If you think you can't afford the commitment of a minimum of one letter each week and one care package each month, there are adoption options:
I cannot reinforce to you how much your support means
to every one of us. Please know that you are
truly making a difference. - LT "J"
Regardless of the challenge, there is no doubt that when patriotic Americans pull together, we can make miracles happen. Would you like to adopt a deployed hero but don't think you can take on the financial responsibility in these challenging times? The need for adopting Angels is huge, and there are options no matter your situation. In some cases, all you need is a single care package item, or even just your packing skills!
Team Up with a Friend -- Whether it's your office mate, best friend, the family next door or a retiree from church, tell someone about Soldiers' Angels and adopting a hero. Together you can split the costs of sending just one care package a month and take turns writing that one letter a week.
Bring a Group Onboard -- Talk to your company about supporting an individual or a unit. Participants can donate a single item for a care package or a couple dollars of postage each month. All you have to do is pack it up! This is a great option for community organizations like sports teams/clubs, churches, youth groups (scouts), schools and Chambers of Commerce. By working through a group, everyone helps as they can and another soldier knows he or she is not forgotten. When you've assembled a group that would like to support an individual hero or a whole unit, email groups@soldiersangels.org for tips and assistance.
Be a Substitute Angel -- Do you know someone who says they're just too busy to adopt a soldier? Offer to do it for them! You can take on the responsibility of writing a weekly letter to your adopted hero while your co-adopter takes just five minutes per month to order pre-made care packages for your hero from the Angels Store.
Short-term Adoption -- Sometimes service members sign up for support just a couple of months before they are scheduled to return. By the time they get to the top of the waiting list, they only need an Angel for about two months before mailstop begins. To adopt one of these heroes for three months or less when available, email special@soldiersangels.org to be placed on the short-timers alert list.
One-time Care Package -- This is a great option if you can't take on the responsibility of long-term support right now. You can have the fun and satisfaction of assembling a great care package whenever you have the opportunity, and all the cooperative suggestions above can apply. To get a hero's address for a one-time care package, email sacorporate@soldiersangels.org.
With each person doing what they can, we will all ensure that "No Soldier Go Unloved." Let's pull together and get these 1300 waiting heroes adopted!
You have no idea what effect you have on a soldier
who receives something in the mail from a complete stranger
who is willing to give. - SPC James