After church, I put shorts and tee on for the state fair. Free to veterans today.
Frank said "What? No riding today?" I haven't worn shorts in a long time. It was hot so I drove, even parked for free blocks away. What a cheap skate I am! Even the lunch was free to veterans compliments of the Mayor of Springfield.
It was hot - 99 degrees. Even my neck cooler needed refreshed. Someone left a cup of ice from a lemon shake up on a chair so I dunked my neck cooler in it. The heat kept the crowd down
I saw the Marine Silent Drill Team. I hugged 2 marines today. Asked each if I could hug a marine and was given the "Yes Mam" routine. The routine was very professional and touching to see such discipline.
Families of Eisenhauer, Garbs, Belchik (who died in
Bumped into Grace and Jean, local WOSL
(I'm a member but the older ladies have more free time for events and such like
I wanted to stay longer for the 4pm parade but left at 3 because of the heat and went shopping in AC stores instead. Got a memory foam mattress pad for a better night's sleep. Getting ready to try it soon.