Monday I finally gave in with this sore throat that I had since I returned from my trip to France.
There was open walk-ins being taken. There is a sign that says if you've been waiting more than 30 minutes to go to the counter. Somehow I slept past that and had to be awoken when my name was called. Well my throat was red but not strep. Dr believes it could be stomach acid and I was prescribed something similar to Prilosec.
Tuesday's lunch break was spent at the capitol rotunda. There was a ceremony for the dedication of the Nativity display. Illinois is one of only 2 states that have a Nativity display.
Illinois one of two states to erect a Nativity Scene in state capitol
The lottery was building up $500 million so my coworker bought me a ticket knowing that I'd never buy one for myself.
Sunday I picked a name tag off of a tree at church to get an unwrapped gift for. I choose the name of a 12 year old girl.
I had been disappointed that Joanne Fabric store ran out of my needed trim for a project I had been working on and had not purchased enough to finish the job. So I thought maybe that Joane would have it online. Drats!!! So I googled further and found my trim on eBay. Whoo Hoo!
During lunch on Wednesday, I atteneded a union meeting. Since this is on our time, I brought my lunch. I sat down at the table and nobody else brought their lunch. One lady said I was bold. I showed them what I was eating, green beans and fried chicken liver (left over from the VFW chicken dinner) and all but one unanimously "Ewwww". Apparently Larry was envious one.
I bought a new paletote for my reenacting.
Wednesday night I went to the VFW line dance lesson. I guess I need more practice. I'll probably make a seperate blog for lessons like I did with the Civil War Ball dances for First Night at the Old State Capitol.
I got my family portrait in the mail that was taken for the church photo directory. I wore my Catholic War Veterans garb.
Saturday morning I got an email telling me about the annual Christmas Ornament ceremony at the Illinois Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Oakridge Cemetery.
Photos of the event are on the newspaper's website:
Christmas Remembrance at Vietnam Memorial
It was so nice out that I rode the motorcycle there. Attendees were allowed to place an ornament with a name of a KIA on the fur tree near the memorial. On the way home, I was at a stop light and a woman in the car next to me gave me the thumbs up for riding this first day of December. Can you believe it was 59? I told her she had a nice dog in her car. Yeah but she does ride well and I told her neither do my dogs.
When I got home I walked the dogs and we all took a bath.
I attended the 1850s Carol Singing
Saturday, December 1, 2012
5:45 p.m. Music Prelude | 6:00 p.m. Service
—Donations go to the Salvation Army Tree of Lights—
This Christmas season, travel back to the 1850s: the Lincolns, portrayed by Fritz Klein and Pam Brown, will greet visitors. If you wish, attend in mid-19th century attire along with our musical guests, the Sangamon Woodwind Consort and the Capital Chamber Singers, soprano Matilda Edge.
This is the latest dress I found on eBay listed as petite. I didn't have to make any alterations except the bonnet lining. It was straw so I pulled an eyelet shirt from the closet and used the fabric to line the under brim. I had saved a shoulder pad and put that in the back of the inside but I was having trouble keeping the hat from sliding off my head with my fine hair. Next project is to keep that from happening again.
Sunday was real nice too. I read the second reading and delivered my unopened Christmas gift for a 16 yr old girl through Mercy charity, Instead of putting her unwrapped gift in a shopping bag like everyone else, I put it in a shoulder purse that she can use. When I brought it to church, a friend mentioned that it matched what I was wearing making it even harder to give it up.
I did some grocery shopping and used my County Market discount coupons. Some items like the pasta and macaroni and cheese I took over to the food pantry.
I came home and started cooking up a German dinner for the family. I got great compliments from them too. They are leery of some of my past experiments in the kitchen. It is so nice out that I am writing my blog from my back porch. Yeah that means I cleaned off the table back there too.
Monday morning's weather man said "Here it is Dec 3d and it's 60 degrees at 6AM. It was so nice that I decided to wear a skirt to work. Well, while walking the dogs, my panty hose slipped down to my knees because they were so old the elastic waist rotted and wouldn't hold. Quickly made a change for another pair, also been sitting awhile but these seem to be holding.

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