance was to follow. Phylis assumed I'd wear my widows weeds as seen in our local fundraiser fashion show at Edwards Place. It was never mentioned what to wear and I do have outfits for many occasions. Later the Central IL Dancers joined us at 7PM because that is what the Railsplitters website said.
Photos from the event can be found here:

Saturday morning was an early start too. I got on the bike and put the flag on it. I was stationed at position #2 at the State Fairgrounds for the "Run for the Fallen". Our marines tried to recreated Iwo Jima Veterans Center style. The four Vet Center marines (my two sons) went all out putting up the flag pole.
This was the finish line which I kinda ran through after I was relieved of my post.
Then I came home and did a few chores. I cleaned out some plastic drawers that my son left in the garage from his college apartment's bathroom. One of the items had oozed over others and needed cleaning. Then there were some free samples of men's cologne. I threw out his expired items which included items that he wouldn't want his mother to see.
I got a call from Anita asking if I need any of her surplus tomatoes from the garden....sure! I had left my USAF ball cap at their house last Sunday any way and needed to pick that up.
Then I came home and did a few chores. I cleaned out some plastic drawers that my son left in the garage from his college apartment's bathroom. One of the items had oozed over others and needed cleaning. Then there were some free samples of men's cologne. I threw out his expired items which included items that he wouldn't want his mother to see.
I got a call from Anita asking if I need any of her surplus tomatoes from the garden....sure! I had left my USAF ball cap at their house last Sunday any way and needed to pick that up.
I sat in the grass in my back yard to play with my dogs. I saw a humming bird come by my canas. I suppose if I were out there more often I'd see this every day.
I picked up a jar of spicy pickles at the County Market and they are good.
Sunday afternoon was a picnic for the American Legion and afterward we played BINGO. I never win at this but it seems that the post commander had gotten to yell BINGO twice. Then declared that all the luck in his card had run out.
Looks like the BINGO cards at the American Legion were marked as hand-me-downs from VFW Post 755. No biggie, my card was a looser anyway.
Well I stocked up on dog food on my way home from work. I also picked up 2 aloe vera plants through freecycle.
So I'm going to play Alice Edwards in the Fiery Trials: Civil War Stories by Candlelight at
Edwards Place on Saturday. During the Civil War, she was engaged to Capt Ferguson so she will show visitors her "comfort box" that she has prepared. That would make her about 20 yr old. I can get away with
this in stature but.... fake-out age-wise.
Time to uncover my Rosemary Zombie Girl that I got at Spirit Halloween store last year. She's been guarding my back door all year because I knew that the heat in the attic would damage her rubberness.
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