Monday evening I helped with Obedience class. I made name tags just like I had when I was in this class with the dog's name and the handler's name. Apparently I'll leave the owner's name off next week because of the couples doing training together. I was warned by our primary instructor that there was a young lady with a coon hound in the class that was shy and had social issues. When she got there, I noticed the dog was pretty active. I asked her to look around and she saw that there were a lot of unruly dogs. She also had said her dog jumps fences. I recommended fence rollers (commercially sold as Coyote Rollers) that she can look up on youtube.
Tuesday afternoon I went to Heritage Hospice for a veterans appreciation and recognition for John Haines. He's a WW2 veteran and member of multiple veterans organizations. I replaced him as secretary for the Sangamon County Veterans Assistance Commission. However, while we were waiting for others that were coming (and a bit lost finding the Heritage Hospice), I was the only one wearing veteran's attire and was asked to be a part of another Korean War veteran that was in hospice. He was John Rathmusen (sp) and he was Air Force and of course, I was. After the staff of Memorial Medical Center (social worker and chaplain) did their presentation, I saluted this veteran as a fellow airman. I announced to the guest there, that "Today was the Air Force's 71st birthday. After that we did the same ceremony for our beloved friend, John Haines.
This man in the red shirt is a social worker and I had met him at Reflections with Sophie. He remembered me with my therapy dog. I gave the staff my card and told them they could call if they felt a need for a therapy dog but that there's paperwork to sign.
On Thursday Morning, John Haines passed away at 8:40AM. A few years ago, I interviewed him on his service and created a bio here:
On Wednesday I went to a Christian Women's' luncheon. I had been their
guest speaker in the past as a reenactor. I felt a little guilty as a
first timer to their luncheon when the also had a little gift for the
September birthdays. Their speaker created the Immanual Quilt and shared the inspirational story.
Here's her website.
Friday I was an extra on an educational film shoot on Lincoln and Douglas at the Old State Capitol and Lincoln's New Salem. Here is Stephen Douglas doing his political thing.
The Lincoln Herndon law offices have been closed for years but today there was filming inside.
I did a selfie in the law office in my 1850 dress.
Recreating the Lincoln Douglas debate.
I had a picnic this eve with staff and volunteers from the Old State Capitol prior to Justin era. I brought the dogs and walked in the park but during our dinner, I noticed the lump under Sophie's right eye. That has me worried. Now I need to get her to the veterinarian. How will I find the time?
Saturday I had a dress rehearsal for the Wimmer Cemetery Walk at 10 AM. Later I helped as docent at the Elijah Iles house.
Sunday I went to an a 25th Anniversary Party for friends. I wore the same dress that I wore to church and still had our parish name tag on. Someone noticed that the tag was from Chatham. That surprised me because we haven't had the practice that long.
I'm an assistant to an obedience class on Monday. I'm taking Amer to leash class on Tuesday. I'm trying really hard to get that 1 yr dog training experience needed to become a TDI evaluator.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
My Week
Butterflies on flowers - mushrooms in my lawn. That sums up the season.
I woke up on 911 and put flags on my lawn and back of my car. I drove all day with the flags in my trailer hitch. At one stop light I heard from another truck next to me "Mam" ~ I looked and saw a man salute. I returned with "back at ya".
I went to our WOSL meeting on Tuesday and then helped Kelly with her website (see below)
I published a memorial blog to my sister but I can still add to it if I think of something more (which I probably will).
Thursday evening I went to our Catholic War Veterans meeting and our commander returned from the national convention with an award for me on our post history book report. I texted him how it went but apparently he wanted to surprise me.
Friday morning I had my annual physical. I got a Pneumonia shot. Still need to do the blood test.
I had been working on helping a fellow lady veteran with her website and I think I finally got the kinks out of it. I'm not used to working with 2 providers: Bluehost and Wordpress. The dashboard was much different than others. I wanted to keep her website simple because her clients may be elderly. Here is her site:
I noticed that my social security widow's pension had a decrease. This must be due to my own medicare coverage and discovered that Part B medical insurance was deducted. $134.00
Saturday morning I went to yoga and then a meeting of our Soldiers Aid Society. I did a little shopping and took my dogs to Petsmart since I had a coupon for their favorite, grain-free, dog food. The girls were overwhelmed by the activity in the story because it was pet adoption day. The check out clerk gave treats to Amber. Sophie was a bit more picky.
Amber chewed the thank you card for the wedding $ sent to Alison but not the wedding photo she enclosed with it. Whew!
Typical Sunday morning when Sean comes over to do laundry.
Sunday afternoon our Powerworks group got together for wine and snacks at Sheedy Shores winery.
The lady at the bar was folding dollar bills into figures
I've been busy putting finishing touches on my script for the Wimmer Cemetery Walk
Google Home sends me email tips.
Hey Google, play relaxing sounds. Ok...plays cricket sounds. Amber runs to the door. She loves insects. Such a challenge to catch and play with.
I woke up on 911 and put flags on my lawn and back of my car. I drove all day with the flags in my trailer hitch. At one stop light I heard from another truck next to me "Mam" ~ I looked and saw a man salute. I returned with "back at ya".
I went to our WOSL meeting on Tuesday and then helped Kelly with her website (see below)
I published a memorial blog to my sister but I can still add to it if I think of something more (which I probably will).
Thursday evening I went to our Catholic War Veterans meeting and our commander returned from the national convention with an award for me on our post history book report. I texted him how it went but apparently he wanted to surprise me.
I had been working on helping a fellow lady veteran with her website and I think I finally got the kinks out of it. I'm not used to working with 2 providers: Bluehost and Wordpress. The dashboard was much different than others. I wanted to keep her website simple because her clients may be elderly. Here is her site:
I noticed that my social security widow's pension had a decrease. This must be due to my own medicare coverage and discovered that Part B medical insurance was deducted. $134.00
Saturday morning I went to yoga and then a meeting of our Soldiers Aid Society. I did a little shopping and took my dogs to Petsmart since I had a coupon for their favorite, grain-free, dog food. The girls were overwhelmed by the activity in the story because it was pet adoption day. The check out clerk gave treats to Amber. Sophie was a bit more picky.
Amber chewed the thank you card for the wedding $ sent to Alison but not the wedding photo she enclosed with it. Whew!
Typical Sunday morning when Sean comes over to do laundry.
Sunday afternoon our Powerworks group got together for wine and snacks at Sheedy Shores winery.
The lady at the bar was folding dollar bills into figures
I've been busy putting finishing touches on my script for the Wimmer Cemetery Walk
Google Home sends me email tips.
Hey Google, play relaxing sounds. Ok...plays cricket sounds. Amber runs to the door. She loves insects. Such a challenge to catch and play with.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
My week
Tuesday it was time to get a new retiree card at Camp Lincoln since mine had expired the end of August. Now that I'm on TRICARE for Life, the card says INDEFINITE. I stopped by to see St Joesph's home, a nursing care facility. I was thinking of taking Sophie on TDI visits there since I haven't been contacted by St John's Hospital. What a nice place. I followed along with a lady and a yorkie named Molly. He father-in-law lives there but she showed me around. I was impressed. The cleanliness was of the standard you'd expect from nuns. The ratio of RNs was much higher than other nursing homes. I just need a good orientation to get started there. In the evening I went to our meeting of the Capital Canine Training Club. I joined in May but they consider me a prospective member for the first 6 months and I must participate with some quota. Most of the summer I've been busy with the reenacting events. Now I'm enrolled in a leash training class with Amber on Tuesday evenings and assisting with a trainer on Monday nights with a beginner class.
I was walking my dogs early Wednesday and apparently alerted a man's dog to wake him. I asked if he needed those old paint buckets since I was looking for one for my re-bar that I use as stakes for my flags. He gave them to me . He was a carpenter and happened to be free looking for work and I needed that service so my day's plans changed to show him what I needed done. He said the pillar was not there to hold the roof up since it was hollow. But I needed something to hold the downspout to. We went to Lowes and got a plastic pillar that will be maintenance free.
The wood under the pedestal was so rotted.
He found a wasp nest in one of the pillars. Eww! Now I have one thing left to do on my home inspection to do ~ electrical upgrade ~ which is awaiting scheduling.
Sunday's readings have had a parishioner's reflections. This week was my stab at reflection on the readings. It's published here:
Well well well. Today's white board comic coincides with my birthday. "Diet Myth 173: eating the candles on your birthday cake helps you burn calories"
After Yoga I had breakfast with Kelly and she spoiled me. Not just breakfast and a card, but flowers, Spree candy (probably because I ate most of hers when I was at her house) and a saddle stool like hers.
The afternoon was my usual dog visit at the nursing home. In the evening I went to dinner at Bella Milano with my sons. Alan came in the evening and brought Hank and the dogs played in the yard. Sean gave me a 10 pc GreenPan ceramic cookware set. I had requested one pan like the copper pans and only expected one pan because they are expensive. He knew from work that this other set was much better and cheaper buying the complete set than just one pan. Alan gave me wine (I also got wine from a friend so I'm well stocked), and a unique doggie poop scoop (he ordered for himself and got a double order) and paid for dinner. I was so full.
The best gift must have been from Amber ~ no poo in the house for 2 days prior my birthday! Not being angry at her on my birthday is a good thing. It could ruin the day with all that training effort.
I had over 170 birthday greetings on facebook not counting those greetings that posted as a sub-comment on the greetings of others.
Rose's Birthday Fundraiser for Working dogs for vets raised $220
Friday I helped at the Lincoln Tomb but pretty much just stayed an hour and half. I wasn't feeling too well. Probably ate too much on my birthday.
Saturday I went to Shelbyville for a bicentennial event there. I left at 7AM and got home at 10PM and there was no poo in the house despite refusal to go for a walk in the rain before I left. Here are some of the rain totals.
I was concerned about the flash flooding on the way there but didn't encounter anything like that. Just a steady rain left over from Hurricane Gordon.
The sanitary fair recreation was set up at the Shelbyville Senior Center on Friday but Laura told me she had plenty of help to set things up. So I went on Saturday. The exhibit was huge but had very few visitors.
I sat with Stephanie and read up on literature of the time. She seemed so interested in the short stories she asked to borrow the book to continue reading it.
This was the biggest group that came to see the display in the 7 hours scheduled. These visitors also came to the the evening ball. Little did I know that their costumes would be impeccable.
The lady in blue shirt is Brenda who was the chairman of the event.
Lisa's netting talent is an envy of mine and I tried it and got frustrated.
Mary makes hand sewn quilts. A hospital bed size quilt is pictured to her left.I'm getting caught up on my reading of history. I have so many backlogged books.
Stephanie showing off our millinery table.
Our goal of educating the public for this effort was a failure due to lack of visitors and weather. Since there was a 2 hour gap between the sanitary fair that ended at 4PM and the Civil War ball that started at 6PM, I helped to tear down the display but seems that everything I did was wrong. "No this goes there" "don't touch that", "I'll do it". I failed at being pro-active. I tried to help carry the collapsed divider barriers to her car and Laura shouted no because there's a special way to load them. She did email a thank you to all the participants. Being "black balled" for trying to help is rampant in this hobby. I provide the following as evidence of the attitude in this hobby (not from our Springfield Soldiers Aid Society). The comment under this comic implies we don't want you. It's by one of the moderators in the Civilian Civil War Closet on Facebook, a very progressive group. So I'm reminded to focus on Joshua 24:15 and that is to "serve the Lord" in all you do.
The ball was much more fun. Here I am with president Lincoln (he's not a member of the Association of Lincoln presenters and hails from Jacksonville)
I was impressed with the turnout and decor.
Here is our chairman, Brenda, later in the day ~ again wearing blue.
Sunday I was with our CWV Memorial Mass at a small parish ~ St Patrick's church. Although I didn't go to Mass this Sunday at my own parish I wrote this as part of our weekly reflection on the readings.
Faith First Weekly Reflection
Rosemary Connolly - Reflection
I ended my evenings this week with what we used to say as kids: "God Bless mommy, daddy, Kathy, Kenny, Rosemary, Gloria, Patty, Ginny and Bobby ~Amen"
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Memorial ~ Kathleen Badgett
Requiescat in pace
Kathleen Ann Badgett (nee Kapp)
Kathleen Ann Badgett (nee Kapp)
Dec 25, 1946 - Aug 23, 2018
Celebration of life at Sun City Palm Desert, Mountain View Clubhouse, Ventana room
Oct 6, 2018 at 3PM of life at Sun City Palm Desert, Mountain View Clubhouse, Ventana room
Oct 6, 2018 at 3PM
Kathleen Ann Badgett died Aug 23, 2018 at her home Palm Desert, Riverside, California, United States. A fond and sad farewell to my older sister, Kathy Badgett, who entered the pearly gates on Thursday morning. May she rest in peace. I miss her more now than the miles that separated us in life. I'm so glad I went to see her in May when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and still alert and functioning (in pain however). She was a fighter. She was a kind person to all she met. Bless her heart. She leaves behind three children (and grandchildren): Twins Richard Dachs, Pamela (Dachs) Delagarza, and Jason Dachs.
Her vital statistics:
Born December 25, 1946 in Milwaukee, WI , daughter of Arline Grim and Barnaby Kapp.
Edward Dachs: (b: 6 Nov 1947; d: 1 Sep 1997 ) married 27 Dec 1969 in Milwaukee, WI Divorce
Kent S. Mead: (b: 17 May 1946 d: 16 July 2000 ): married 2 Sep 1993 in Gwinn, Michigan
John Jung: (b: Feb 26, 1947 d: living) married 28 Dec 2006. Divorce.
Norman Badgett: (b: 8 May 1943 d: 2022) Married Feb 4, 2014 in Surprise, AZ
Kathy passed away August 23, 2018 in Palm Desert, CA of cancer.
Kathy entered the convent after elementary school and was known as Sister Ann Noel which she chose because of her birthday. She never did finish her vows but got married instead. Her husband joined the Air Force and was a leading example for me to go into that branch of service after taking an Army entrance exam. Kathy and Ed were my son's Baptismal sponsors when we were stationed in England. She was the first person in our family to hold a college degree and we all looked up to her. She graduated from from from Northern Michigan University a dual major BS in Social Science and Sociology in 1989.
Kathy enjoyed sewing. These are some of the gifts that she sewed for me.
She sewed a custom case for this odd size mandolin.

Kathy did a lot of genealogy leg work before research was available online. A few years ago, she mailed much of her documentation to me when she moved. I cherish the files she sent me. In fact it
brought tears to read our family history.
Kathy was a board member of P.E.O. Sisterhood. She told me about it on that final visit in California and how fulfilling it was as a Christian woman's charity.
I last saw my sister during my visit accompanied by my sister Patty in May 2018 knowing it would be our last. Before I left and waiting for our departure at the airport, I laid in bed with her and stroked her hair. I didn't know what else I could do at that point to bring her comfort. You can read about my visit here.
I ended my evenings as a child saying: "God Bless mommy, daddy, Kathy, Kenny, Rosemary, Gloria, Patty, Ginny and Bobby ~Amen"
This is the most complete family photo but before the youngest brother was born.
I love this face as a teen.
Kathy Dachs and family (I need to see if I can get help with the water mark)
Daughter's wedding.
Third marriage photo was glamor in Vegas
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