I found it comical that Sophie was in the window sill like a cat.
Monday evening I went to Metamora with the dancers. We referred to this as our dress rehearsal for the seniors at Snyder Village.
Tuesday I took Sophie on a "visit". A couple of ladies said they were cold and I was comfortable. I couldn't find my neck scarf that Sophie wears on her visits so I ordered a new one...then found it. It was hot outside. I got my fans out of the attic.
Wednesday night I went to the Interveterans Council of Sangamon County. I'm trying to put together a list of service officers for various posts in case one post needs help with a veteran that the other can provide. Likewise came up at the meeting, was a list of posts that have color guards so we can rotate those as well for such things as the unaccompanied burials at Camp Butler, Memorial Day, etc.
Friday I went to the opening ceremony for the Memorial Day Wall of Remembrance. The ceremony is online. http://livestream.com/blueroomstream/events/5473748?origin=stream_live&mixpanel_id=13770bd015f130-008714995aec0cc-52464b14-1fa400-13770bd0160283&acc_id=1571108&medium=email
I got Sophie a Hol-ee Roller Dog Toy at Petsmart. It just the right size for a little dog.
Saturday morning I left early for a 6 hour drive to Wisconsin for a graduation party for my sister's grandson. I brought Sophie with me. I had to pull over on the highway once because one of her squeeky toys fell out of her booster seat. On the way there, the bridge was out in Reedstown and I went out of my way. Coming back I was given a better route. I saw a deer on route SS. I saw a tree frog. Pretty noisy frogs for their size. We visited a park with a covered bridge and even saw a deer run down one path.
Not only was there a covered bridge but a little lake. The walk to the bridge had a recently turned over tree from a recent storm.
This bra of mine has got to go.
That afternoon we went to a graduation party for Lane which was the main purpose of calling this a weekend trip. Lane Montgomery will be going into the army the following week. So you see I brought a card for Lane, a retirement card for Dan, and a baby shower card for Kellie.
We sat around and argued about natural peanut butter and PB2.
Last night with my sisters and brother in law and neighbors of my sister.
I think Sophie behaved well but I had no idea she was food aggressive with other dogs. My nephew and his fiance brought 4 dogs (3 shitzu and a bull terrier mix).
Sophie growled when one got near her food. I never knew this because I always put her food up when Moe came over. I also stopped by Alan in Peoria on the way home and she did it there too with a treat. Sophie seemed to prefer to drink water from the spring fed pond than the bowl of water from the house.
Before leaving, Ginny and I went to Patty's morning exercise class. Patty tried to pull a funny by asking the class to wear pink so that her sisters would stand out. It backfired because I brought my pink exercise clothes. Ginny wore gray but still had pink lettering. I must say that the group is very cordial to me and remembered when I exercised there 2 years ago. My sister gave me a nice salad to eat at a rest stop.
My absent neighbor had a citation for the unlicensed boat on the street taped to her door. I noticed when I got home that the citation was off of the door but the boat still there. Later her Chevy Tahoe had it hitched and I saw her pull off Tues morning around 10am.
Tuesday I filled my empty tank after leaving Sophie at Bubbles of fun and exercise. I got a car wash to get rid of the bugs from my trip and then a front came in with rain at 11AM.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
My Week
Monday night we would have normally been our VFW meeting night but the post hosted the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight's Pre-flight banquet. Comments about the food was good. I'm not real good at striking up a conversation but I got a few going and the highlight was Chuck from LeRoy. I asked if he knew "Pop" Bottles whom I was guardian for in 2009. He did. In addition, Pop told him to look around for me too. That was like a needle in a hay stack because the banquet alternates turns between the 2 VFW posts and it was our turn.
When I went to Bloomington for the CW reenactment, there was a couple of hours between the reenactment and the dance. I'd hop over and visit with Pop and Carol and she shared her pie.
The following evening I went to the wonderful airport homecoming. I had my picture taken with the princesses.
I found the bagpiper was waiting by the most appropriate sign.
Governor Rauner was there. My pictures of him were not very good.
Wednesday morning I did my double duty exercise class and then senior day at the thrift stores.
I went to a WELCOME HOME Sgt. Steven Greer, USMC Escort - Springfield to Metamora I did not go all the way but just at the meet-up at the rest area. I still had my "welcome home" banner from the honor flight so that was convenient.
I found a cute little lamp for the living room at the Goodwill store. I learned it needed a smaller bulb. I put it on a timer that I also got at the same store. I needed a timer with a 3 prong outlet.
When I went to Bloomington for the CW reenactment, there was a couple of hours between the reenactment and the dance. I'd hop over and visit with Pop and Carol and she shared her pie.
The following evening I went to the wonderful airport homecoming. I had my picture taken with the princesses.
I found the bagpiper was waiting by the most appropriate sign.
Governor Rauner was there. My pictures of him were not very good.
Wednesday morning I did my double duty exercise class and then senior day at the thrift stores.
I went to a WELCOME HOME Sgt. Steven Greer, USMC Escort - Springfield to Metamora I did not go all the way but just at the meet-up at the rest area. I still had my "welcome home" banner from the honor flight so that was convenient.
I found a cute little lamp for the living room at the Goodwill store. I learned it needed a smaller bulb. I put it on a timer that I also got at the same store. I needed a timer with a 3 prong outlet.
Thursday I put together a wreath for our AMVETS post. There are numerous opportunities for wreath laying ceremonies in the area and AMVETS should be involved. I got the wreath at Joannes with a half off coupon. Then added the ribbon after sewing an AMVETS patch on the front. In the evening I went to an ABATE meeting. Saturday Morning I went to a meeting of the Soldiers Aid Society. I was relieved a lace shawl and stockings that I didn't need. We had lunch at Z-Bistro. I finished a bow that I never got around to. I got home just in time to meet Gabe about an estimate for my back porch. I'd love to have a sun room to replace my shoddy porch. He noticed my veteran decor and said he could work up numbers to include a veteran discount. Then I went to Hobby Lobby and had to signal and changed lanes (with space for me) and this gal in a black SUV apparently sped up and tail gated me with anger. She was so close and there was slow traffic ahead so I gave the tap-tap-tap on the brake lights. That angered her more so she sped around me and pulled back in front of me with just 3 car lengths before the turn lane with a thumbs up out the window. I smirked to myself "what did that gain her?". I was no longer behind her and she was no further for that stint of hers. I made sure my turn signal worked after I got home. She's just a bitch. Here's a video I just stumbled upon from the Pittsfield reenactment in 2014 while looking for something else. I wore my blue dress because it has black trim and it was a muddy. In fact you can see it raining outside the tent. https://vimeo.com/103059904 Saturday morning I posted an ad for both of my motorcycles. It seems that between my Civil War hobby and therapy dog, I must use the hauling space. Riding is weather sensitive and that cuts into the solo transportation needs as well. Then there's my hearing problem in that helmet. Then I had a very frustrating experience changing the batteries in both bikes. Selling my motorcycles on craigslist. This is my 250cc 1989 Yamaha Virago Route 66 special with 9,300 miles which I affectionately called Wheezer. This is my 750cc Honda Aero I've named "Buck" with 27,500 miles. I found a cute presentation on Vimeo called "Civil War Hijinks" from Wisconsin Veterans Museum. https://vimeo.com/111545255 I love the songs and and letters. I'm glad I can replay it and would be interested in her other presentations. I wanted to know more so I found this link and her book on Amazon. After Sean and Moe left, Sophie got an extra long walk. She was panting. |
Monday, May 16, 2016
My Week
Tuesday I spent the day at a Women Veterans Conference. Some of the information I knew and some was new. I have to write a report on Women Veterans for our Amvets Commander.
Thursday is my busy day too. I had a Therapy Dog Visit at 2PM, Lincoln Monument Association Meeting at 5PM, and Catholic War Veterans meeting at 7PM.
Here are some pictures from past TDI visits found on the facility's Facebook page.

The note on her seat is a picture from an advertisement that had a dog like she used to have and misses dearly.
Friday morning I got dressed up in my period dress for Education Day at the Old State Capitol. There was 21 buses of students. I was the time keeper who rang the bell designated the students to switch to the next station for a presentation. We had Civil War medicine, music, soldiers and ladies dress. The girls giggled as she put on the split drawers but smiled at the finished product
You can see me in this video at about 2:45.
Saturday I picked up a cake from Incredibly Delicious that I ordered for my son's graduation. He didn't want lemon cake.
Veterans got a red, white and blue cord. His degree is called "Liberal Integrated Studies". It's something like a build your own degree.
..... and the proud mom. We went to eat at Texas Roadhouse (Sean's favorite) but there was an hour wait so we went over to Longhorn and got in a lot quicker.
Sunday morning I went to our monthly memorial Mass with the Catholic War Veterans. Afterward we went to breakfast at Parkway Cafe. I gave Sean his graduation cake and a card with a check.
I step out in the yard to see my garden grow. I planted peas that came up and went down and now coming up again. Gosh, I don't know.
Wednesday morning I got up early, like 4AM. So I did a few things that were on my mind and thought I had time for a nap before 8:15 AM exercise group.Great opening presentation about Mil. Culture from Meosha Thomas @onesavvyveteran #SheServedIL pic.twitter.com/p4kgttNjsL— HDA Vet Programs (@hdavets) May 10, 2016
Thursday is my busy day too. I had a Therapy Dog Visit at 2PM, Lincoln Monument Association Meeting at 5PM, and Catholic War Veterans meeting at 7PM.
Here are some pictures from past TDI visits found on the facility's Facebook page.

The note on her seat is a picture from an advertisement that had a dog like she used to have and misses dearly.
Friday morning I got dressed up in my period dress for Education Day at the Old State Capitol. There was 21 buses of students. I was the time keeper who rang the bell designated the students to switch to the next station for a presentation. We had Civil War medicine, music, soldiers and ladies dress. The girls giggled as she put on the split drawers but smiled at the finished product
You can see me in this video at about 2:45.
Saturday I picked up a cake from Incredibly Delicious that I ordered for my son's graduation. He didn't want lemon cake.
Veterans got a red, white and blue cord. His degree is called "Liberal Integrated Studies". It's something like a build your own degree.
..... and the proud mom. We went to eat at Texas Roadhouse (Sean's favorite) but there was an hour wait so we went over to Longhorn and got in a lot quicker.
Sunday morning I went to our monthly memorial Mass with the Catholic War Veterans. Afterward we went to breakfast at Parkway Cafe. I gave Sean his graduation cake and a card with a check.
I step out in the yard to see my garden grow. I planted peas that came up and went down and now coming up again. Gosh, I don't know.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
My Week
Just a couple of warm nights made me change from my down quilt to a summer quilt. Then I got cold and shivered the night following. After that I threw on my wool blanket over the top. Hopefully temporarily.
Wednesday we recreated a smaller version of the Lincoln Funeral commemorating the 151st anniversary of the Lincoln funeral.
See the short person right behind the hearse? That would be yours truly. It looks like I'm wearing black but it's really dark brown.
The photo came from:
Here's a better shot of us just before the cortege waiting. L - R: Amy Barger, me, Laura Reyman, and Amelia Christy. Amelia's kids were in a loaner goat cart. Our Soldiers Aid Society would love a cart to haul our displays around at reenactments.
A group photo was taken just before departure (I'm the short one in front in the brown dress):
here we are walking past the Lincoln Home with my veil down. The veil helps with the sun in the eyes and also those nasty gnats.
I was interviewed for TV but I wished I'd have said "Today we recreate a funeral that ended the bloody Civil War. Appomattox wasn't enough because the heart still had anger and didn't hit the brakes yet. We had to have a martyr to make us realize we need to stop. It's over. The people tried to make up by the biggest funeral for our Springfield native and president." See the video here:
I got home at 9PM and had just enough time to throw off my many layers of clothing and walk Sophie before going to bed. I had to get up early for a trip with the Marine Bank Mariner Club to St Louis for a Civil War themed trip. Our first stop was the Museum of Transportation. It was a bit of a stretch for a Civil War trip but still history. Here is a picture of the Mexican engine called "Big Alice".
Well this is about as close to the Civil War as it got here:
We did not have much time to see everything. I referred to this trip as a sample platter like you get in a restaurant.
After lunch we went to White Haven where Grant met Julia Dent. The house is unlike others in that it was painted Paris Green which is toxic.
After that we went to the Civil War Museum at Jefferson Barracks.
It's almost like we saved the best for last. There was a beautiful Studebaker Buggy on the lower level.
Since I had been reenacting as Rose Hermann during the summer, I was often curious about her husband joining a Union regiment in Missouri which was mostly confederate. I got my answer. There were two Union regiments made up of mostly German immigrants. They spoke the same language. Now it makes sense. These units stayed loyal to the Union because of they just left an oppressive country only to join another and now they had to take a stand. It all made sense to me now. See the map below with the two dark blue counties that were Union.
I didn't need another tee shirt but I bought one that I did need. It looked like a Union uniform with buttons and a US belt printed on it. Great for those days at an event when I want to show my side of the war without upstaging others. I also got a 36 star flag. That's how many states were on the flag when Lincoln died. On the way home, the bus stopped at Cracker Barrel and I had a pecan crusted catfish with rice and green beans.
Friday, May 6th, I went to the Civil War Ball in Lincoln, IL at the American Legion Hall.
7:00PM - 10:00PM http://www.railsplitting.com/
These photos above credit credit to:
Saturday I laid the Air Force wreath at the opening ceremony of the Vietnam Vigil along with another AF veteran, Mike Wheeler, who came 100 miles from Charleston, IL for the event. A friend took this. In the evening, our American Legion post walked around the Vietnam, Korean, and WW2 memorials from 9-10PM. There was a light rain. The student choir from Rockford pulled up in 2 buses and sang a Capella patriotic songs in the quiet night.
I took Sophie on a Therapy Dog visit to Hickory Glen. Therapy Dog (Nancy and Sophie) was listed on the facility calendar.
Wednesday we recreated a smaller version of the Lincoln Funeral commemorating the 151st anniversary of the Lincoln funeral.
The photo came from:
Here's a better shot of us just before the cortege waiting. L - R: Amy Barger, me, Laura Reyman, and Amelia Christy. Amelia's kids were in a loaner goat cart. Our Soldiers Aid Society would love a cart to haul our displays around at reenactments.
A group photo was taken just before departure (I'm the short one in front in the brown dress):
here we are walking past the Lincoln Home with my veil down. The veil helps with the sun in the eyes and also those nasty gnats.
I was interviewed for TV but I wished I'd have said "Today we recreate a funeral that ended the bloody Civil War. Appomattox wasn't enough because the heart still had anger and didn't hit the brakes yet. We had to have a martyr to make us realize we need to stop. It's over. The people tried to make up by the biggest funeral for our Springfield native and president." See the video here:
I got home at 9PM and had just enough time to throw off my many layers of clothing and walk Sophie before going to bed. I had to get up early for a trip with the Marine Bank Mariner Club to St Louis for a Civil War themed trip. Our first stop was the Museum of Transportation. It was a bit of a stretch for a Civil War trip but still history. Here is a picture of the Mexican engine called "Big Alice".
Well this is about as close to the Civil War as it got here:
There was a cool car museum too.
We did not have much time to see everything. I referred to this trip as a sample platter like you get in a restaurant.
After lunch we went to White Haven where Grant met Julia Dent. The house is unlike others in that it was painted Paris Green which is toxic.
It's almost like we saved the best for last. There was a beautiful Studebaker Buggy on the lower level.
Since I had been reenacting as Rose Hermann during the summer, I was often curious about her husband joining a Union regiment in Missouri which was mostly confederate. I got my answer. There were two Union regiments made up of mostly German immigrants. They spoke the same language. Now it makes sense. These units stayed loyal to the Union because of they just left an oppressive country only to join another and now they had to take a stand. It all made sense to me now. See the map below with the two dark blue counties that were Union.
I didn't need another tee shirt but I bought one that I did need. It looked like a Union uniform with buttons and a US belt printed on it. Great for those days at an event when I want to show my side of the war without upstaging others. I also got a 36 star flag. That's how many states were on the flag when Lincoln died. On the way home, the bus stopped at Cracker Barrel and I had a pecan crusted catfish with rice and green beans.
7:00PM - 10:00PM http://www.railsplitting.com/
These photos above credit credit to:
Saturday I laid the Air Force wreath at the opening ceremony of the Vietnam Vigil along with another AF veteran, Mike Wheeler, who came 100 miles from Charleston, IL for the event. A friend took this. In the evening, our American Legion post walked around the Vietnam, Korean, and WW2 memorials from 9-10PM. There was a light rain. The student choir from Rockford pulled up in 2 buses and sang a Capella patriotic songs in the quiet night.
I took Sophie on a Therapy Dog visit to Hickory Glen. Therapy Dog (Nancy and Sophie) was listed on the facility calendar.
No other Therapy Dog was there. I did
get a signature for a visit and we did enjoy a visit with the residents
in the lobby for about an hour. There was however 3 other dogs that
were either residents or guests dogs which my dog wanted to play with
rather than doing her TDI job. I don't think this is a good fit. I do
hope the other two she mentioned will pick up the slack for the older
Sophie that wishes to retire. I believe this facility is interested in
weekend activities that are somewhat self-serve when the activity
director is off duty. I prefer weekdays. There was a family member in the lobby that told me he had 3 Pekinese dogs of various colors and thru some discussion he may know Sophie's previous owner. Sophie has a special talent. Many dogs have it but need a loving handler to bring it out.
Sunday was Mothers Day with my sons and our dogs. We had a nice long quality walk with 3 dogs. Mo and Hank played pretty rough. It was later discovered minor wounds. I'm so glad my Sophie stayed back. The neighbor gave me his concrete slap and cinder blocks to prop up my rain barrel as long as my sons were here to help. That was better than flowers or wine for Mother's Day. I dropped the hint to my sons via facebook thinking it would be economical for them (not May 11 BTW). I'm much happier with their strength in lifting that concrete slab that the neighbor gave me for my rain barrel.
Then we went out to eat at Abe's Hideout. I feared the restaurants would be crowded but by 3:45, parking lots were light. I had their special pot roast with roasted vegetables. Yum! I love my sons.
My handset blutooth phone is now working with my tracphone but haven't gotten the piece that goes with me outside the home to work yet. I'll stop by the office to inquire on Monday.
Sunday was Mothers Day with my sons and our dogs. We had a nice long quality walk with 3 dogs. Mo and Hank played pretty rough. It was later discovered minor wounds. I'm so glad my Sophie stayed back. The neighbor gave me his concrete slap and cinder blocks to prop up my rain barrel as long as my sons were here to help. That was better than flowers or wine for Mother's Day. I dropped the hint to my sons via facebook thinking it would be economical for them (not May 11 BTW). I'm much happier with their strength in lifting that concrete slab that the neighbor gave me for my rain barrel.
Then we went out to eat at Abe's Hideout. I feared the restaurants would be crowded but by 3:45, parking lots were light. I had their special pot roast with roasted vegetables. Yum! I love my sons.
My handset blutooth phone is now working with my tracphone but haven't gotten the piece that goes with me outside the home to work yet. I'll stop by the office to inquire on Monday.
Monday, May 2, 2016
My Week
I'm pleased to share that Sophie and I were mentioned in the Therapy Dog International's newsletter (pg 22) for achieving TDI-A status.
I still would like to practice with her approach to other dogs and quit getting all excited and do that spin.
Monday I got my tomato and red pepper plants in the garden before the forecast-ed rain. I also want to than Graham McCoy for helping me with my rain barrel. I had other chores but it was important to get these outdoor things done because it won't be pretty in mud if delayed. Dance practice on Monday night. It was a warm day and we broke a sweat.
Wednesday I got a real nice coppertone colored dress at the Goodwill for my son's graduation on May 14. I had to drop it off to be hemmed and pick up on May 10.
I still would like to practice with her approach to other dogs and quit getting all excited and do that spin.
Monday I got my tomato and red pepper plants in the garden before the forecast-ed rain. I also want to than Graham McCoy for helping me with my rain barrel. I had other chores but it was important to get these outdoor things done because it won't be pretty in mud if delayed. Dance practice on Monday night. It was a warm day and we broke a sweat.
Wednesday I got a real nice coppertone colored dress at the Goodwill for my son's graduation on May 14. I had to drop it off to be hemmed and pick up on May 10.
exchanged my battery Thursday morning at Mr Battery. Returned it Thursday
evening and got a new one. I'm going back again in the morning because
the nut receptacle is wrong. I tried putting a Que tip in to hold the nut in place but it looks like it's designed for a side screw rather than the top.
This happens every spring....3 trips for batteries. I lucked out on Wheezer with only one trip.
They both need oil change but I can't drop it off alone. I'd have to wait while it happens and right now my mechanic is understaffed for that. I finally got it running on Friday after asking a young man at Mr Battery how to get the bolt in the proper position and all he did was roll a tiny piece of paper under the bolt hole. It started.
Wanna buy a Honda Aero? Seriously. Followed by American Legion Riders vest?
Thursday I went to test and apply for an Illinois Telecommunications Access Corp (ITAC) wireless phone for the hearing impaired. I thought I would have to wait to apply and use up pre-paid time on my tracfone but it works with my tracfone thru bluetooth. The amplified phone is free and funded thru a tax on our Illinois phone bills. The equipment will come in the mail. I'm really excited about this since I cringe when the phone rings. I put the phone to my ear and the plastic on my hearing aid touches the red bar to hang up. People must think I'm rude.
I'd like to congratulate my brother-in-law on his retirement from S&S on the same day as my son's graduation. So proud of you.
Friday I spent most of the day at the Lincoln Tomb (10am-4pm). I had cut the grass because I won't be able to for the next few days.
Saturday Morning I'm at County Market with VFW for Poppy Day. The Girl Scouts gave us a hand too. It rained so we were inside. I wore a camouflaged bucket hat that covered my ears (and hearing aids).
I was planning to save the afternoon for a Civil War reenactment in Delavan but our Soldiers Aid Society backed out because of the predicted 95% chance of rain. The weather lightened up for the evening Civil War dance under the pavilion in the evening. However the concrete floor of the pavilion was damp and slippery for some period shoes. I took a few photos for the last dance. This is Bud and Marcia, my favorite dancers, whom I dance with at Metamora.
Even those rascally Rebels had their own dance on the side.
Sunday's sermon said that the "The church is not a museum of saints, but a hospital for sinners." We are the "boots on the ground".
The rest of Sunday I relaxed.
Monday I made a therapy dog visit and the American Legion meeting. All for now.

Thursday I went to test and apply for an Illinois Telecommunications Access Corp (ITAC) wireless phone for the hearing impaired. I thought I would have to wait to apply and use up pre-paid time on my tracfone but it works with my tracfone thru bluetooth. The amplified phone is free and funded thru a tax on our Illinois phone bills. The equipment will come in the mail. I'm really excited about this since I cringe when the phone rings. I put the phone to my ear and the plastic on my hearing aid touches the red bar to hang up. People must think I'm rude.
I'd like to congratulate my brother-in-law on his retirement from S&S on the same day as my son's graduation. So proud of you.
Friday I spent most of the day at the Lincoln Tomb (10am-4pm). I had cut the grass because I won't be able to for the next few days.
Saturday Morning I'm at County Market with VFW for Poppy Day. The Girl Scouts gave us a hand too. It rained so we were inside. I wore a camouflaged bucket hat that covered my ears (and hearing aids).
I was planning to save the afternoon for a Civil War reenactment in Delavan but our Soldiers Aid Society backed out because of the predicted 95% chance of rain. The weather lightened up for the evening Civil War dance under the pavilion in the evening. However the concrete floor of the pavilion was damp and slippery for some period shoes. I took a few photos for the last dance. This is Bud and Marcia, my favorite dancers, whom I dance with at Metamora.
Even those rascally Rebels had their own dance on the side.
Sunday's sermon said that the "The church is not a museum of saints, but a hospital for sinners." We are the "boots on the ground".
The rest of Sunday I relaxed.
Monday I made a therapy dog visit and the American Legion meeting. All for now.
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