It wasn't long ago that CBD oil was touted as a cure all. CBD can boost your immune system but it's no match for this Cornoaviruas. Now we have a new enemy ~ COVID-19 ~ that seems to be impenetrable.
The first of all cancellations was given by Therapy Dog International on March 6 with a recommendation to discontinue visiting and on March 18th that recommendation became mandate. It was the weekend of March 14-15 when all the pandemic rules from the state blew up. I was in Champaign getting my AKC Rally Excellent dog title with Amber that was planned months before. The Champaign-Urbana Dog club put extra hygiene precautions in place so we all felt pretty safe. That's the weekend that Governor told all restaurants to close and only allow take out as the start of social distancing. After I got home that Sunday night, I hunkered down only leaving to vote on Tuesday and again on Wednesday for my tax preparer. I did not leave much. I went to the store for the first time (with mask) on Apr 11 to Ace Hardware with my list and it was a veteran discount day. I already had plenty on my shelves and freezer.
Since then, the rules have been tightening. At first it was 2 weeks shelter in place. Crowds were told to be limited in size and the number in that size had shrunk as the days went on. That was extended through April. After restaurants were closed, then all non-essential businesses were told to close. That was left up to debate. For example, computer stores stayed open because they provide essential means of communication.
After the 3rd week, we were told we should wear a mask in public. The virus is spreading by people who have no symptoms and that created a demand for citizens as well as medical staff. One local was ridiculed when her name was first in the news as being positive for COVID 19. Heck, this is really innocent and invisible contact. It's a pandemic and even a 15 year old teen in a a remote Amazon tribe tested positive. There are a lot of rumors about the pandemic and the rollout of G5.
I have been going to my exercise class via Facebook live over the internet. The gym at first wanted to stay open saying they were taking extra hygiene measures but I didn't go at that time knowing that the gym is the most likely place to pick up a virus. After a few days, the gym did close.
On Thursday I did this in my PJs with my funny face mask.
I did get some sewing done. Although my bustle dress was wearable, I wanted to add a second ruffle at the bottom that was originally there before I shortened it. I moved the original bottom ruffle to become the new top ruffle thereby allowing it to be shortened. I also added a hem guard since it's silk.
I also finished a petticoat that needed shortened via numerous tucks. This project had been unfinished for years. Right now it has a drawstring waist. If I like it after a wearing or two, I may convert that to a button.
I made FU patterned face mask. This was the first of many.
These are the other style with tucks that expand. Notice the remnants are historic prints.

March 27, I drove my car for the first time in a week and half to pick up some free home made bread from one of my exercise instructors at her home. She left it in a basket on her porch as she watched from the window.
ROBO calls were greatly reduced.
Every Sunday, Sean comes to do his laundry and plays guitar and we watch TV together. I asked him not to come. I suggested he leave his laundry on my porch on Saturday and I'll finish it for him and pick up Sunday. Sean seemed pretty concerned that Moe couldn't play with my dogs and Moe wouldn't understand. So we go for dog walks instead.
I am now cutting the grass in the back yard for the beginning of the season and every 3d week the front needs it. I was just happy the mower started. I missed mowing the back yard in the fall because the mower was in the shop. By the time I got it home, the weather had already changed.
Dog training
What's unbelievable is that the treat on the nose is considered a novice trick. Amber already has a "Do More With Your Dog" advanced title. Oddly that a treat on the nose is considered a beginner trick and more difficult to achieve. I started by having a thumb on her nose and then a bottle cap.
Upgrading from the bottle cap on the nose to a small biscuit was a big step of temptation (and many attempts). She looks serious but if you could see the person doing the video, you'd see another serious face.
I am also frustrated with commands given at a distance. I need to work on distance.
Here we are learning to "get the tissue" under close supervision lest we have a shredded mess.
Someday I'd like to gain "AKC Elite Performer Routine" title.
I have been enrolled in an online class by Susan Garrett called "Home school your dog". She offered this class for free and it would normally be over $200. We can upload our videos for a critique by her crew. I find it real helpful and glad to have this free opportunity.
I've been sewing home made masks. I donated 18 to the hospital and couple to friends that were high risk category. The masks in this photo I gave to those veterans that I met in the VFW parking lot on April 6 at 1PM.
Tartan Day explained:
Anyone that pranked on April Fools Day didn't get the usual laugh this year.
So moving on to other sewing projects, I wanted to fix my droopy shoulders on my regency dress last year. Even when I did wear it to St Louis ball, there were many alterations.
I tried stringing ribbon through the bodice netting and although it worked, the ties got in a knot. I recreated the collar. Then I decided to take the bodice apart and raise and narrow the waistband. What a mess.

Finished product with much better fit. This was a mess and a seam rippers nightmare.
I had these little circular pearls in my stash that I added to cover up the sheer line and tack down the inner collar excess. I have regular loose pearls but the needle will not fit through.
Now on to a couple of other unfinished projects. I've been trying to make a new dress for this china doll that I got at the Salvation Army. The original was stained. I've already done her pantaloons and petticoat. I've been using the old (yellow print) as a pattern over the red print fabric.
After this I have plans to make an 1830s dress for New Salem. I've selected the fabric behind which is thrift store curtains. I hope there's enough.
I found a nice back drop for this photo op on for Sophie's Easter Morning walk. I walked past this house before and planned it for Easter.
I pay many things electronically: utility, church tithing, internet, etc and now for the first time I signed up my quarterly trash hauler's bill. I used to pay that in person.
April 16 we had a spring snow. I decided to try snow agility since the hoops were up in the yard. That didn't turn out too well.
The following morning the news reported an inch of snow and a record low for that date of 26 overnight. Good thing I covered my tomato plants in the ground (bought at Ace Hardware). That evening, we had a Zoom meeting of the Catholic War Veterans.
After that I watched "Anna Karenia" just to stay awake.
My next door neighbor had twins on Thursday and the babies came home on Saturday. I knew they were expecting a boy and a girl. They were originally expected in May but twins usually come early and for a twin pregnancy scale, they were only born 4 days early.
This is how I knew:
I got my marker and signed that card on their porch. Welcome Walker and Charlotte Worth.
I have been getting groceries through the InstaCart app. Small $10/mo and an added tip on my credit card delivered to my porch from the local County Market.
So far I know one person that tested positive ~ my niece that works in the health care industry. She says she's fine. Bless her heart.
Be safe and we will survive this.