New Civil War Dress arrived this week that I got for $36 + shipping. Fits nice. Few holes to repair but authentic with a return address in Gettysburg and a smell to prove it. There is a tiny hole at the seam located on the left upper sleeve, and an approximate 1" horizontal
Also arriving this week was a Petite Pink silk taffeta Civil War Victorian Reproduction Evening Dress.
This will be great for the National Blue and Grey Ball April 20th in St Louis.
Tuesday I watched a movie called "My Brother's War" about a woman who dressed as a boy in the Civil War to find her brother.
Wednesday I went to line dance lessons at the VFW. I met Major Mindi Ernst who was at the bar celebrating her promotion. She and another lady from the FSG were there and she was telling her about how I rode a motorcycle. I showed Mindi the newspaper article that was on the post's bulletin board at the VFW when I was the IL Veteran of the Month. Mindi gaga’d over the motorcycle thing so I pulled out the laptop and showed her a picture of me on my motorcycle and told her this was for a home coming in Mattoon. She recognized the date and said that was her homecoming and broke down in tears and even had to walk out. We shared a hug. She told me they were getting ready for a reunion and I gave her the link to the photos of the send off where I was a PGR Ride captain.

I gave her this link to the send off ceremony.
She said she may use those for their reunion party.
Post script: I found an article on her promotion here.
Post script: I found an article on her promotion here.
There are many variations of Boot Scootin Boogie but this is the one that we learned tonight and it's easier than some of the others out there.
Thursday morning started off in a rush to decorate Caryn's office for her 50th birthday before her arrival. Normally this would have been done by Brandon but he called in sick so we grabbed the reusable birthday decorations and went to town decorating her office. She is really shy about stuff like this so that made it special. After work I had dinner with the Bedell's. They have been angels to me. I shared with them some freeware (PixrResizer) to shrink the size of their photos from our trip to France so that they could attach them to an email. They had a nice vegetarian dinner for me. I mentioned how rare it is to find vegetables when you eat out. Sometimes it's a salad or a single broccoli flower. Actually, I haven't really cooked in over a week. Then I went to our ABATE meeting at 7PM. I only stopped at the house long enough to give the dogs a treat and check mail so I'm ridden with guilt of neglect.
Saturday I dog sat for the neighbor and brought Dottie to my house. I went to a presentation at the Illinois State Military museum called "From Cold War to Hot Desert: Army Uniforms and Equipment in Transition". I stopped at the Goodwill on the way home to pick up some more near-new stuffed animals for the ABATE Easter Basket Run. I thought we'd be short with the predicted weather of 5" of snow. On the way home I saw a pickup truck with the snow plow ready. Meanwhile, a motorcycle pulled alongside the truck at the stop light. I went to our final dress rehearsal Passion practice which was scheduled 2 hours before going live. Afterward I went to the grocer to get items needed for lasagna (healthy ingredients). When I got back, the neighbors had gotten their dog from my house we share keys.
I completed three Passion skits at all three Masses. Most famous line "Crucify HIM" Snow was falling. After Mass I went to a pancake breakfast fund raiser. After that I went to the ABATE Easter Basket Run which was more of a procession of cars due to the snow. I went straight to Hope School rather than meeting the other bikers at Kmart and low and behold, I got there just in time to merge with the group as they drove up to the school. Only one motorcycle and that was on the back of a truck.
Previous March snow record high for the month was 9.2" in Mar 19, 1906. We had 12.5" in Chatham and there was 17" in Springfield on Mar 24, 2013. It was heavy and wet snow. Got up early about 4:30 to do some shoveling only to get up later and be plowed in again. I was an hour late to work but the roads were not too bad. The crews did a good job (except for my driveway).
Saturday I dog sat for the neighbor and brought Dottie to my house. I went to a presentation at the Illinois State Military museum called "From Cold War to Hot Desert: Army Uniforms and Equipment in Transition". I stopped at the Goodwill on the way home to pick up some more near-new stuffed animals for the ABATE Easter Basket Run. I thought we'd be short with the predicted weather of 5" of snow. On the way home I saw a pickup truck with the snow plow ready. Meanwhile, a motorcycle pulled alongside the truck at the stop light. I went to our final dress rehearsal Passion practice which was scheduled 2 hours before going live. Afterward I went to the grocer to get items needed for lasagna (healthy ingredients). When I got back, the neighbors had gotten their dog from my house we share keys.
I completed three Passion skits at all three Masses. Most famous line "Crucify HIM" Snow was falling. After Mass I went to a pancake breakfast fund raiser. After that I went to the ABATE Easter Basket Run which was more of a procession of cars due to the snow. I went straight to Hope School rather than meeting the other bikers at Kmart and low and behold, I got there just in time to merge with the group as they drove up to the school. Only one motorcycle and that was on the back of a truck.
Previous March snow record high for the month was 9.2" in Mar 19, 1906. We had 12.5" in Chatham and there was 17" in Springfield on Mar 24, 2013. It was heavy and wet snow. Got up early about 4:30 to do some shoveling only to get up later and be plowed in again. I was an hour late to work but the roads were not too bad. The crews did a good job (except for my driveway).