My dog, Bentley, had surgery in St Louis for a total ear oblation. My son did the transportation. I had credit for 6 months no interest for the fee which is about $2,400. During the prep for surgery, we learned he has moderate heart disease which could affect the amount of anesthesia they give. This will take the pain away but the heart problem may follow in a year or two. He came out of recovery in the evening and my son got a call that things went fine. Hope that when we bring him home, he can rest OK because in addition to having Marley (who is laid back) we are dog sitting for a hyper active Dottie Jack Russell. Dottie pooped in the house within the first half hour.

Wednesday morning I went to a PGR mission for a soldier in Virden, IL. It was real hot and humid. We held a flag line from 8:30 to noon in the shade with a few breaks. This young soldier had 4 children. I just had to drop my own salute to pull my camera out to snap this boy saluting his father's casket coming out of the funeral home. Next to me from the photographer’s position, I stood next to a gold star dad who was in yellow road construction shirt and said he was just passing by and noticed the flags and motorcycles and had to stop and pay his respects. I’d been told Jerry had been lookin’ to see if I was in the crowd. I had just returned from Hardees down the street for a bit of sustenance in all that heat drainage. I squeezed his hand and he welcomed the affection. He told me had not yet gotten the report on his son’s death which has been going on 9 months. I’ve added AmVets volunteer credit hours to our post for Don and myself for supporting this soldier’s funeral.
I finally got my permanent bridge after having ruined a tooth on Thanksgiving Day. I had to have work done little by little and even cross over to another fiscal year for the benefit of insurance.
I learned that the disk needed for my new little motorcycle costs $500 if bought from Yamaha so we are looking for a used part.
Wednesday evening I met with the American Legion riders to discuss our recent poker run. I was pleased to learn that for the youngest chapter in Illinois that our donation to the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund was twice the other chapters.

Friday through late Sunday I was in St Louis attending the Womens Overseas Service League’s biannual convention. Next will be in AZ in 2013. The convention was very well organized. The same hotel held an Army Career convention and ball and a family reunion as well. That would be me on the far left of this picture with the baldric going the wrong direction cuz I put it on while still on the hanger. Duh! Nobody told me so I changed it during the ceremony. This photo has me wearing it proper after the ceremony with fellow members of the Springfield Unit.