My vacation had gotten me off cycle for the six week sesson of YMCA exercise class so I guess I'll just pick up the next session. Meanwhile there's still the dollar Friday class which I did.
Friday was All Souls Day so I went to a Mass of Remembrance at 6:30PM which was very nicely arranged. Remember how the awards have memorials of the performers who died during the past year? Well that's what was on the slide show. Then we all lit a candle for our loved ones and got to take it home. One gentleman there showed me his veterans cap with the Purple Heart Viola and said "See, I told you I'd get one on the way out". How touching. Then I told him that I'll be doing the poppies next weekend.
I asked my coworker if he had any USE OR LOSE time off by the end of the year and he said 8 days. I explained he needed to use at LEASE one per week. I think he's too insecure to take the time for fear of his job loyalty as in the days when he got laid off.
Sunday we had a Mostcacolli dinner at church
Monday night I dropped a few sheets of information off at the American Legion meeting but didn't stay because I went to Civil War Ball dance practice.
Ok, I'm checking my emails and Marley brings in a fresh, warm rabbit in from the back yard through the doggie door flap. I knew she had a taste for road kill but didn't know she was capable to catch one herself.
I was off of work for Election Day. Of course I voted but didn't want to listen to news all day so in the evening I rented a video since I had a coupon for a free rental. While there, I noticed that for $2 they will send a video to the troops so I bought one for them. The young man at the desk thought it was real nice that I had a free video and bought one to give away. I told him I was a Soldiers Angel and he agreed but didn't realize that I'm formally a member of Soldiers Angels. I rented The Three Stooges.
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