I was disappointed to be cut from a few dances that we practiced and Jean Meyer put us in a few that we didn't (couldn't) practice without a group interaction. We failed those and got cut from those particular dances on Saturday's performance. We will still be in the Virginia Reel and Circle Waltz.
The rain just started after 10PM when I got home. I slept thru most of it and didn't realize how much we had over night. We had 1.77" of rain but there was 3.04" in Springfield in a 2 hour period. The garden and Bentley's grave have really settled from the rain.
I went to the Red Cross on Outer Park to see some antique wooden RC dolls. The Red Cross does not want to give them up because they have the Red Cross uniforms through time but do not have the means to repair/store them. I suggested "on long term load" to the museum who can care for them properly. It's a win-win if the museum goes along with the idea.
Red Cross Volunteer Uniform 1917-1939
The dolls were found in a card board box.
I went to the Tuesday retreat at the Lincoln tomb. I drew the winner to receive the flag.
I gave my bonnet to Margurite to try if interested in buying. I decorated it well but it doesn't fit me and my bun. I was proud of how I decorated it. I was better than the one she was wearing. I came up with a better one at Jacksonville which I've been using as a model for the straw one I'm making out of place mats. I'll show you even though it's not yet done.
Wednesday I went to the Interveterans Council of Sangamon County and updated the website.
I got a nice bistro set at Aldi that is period correct. Only $50. Rock the Dock is Fri night. Good place to ride the Wheezer.
I had killed a big cricket in my kitchen and the following night, it's spouse was there to haunt me through the night with loud chirping. The following night he got sprayed and I slept well.
Thursday I stayed home and only out to go to the mail and walk the dog. I did some things around thoe house.
Friday I went to the Old State Capitol for our Soldiers Aid Society portion of "History Comes Alive" known as "Window into a Woman's World". Each week we try a different theme and it was crafts. Now I don't knit and most of what I do requires modern sewing machine. I did find a collar that I could hand sew.
In the evening I went to "Rock the Dock" on Lake Springfield for the band and fireworks. It's usually crowded so I took my little motorcycle for easy access. They still charged me $5 to park. Oh well, it goes to charity.
Saturday I wiggled into my pink ball gown and went to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum. The 10th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry Regiment Band played at 11 a.m., and the Metamora Courthouse Illinois Civil War Dance Society, 2 p.m. Some of us danced outside earlier at 11. Some of the dances were limited to the experienced dancers. I would practice off to the side while the experienced dancers did their stuff. As for the quadrilles, there's no way to practice without the team work of other couples. In that case, I watched.
The audience participation dance was the Patty Cake Polka and I had pre-invited a man to start the dance while I waited on the side. It is a progressive couple dance so new partners are exchanged. As we rotated around, I was paired with a man who was missing part of his arm. I was in hesitation about doing the patty cake hand slap. He did fine with his little arm.
Afterward there was a reception at the Vachel Lindsey home all day for Jeanie Battles who is retiring.
I rode Wheezer to church. Then I stopped by County Market to pick up a steak for lunch. I'm fixing the zucchini that I got during the Interveterans Council meeting with a recipe that I found online here:
I broke a mirror in the bathroom so I will take that panel for repair.
The audience participation dance was the Patty Cake Polka and I had pre-invited a man to start the dance while I waited on the side. It is a progressive couple dance so new partners are exchanged. As we rotated around, I was paired with a man who was missing part of his arm. I was in hesitation about doing the patty cake hand slap. He did fine with his little arm.
Afterward there was a reception at the Vachel Lindsey home all day for Jeanie Battles who is retiring.
I rode Wheezer to church. Then I stopped by County Market to pick up a steak for lunch. I'm fixing the zucchini that I got during the Interveterans Council meeting with a recipe that I found online here:
I broke a mirror in the bathroom so I will take that panel for repair.
I went to Mr Battery and got a new battery put in my Dell. I told him the PC was giving a low voltage warning. He put his tester on the little battery and agreed readily. I brought it home and the warning went away.
the way back I stopped at Big Lots. Oh and I found .50 cent bags of
candy. Some for the soldiers but they had my favorite soft licorice. I
got em all.
I bid on a purple Civil War dress that originally was purchased from Servant & Co. Gettysburg Pa (now sold and changed to Memories Past).
I bid on a purple Civil War dress that originally was purchased from Servant & Co. Gettysburg Pa (now sold and changed to Memories Past).